Redefining women from a sex class to a mixed-sex class based on male sexual projections reifies sex-role stereotypes and requires actual women and girls to dissociate body and mind.
I was gob-smacked to discover a new word in this article -- reify -- that in all my 71 years I had never heard or used, and it is a fabulous word! I feel like such an idiot. How could I have missed it?
I'm not sure what "sissy-porn" is, so I don't fully understand the article. The word "sissy" is usually used for effeminate men. One thing I HAVE noticed is that the transgender phenomenon has created a new category of porn actor: the trans woman who decides to keep her male genitals and to put them on display along with her artificial breasts. Being gay, I usually look at porn that has all men in it (in which there is not a huge amount of sexism, thank God). But I am increasingly seeing images of the type of trans woman that I just described -- half woman and half man, or what used to be called a "femmy boy" back in the early days of transgenderism. This has actually become another reason for me to resent trans women -- they are invading gay porn, which heretofore was untouched by the trans phenomenon. Officially, these porn actors are males because they have male genitals, but their glamorous faces and fulsome breasts make them some kind of strange hybrid that I am unable to find attractive.
One thing I find curious is this: Supposedly trans women hate to be reminded of the fact that they are biological males. But if you are a porn actor who is putting both your breasts AND your male genitals on display, wouldn't that be an obvious reminder of your biological maleness? I suppose that there are some trans women who don't hate their male genitals, as most of them seem to.
Modern medicine is gradually turning the world into a freak show. It's true that plastic surgery can repair deformities, and that's great. But then we got the phenomenon of strange-looking people who had excessive or poor-quality plastic surgery. We also got such things as Dolly Parton's breasts (now imitated by Wendy Williams). Then there was that craze in which people of color were having their buttocks enlarged. And now medical science is giving us tall women with masculine faces (trans women) and small men with boyish faces (trans men). Some of the trans women are going in for facial feminization surgery, but there is always a residual maleness to their faces.
And now we have these hermaphrodites with both female and male body parts.
I find myself questioning everything I see. If I see a tall woman with a handsome face, I immediately wonder if she is a trans woman. Even worse, I will sometimes find myself attracted to a small, cute man (I've been attracted to small men all my life), only to realize that I may be looking at a trans man. I have nightmares about going to bed with a cute young man and finding a vagina in his pants. (No, Chase Strangio is not cute to me.)
I won't look it up. Let there be just one corner of my mind which has not been polluted. My only question is, there really is nothing "forced" about the feminization, right? The men are being feminized voluntarily, no? If it's being done by a woman, they may be cooperating in order to have some interaction with a woman (I'm guessing).
It's also called Sissy Hypno Porn. They are videos, or sometimes just sound recordings, that sprang from ASMR. ASMR videos and recordings, popular with Gen Z, are supposed to sooth by presenting repetitive sounds of minute actions, for example someone chewing or brushing their hair. From what I've read, in the sissy hypno porn videos, men are hypnotized and then commanded to do sexual things that are debasing and exciting for them, while the narrator says things like "Good girl." I've read that the hypnosis techniques in the videos were used in gay-to-straight conversion therapy in the past. I've also read that the videos tell them to wear women's underwear and take HRT. I'm too creeped out to actually watch one.
'forced feminzation' is a kink fantasy category eg: you have lost your luggage and 'must' simply wear these clothes, or you are caught crossdressing and blackmailed into full transformation/servitude etc - lots of short story erotica online in this category., literotica,, etc
“Reify” is indeed a great word, one I find myself using frequently these days when describing what the genderists (as I call them) are doing with gender roles, which for a hundred years at least feminists have rejected as rigid and sexist.
“Sissy porn,” if you’d like to know, is a type of a pornography in which a man watches masculine men become “sissies,” usually through “forced feminization” (someone else “sissifies” then by making them dress and act feminine or even medically change their bodies to appear more like a woman’s; they are “f***ed like a female” once they’ve been “feminized”). The most popular type of sissy porn is called “sissy hypno” and uses actual hypnosis techniques to induce a desire for feminization in a man. Many men have confessed or indicated that sissy porn played a role in deciding they were women, such as Andrea Long Chu, who thinks women are sexual holes to be filled and blank eyes, and who said “sissy porn did make me trans.” Well-known trans people just as Grace Lavery are famous for teaching sissy porn in universities, as if it’s something wonderful and revolutionary rather than alarming and deeply misogynistic.
Genevieve Gluck on Women’s Voices Substack has done a deep dive into the mentality of these men, and it isn’t pretty.
Sorry to hear about your nightmares! I agree that this movement is causing confusion and distress in a lot of people unnecessarily and thus leading to distrust that others are who they say they are and suspicion and even stigmatizing of the naturally gender nonconforming.
So you are saying that "sissy porn" -- in which men are feminized -- is watched by MEN? If so, that would make sissy porn a kind of gay porn. But you know, I have never seen anything like that. Now in typical gay porn, there is a top and a bottom, but that's only because there must be a top and a bottom in order for there to be intercourse.
If this is gay porn, it seems to me that I should have seen it in my travels among porn sites. I might as well tell you that I am a visual person, and at 71, my sex life consists of me jerking off while I look at porn. I'm confessing this because, frankly, I think this is where a lot of old people end up (i.e., looking at porn). The porn I prefer is the type in which the partners seem happy in their top/bottom roles and aren't humiliating each other. Still, if sissy port is a type of gay porn, I should have encountered it before. Are there any women actors in sissy porn?
Sissy porn is neither gay nor straight porn. It is porn for heterosexual men with a paraphilia. Many times the person doing the “sissifying” is a real woman, as this is often seen as very exciting and a part of the fetish. It might also be a man, or another man in drag, but not uncommon for it to be a woman. Sissy porn is directed toward heterosexual men. The hope is not to make them gay but pseudo-bisexual (will bottom for another male to show how they’re “women”), though most heterosexual men who go down the sissification route, though they may have sex with men to “prove” their womanhood on occasion, identify as lesbians (which is to say, straight men pretending to be women).
Essentially, they’re trying to induce autogynephilia in heterosexual men who watch these videos. To me, the nature of this porn lays bare how so many autogynephilic men really look at women. These men make up the majority of men transitioning and calling themselves women today, regardless if sissy porn plays a role or not.
There’s a huge number of men into “gynandropmorphophilia,” too, whom trans women both homosexual and heterosexual call “chasers.” The GAMP paraphilia often overlaps with autogynephilia, which also explains the popularity of “sissy porn” among some of these supposedly straight men. It’s an attraction to a body that looks female with breasts, but has a penis and testicles. I too find this very unattractive, like you, but it’s extremely popular among some men.
Evidence indicates that men with GAMP are otherwise heterosexual and so are men with autogynephelia, which is why they call the whole part where they like penises or have sex with other men “pseudo-bisexuality.” I actually think GAMPs are obviously bisexual- otherwise, they wouldn’t be into penis in any way, shape or form- while some autogynephiles just desire validation of their “womanhood” and will have homosexual sex for that reason.
Remember we’re talking hypnosis videos meant to encourage or even inflict these paraphilias onto any male viewer, gay or straight (they are mostly straight). There’s nothing healthy about this form of porn. It’s extremely degrading to women, and seems to induce heterosexual men to transition into sexualized caricatures of weak submissive females.
Oh, and the images used in the hypnosis- the images of the “ideal girl” the man will supposedly morph into- are all of gorgeous women, real, female women. Those are never men.
incorrect - you might have sissyporn with 2 trannies & a milf, or 1 tranny, 1 straight guy and a natal female, 2 trannies and a woman, a pre-op and a post-op - i've seen it all.
the algorithms on pornsites detect you focussing on certain scenarios/search-terms and will try clickbaiting you on your searches with some tranny-porn. you click in and you realise (if you are borderline-AGP, AGP-curious, or wearing your sister's panties while trawling sites) "wow, that's what i focus on when i climax - i become the object of desire and centre of lust - my horrible hairy body cannot be a source of desire - the smooth female form with all its possibilities and boundless pleasure (and othe nonsense researched by your curriosities) is what i should be. i am bad at sports, i have skinny arms, i am small and geeky' and down the rabbit hole you go
It sounds like such a fringe activity that I wonder why we are talking about it -- except that I suppose it exposes male attitudes that affect women in some way. Could sissy porn be a psychological cauldron that produces rapists? It would seem not since the male is being humiliated.
One crime show I watched was about a rapist who, it turned out, was a bottom in gay porn, so maybe there's something to that.
I think you're not understanding, Caleb. Sissy porn is *extremely sexist*. There is an overlap with "bimbofication." They see women as a collection of holes to serve men, as ditzy bimbo creatures whose only job is to titter and open their legs or present their arses. Despite focusing on a man, this is one of the most blatantly misogynistic porn genres there is.
And sissy hypno porn's goal is to *make straight men want to transition*. It either encourages latent autogynephilia or induces it, making it very dangerous indeed. Psychologists evaluating it have remarked on the professionalism of the hypnosis itself, and how well-done it is.
I think a pornography designed to turn heterosexual men into trans women acting out an extremely misogynist sexual fantasy is worth discussing when it comes to the whole gender identity movement, isn't it? Both the danger to the men exposed to this being coached to blow up their whole lives, get surgeries, go on hormones, declare themselves women, etc., to the dangers presented to women of such men calling themselves women and *demanding into women's spaces*. That "sissified males"- men who have a sexual fetish for pretending to be stupid, sexualized caricatures of females- are *not women* and that it's the height of misogyny to pretend they are should go without saying. To be forced by law to pretend these men are women, and to allow these heterosexual men with a fetish into our spaces and sports is *extremely dangerous.*
There is a huge overlap between autogynephilia and sissification fetishes and other fetishes, for example, voyeurism, exhibitionism, frotterism, pedophilia, biastophilia, nappy fetishism, etc. Fully 60% of "trans women" in UK prisons are there for sexual offenses *mainly against women and girls*, as opposed to 18% of other men, and less than 1% of women.
"Sissy hypno" and other videos within the "tr*nny" genre (BDSM, diaper fetishism, bestiality) *encourage these paraphilias in men*, whether we're talking men with latent curiosity which they should be suppressing, or completely normal men who are going down the rabbit hole of porn, as porn is a dangerous drug in itself, which conditions its user always to seek more extreme material to get a greater higher. Encouraging paraphilias in men and sending said men into women's spaces is a really good way to endanger women and girls.
well said Morrigan. Tranny porn searches are now approaching 5% of all searches and pornsites are now prompting users for the choice between 'straight' 'gay' 'trans' .
Caleb, this is *not* a fringe activity.
In 2021, 'trans' searches grew by 141% with views of the category up by 23%.
Please don't cite the 'evidence' from a television crime show regarding deviancy and rape.
Sissy porn is not gay porn in the sense that it is targeted at straight men; the point is to identify with the person being "feminized". It is only gay porn in the sense that it usually involves two males. (Sometimes it is a (cis) woman doing the feminizing.)
As with pretty much any porn, it's not advisable to go look at it unless it is something you're specifically interested in. If you really want to know more about it, however, Andrea Long Chu's book FEMALES (which Eliza links to in the post (with what I think are rather unfair, out-of-context quotes, but that's a longer conversation)) contains a good verbal description of it (along with much else).
Unfair out of context quotes? What would makes these quotes fair and in context? How are they in any way defensible? Chu’s entire book is a treatise on sissy porn and autogynephelia in which he posits that it’s a base form of sexuality for anyone to desire to be female because females are what sex is. That’s pretty much the thesis of the book, and there’s amount of context that is ever going to rescue it from its hideous sexism.
I missed this comment. On the off chance you're still interested, here is an example. Chu is often cited as saying that "femaleness" is "an open mouth, an expectant asshole, blank, blank eyes." Even aside from the fact that Chu is (with deliberate provocation) defining "female" in a way that includes *all* human beings—which definitely changes the context of anything she says about it—that sentence is simply out of context: Chu isn't saying that "femaleness" is "an open mouth, an expectant asshole, blank, blank eyes.". Rather, she is saying that *the message of sissy porn*—about which she is clearly ambivalent, not whole-heartedly supportive—is that that is what being female is. (More particularly, sissy porn in the gif format.)
As for the book's thesis, I would say that the thesis of the book is that we are all constructed, against our will, by desire, and that both our own desire and others' desires shape us without our say-so. I don't think that that is a sexist claim. As for calling it "femaleness"—well, I don't think it was right or a good rhetorical move, but to claim that she is saying that that was femaleness is (in the sense that most people, rather than she, uses the term) is simply incorrect.
I wish you could have said all this without going out of your way to name check specific women. Trust me, saying "strange looking people with excessive plastic surgery" was more than enough for all of us to immediately conjure up our own mental imagery, we didn't need the callout "like HER, yes, THAT one" tacked on.
These are public figures, so I am not offering up an apology. The "excessive or poor-quality plastic surgery" comment wasn't directed at women who get over-sized breasts; it was directed at people who get their face operated on so many times that they stop looking human. I actually admire Dolly Parton -- she is an excellent songwriter and a compassionate person with good political views -- but I have a picture of her before the breast enlargements, and I wish that she had realized back then that she didn't need to change herself. "Dolly, we would have loved you if you had remained a D-cup and not gone up to a Z-cup." I also liked Wendy Williams enough to watch her show for a while. But you are right. Naming names wasn't really necessary.
I wasn't asking for an apology, merely pointing out that your statement, and if I'm being fully honest, this reply, strikes me in a way that you may not have realized when you made it. I appreciate your time in replying.
You haven't been clear on why you are criticizing me. However, with women generally under attack by both men and trans people, perhaps singling out specific women to criticize isn't a good idea, especially since they have a right to alter their bodies as they please.
Your “half-and-halfs” aren’t a new phenomenon, you just missed them because (as now, apparently) they were marketed to straight men -- the Raymond empire (Club, etc) brought a spate of them to news stand top shelves in the late 70s/early 80s. No idea how long that lasted into the interim years. The sales term at the time was “shemale”.
Brilliantly expressed. Reading about girlhood and womanhood being redefined in ways that make no sense to girls and women, I had a vague sense that this reminded me of something. Then I remembered. Reading classic male authors (Dickens, Melville, Shakespeare and others) in my late teens I'd be swept up in the wonderful wordsmithing and storytelling. Until I hit an unpleasant wall--I was reading along completely immersed, looking at life through the eyes of a male character who would describe a female character in two dimensional terms that I, an actual female, could not relate to. It was disorienting and disturbing, because I was in a relationship of trust with the writer. "If THAT is a woman, then who am I?" I'd wonder. Even--maybe especially--when the woman was deified as a goddess it was disturbing and knocked me right out of the story. As a human being with human problems and aspirations, I related to Pip. As a woman, I did not relate to Estella. I did not have this experience when reading female authors. I am glad I had access to those great writers--but I took a break from male writers for a few years. No, of course it's not all men who do this to women in response to a comment. But it seems to me that the sissy porn definition of women is just a new and ugly twist on a very old theme. At least I still think Dickens is a great writer.
Ms. Chu's writing is doing a lot of heavy lifting in this essay. She's just one trans activist. She's a convenient straw....(person?) for your argument but is it an accurate assessment of the movement's motivations as a whole?
It's pervasive. Check out the Reddit forums for MTFs -- how did they 'know' they were women? What makes them feel 'girly' (and somehow it's almost always girly, even if we're talking about middle-aged adults)? Why do they fetishize female experiences by faking periods or even pregnancies (and even crashing pregnancy-loss forums)?
I do think autogynephilia is a major driver of the form trans activism takes. That's why sex difference can never be acknowledged (punctures the fantasy). That's why all the vitriol is directed at peaceful but dissenting women, rather than the violent males who actually kill trans-identifying people. That's why the nonsense claims proliferate (I'm biologically female because my altered birth certificate says so), rather than the more reasonable line of "I'm a male person who feels more comfortable presenting this way."
I miss the author of this piece -- not sure where she went off to -- but think about it a lot:
And I've had a lot of conversations with young female desisters and detransitioners who talk about how being exposed to men who identify as women and who play-act being a woman by being dumb, ditsy, incompetent, etc., strongly contributed to their trans identification.
e.g., Carey Callahan: "For me this is the crux of the “what relationship can detrans women have to the trans community” issue. It would be psychologically harmful for me to be around someone getting off on playing “dumb bitch.” So I can’t expect any other female to put herself around that either. “ strange how the very things that make me NOT want to be a woman are what makes those people WANT to be one... And since Andrea Long Chu has been celebrated for clarifying that his trans identity is absolutely about masochism, can us females please stop being expected to ignore what he is selling books shouting? the bimbofication thing is so appalling to me- really makes me think of how the tw I knew CONSTANTLY called themself a "clumsy bitch" or "dumb slut" or other misogynistic things in a "cutesy" way"
I can tell you think that the AGP is the skeleton key here and you will pick your sources to prove that point. I see the AGP community (if it could be described as such) as adjacent to but not central in promulgating trans ideology. Rooting around Reddit may yield some great pull quotes but drawing conclusions based on that sampling could lead you into some unfruitful cul-de-sacs. I would caution you to avoid a one-size-fits-all answer.
It's not a one-size-fits-all answer. It's a "this explains some features of trans activism that don't make sense otherwise." I think there's a lot going on with trans and not looking for a simple story.
So 90% of trans “women,” and the people funding the movement as well, aren’t “central” to it? Where do you think all the personality-disordered people enforcing its cultish and totalitarian aspects come from? Homosexual transsexuals?
The role of autogynphelia and its close relationship to narcissism and to other forms of paraphilia cannot be overstated when it comes to examining the current destructive and deeply misogynistic face of this movement.
nicely put - but the taxonomy of natal-male gender-related paraphilias has more branches than outlined here. The venn diagram becomes quickly complex. There are straight, g@y, bi, bi-curious, repressed-g@y natal-men, there are transvestites, crossdressers, HPWs, hoarders, AGPs, 'Arnold Layne's, underw€@r fetishists, fembois, ladyboys, sh€males, pre-op trannies, chicks-with-d!cks, TV/TS/Tx who want to get it on with other TV/TS/Txs, 'Admirers' who are often 'straight' or were thus, or are 'bi-curious'. I could go on. As an ex-paraphile, longtime member of TVchix (now left), recovering AGP and now father of a ROGD daughter this whole thing has come crashing down on my secret life and I am now in therapy and finally honest with my wife.
Sissy-hypno is a very dangerous medium - deeply misogynistic ('you want to be a stupid blonde bimbo, you live to serve men, ...' etc etc. seductive voiceovers with kaleidoscopic graphics interspersed with soft/hard porn, fashion shots, glossed lips, etc. Some of it is very well produced, money is being spent somewhere - and there are sissy hypnos freely available on apple podcasts with no 'adult content' warning.
Eliza, you are amazing btw. Stuff I read in here is helping me make sense of my mostly wasted, mostly unhappy, closeted life.
Porn is a big part of it all, both in channelling shy boys towards effeminacy, and inducing disgust in adolescent girls about their own bodies, about men, and with enormous justification, about the revolting hypocrisy of the 'free world' and the unending exploitation of their sisterhood. But men are exploited too - we are made to take more notice of one product over another because of the alluring model in the advertising content. we are lured to 'risque' material, 'adult' material, 'hardcore' material, the narratives therein reinforcing our incipient self-knowledge of being inadequates.
Of course, but I'm talking about trans women. Ray Blanchard has estimated around 90% these days fall into the AGP camp, since transgenderism officially broadened its net to include transvestites; he estimated them at around 75% of those requesting medical transition of some sort (sometimes only breast blants, sometimes SRS) when he was doing his research. Nowadays, the vast majority- a similar percentage- may grow breasts or get breasts implants but do no other surgery. They retain their penises and testicles, which actually makes sense, since their sex drive is the source of their desire to be women.
It's men with autogynephilia who have a high chance of having NPD or another paraphilia. However, I don't know about studies of PDs being done on women who identify as trans; maybe there's also more likelihood there. In general, mental illness is absolutely rife in this crowd (and I say this as someone with a neurodevelopmental disorder which sometimes entails anxiety and depression, too, and as someone with C-PTSD). And cults and regimes make everyone crazy in the sense that they make people behave in ways they wouldn't on their own.
Nonetheless, I believe the people who are going after others for saying no, often going to great lengths, are mainly personality-disordered men. Having known quite a few narcissists, their reaction is classical narcissistic rage due to narcissistic injury. This also explains why they cannot accept that they are male, and decide to be "trans women." The ruination of the identity fantasy causes them narcissistic injury. The feel the person who doesn't agree they're women is trying to attack the core of their being, and they go after that person to destroy them in kind.
It's certainly *not* homosexual transsexuals (for the most part) being so unreasonable. It's these raging narcissists, who are mostly straight men with autogynephilia.
I beg apology on our collective part, but we have been unwittingly duped, turned, morphed by the machinery of media and our misdirected desires. "forgive them; for they know not what they do"
From what I read from a Twitter man aroused by male transexuals (gyneandromorphophiles) they are attracted to imaginary female images morphed from male bodies (sometimes their own if they have autogynephilia). So they are indeed different from average gay/bisexual men who are attracted to men's actual bodies. I was a very artistic young gay male painter and a married male neighbor asked me one day if I could paint my face as "a woman does" for him in my bedroom. Looking back, I think that man might have been a gyneandromorphophile. I'm glad I ran from him because a lot of this feminization thing is to view femininity as humiliation for sexual pleasure.
'if you are a bi-curious/straight male, the advantages of hooking up with a Tx are:
They have fewer headaches; there is no wrong time of the month; they are always horny; they can't fake an orgasm; they know *exactly* how to give good head and they always swallow'
freely available on apple podcasts as an audiostream, also abundant on youtube, pornhub, xhamster, xnxx, spankbag, xvideos, ashemaletube, redtube, etc etc etc and even imdb & instagram
just google "Sienna Grace", "Korra del Rio", "Natalie Mars", "Ella Hollywood"
google might tell you there is explicit/adult content ahead, but you can just click-through.
At one point thay made it so you couldnt click-through if you were anonymously browsing, but they relaxed that
Eliza, I'm checking out. Maybe you don't care about one free subscriber, but I'm tired of your writing about "men" as if they are the enemy. They are not. Normal men (yes, they exist) are sickened by this. They are new to the issue and most of them react in disbelief. That is normal, too. But some of them are speaking out, and the reaction by feminists is to want to exclude them instead of recognizing them as allies.
Who are our enemies? Crazy, sick men are our enemy - and the women like Macy Gray, who flagellate themselves publicly for telling the truth, are our enemy. But you keep generalizing about "men" and I'm tired of that. I hope you can come to a place where you see that. Best to you.
She isn’t describing all men. I suppose she could have repeatedly put in that qualifier explicitly but that is not her obligation. Let the “normal” men themselves distinguish themselves. This is what women must do as well- distinguish ourselves from Macy Gray, etc.
I'm not describing all men, which I think is pretty clear, and I wouldn’t have any interest in describing all men in those terms. I'm talking about a subset of men identifying as women, who've shown the rest of us a lot about themselves by disregarding women's boundaries and who are trying to redefine women in line with the most degrading stereotypes.
My young adult son is one of these men, newly indoctrinated and medically transitioning. I see him as a misogynist and narcissist, but I also see him as a victim. Low self-esteem, lack of real-world connections, mental illness (anxiety, OCD, ADHD, maybe undiagnosed ASD), and inadequate parental supervision all played a role in his evolution. I'm sure he's been exposed to sissy porn, to hentai, and to the nonsensical gibberish of the TRA. At around age 12, he withdrew into himself. He became vicious, but also seemed terribly lonely, and his dad and I tiptoed around him for years, afraid of incurring his wrath or adding to his distress. My question is who benefits from this? Certainly big pharma. What other interests are behind the sissification push?
in your text, the following phrases use the word 'normal':
"Normal men" and
"... react in disbelief. That is normal, too" .
May I point out that it is normal for most normal men to have their first sexual experience via pornography - are you accepting of this normalcy?
"Normal: mid 17th century (in the sense ‘right-angled’): from Latin normalis, from norma ‘carpenter's square’ (see norm). Current senses date from the early 19th century."
I was gob-smacked to discover a new word in this article -- reify -- that in all my 71 years I had never heard or used, and it is a fabulous word! I feel like such an idiot. How could I have missed it?
I'm not sure what "sissy-porn" is, so I don't fully understand the article. The word "sissy" is usually used for effeminate men. One thing I HAVE noticed is that the transgender phenomenon has created a new category of porn actor: the trans woman who decides to keep her male genitals and to put them on display along with her artificial breasts. Being gay, I usually look at porn that has all men in it (in which there is not a huge amount of sexism, thank God). But I am increasingly seeing images of the type of trans woman that I just described -- half woman and half man, or what used to be called a "femmy boy" back in the early days of transgenderism. This has actually become another reason for me to resent trans women -- they are invading gay porn, which heretofore was untouched by the trans phenomenon. Officially, these porn actors are males because they have male genitals, but their glamorous faces and fulsome breasts make them some kind of strange hybrid that I am unable to find attractive.
One thing I find curious is this: Supposedly trans women hate to be reminded of the fact that they are biological males. But if you are a porn actor who is putting both your breasts AND your male genitals on display, wouldn't that be an obvious reminder of your biological maleness? I suppose that there are some trans women who don't hate their male genitals, as most of them seem to.
Modern medicine is gradually turning the world into a freak show. It's true that plastic surgery can repair deformities, and that's great. But then we got the phenomenon of strange-looking people who had excessive or poor-quality plastic surgery. We also got such things as Dolly Parton's breasts (now imitated by Wendy Williams). Then there was that craze in which people of color were having their buttocks enlarged. And now medical science is giving us tall women with masculine faces (trans women) and small men with boyish faces (trans men). Some of the trans women are going in for facial feminization surgery, but there is always a residual maleness to their faces.
And now we have these hermaphrodites with both female and male body parts.
I find myself questioning everything I see. If I see a tall woman with a handsome face, I immediately wonder if she is a trans woman. Even worse, I will sometimes find myself attracted to a small, cute man (I've been attracted to small men all my life), only to realize that I may be looking at a trans man. I have nightmares about going to bed with a cute young man and finding a vagina in his pants. (No, Chase Strangio is not cute to me.)
I would not recommend looking it up. It's about forced feminization targeting straight males.
Like Caleb, I was never really sure what 'Sissy-Porn' is.
And having read a little about it on here, I have no desire or intention of seeking it out.
Sometimes, I am happy being of a generation who grew up before the world got pornified.
I won't look it up. Let there be just one corner of my mind which has not been polluted. My only question is, there really is nothing "forced" about the feminization, right? The men are being feminized voluntarily, no? If it's being done by a woman, they may be cooperating in order to have some interaction with a woman (I'm guessing).
It's also called Sissy Hypno Porn. They are videos, or sometimes just sound recordings, that sprang from ASMR. ASMR videos and recordings, popular with Gen Z, are supposed to sooth by presenting repetitive sounds of minute actions, for example someone chewing or brushing their hair. From what I've read, in the sissy hypno porn videos, men are hypnotized and then commanded to do sexual things that are debasing and exciting for them, while the narrator says things like "Good girl." I've read that the hypnosis techniques in the videos were used in gay-to-straight conversion therapy in the past. I've also read that the videos tell them to wear women's underwear and take HRT. I'm too creeped out to actually watch one.
'forced feminzation' is a kink fantasy category eg: you have lost your luggage and 'must' simply wear these clothes, or you are caught crossdressing and blackmailed into full transformation/servitude etc - lots of short story erotica online in this category., literotica,, etc
“Reify” is indeed a great word, one I find myself using frequently these days when describing what the genderists (as I call them) are doing with gender roles, which for a hundred years at least feminists have rejected as rigid and sexist.
“Sissy porn,” if you’d like to know, is a type of a pornography in which a man watches masculine men become “sissies,” usually through “forced feminization” (someone else “sissifies” then by making them dress and act feminine or even medically change their bodies to appear more like a woman’s; they are “f***ed like a female” once they’ve been “feminized”). The most popular type of sissy porn is called “sissy hypno” and uses actual hypnosis techniques to induce a desire for feminization in a man. Many men have confessed or indicated that sissy porn played a role in deciding they were women, such as Andrea Long Chu, who thinks women are sexual holes to be filled and blank eyes, and who said “sissy porn did make me trans.” Well-known trans people just as Grace Lavery are famous for teaching sissy porn in universities, as if it’s something wonderful and revolutionary rather than alarming and deeply misogynistic.
Genevieve Gluck on Women’s Voices Substack has done a deep dive into the mentality of these men, and it isn’t pretty.
Sorry to hear about your nightmares! I agree that this movement is causing confusion and distress in a lot of people unnecessarily and thus leading to distrust that others are who they say they are and suspicion and even stigmatizing of the naturally gender nonconforming.
Oh my, this is all new to me.
So you are saying that "sissy porn" -- in which men are feminized -- is watched by MEN? If so, that would make sissy porn a kind of gay porn. But you know, I have never seen anything like that. Now in typical gay porn, there is a top and a bottom, but that's only because there must be a top and a bottom in order for there to be intercourse.
If this is gay porn, it seems to me that I should have seen it in my travels among porn sites. I might as well tell you that I am a visual person, and at 71, my sex life consists of me jerking off while I look at porn. I'm confessing this because, frankly, I think this is where a lot of old people end up (i.e., looking at porn). The porn I prefer is the type in which the partners seem happy in their top/bottom roles and aren't humiliating each other. Still, if sissy port is a type of gay porn, I should have encountered it before. Are there any women actors in sissy porn?
Sissy porn is neither gay nor straight porn. It is porn for heterosexual men with a paraphilia. Many times the person doing the “sissifying” is a real woman, as this is often seen as very exciting and a part of the fetish. It might also be a man, or another man in drag, but not uncommon for it to be a woman. Sissy porn is directed toward heterosexual men. The hope is not to make them gay but pseudo-bisexual (will bottom for another male to show how they’re “women”), though most heterosexual men who go down the sissification route, though they may have sex with men to “prove” their womanhood on occasion, identify as lesbians (which is to say, straight men pretending to be women).
Essentially, they’re trying to induce autogynephilia in heterosexual men who watch these videos. To me, the nature of this porn lays bare how so many autogynephilic men really look at women. These men make up the majority of men transitioning and calling themselves women today, regardless if sissy porn plays a role or not.
There’s a huge number of men into “gynandropmorphophilia,” too, whom trans women both homosexual and heterosexual call “chasers.” The GAMP paraphilia often overlaps with autogynephilia, which also explains the popularity of “sissy porn” among some of these supposedly straight men. It’s an attraction to a body that looks female with breasts, but has a penis and testicles. I too find this very unattractive, like you, but it’s extremely popular among some men.
Evidence indicates that men with GAMP are otherwise heterosexual and so are men with autogynephelia, which is why they call the whole part where they like penises or have sex with other men “pseudo-bisexuality.” I actually think GAMPs are obviously bisexual- otherwise, they wouldn’t be into penis in any way, shape or form- while some autogynephiles just desire validation of their “womanhood” and will have homosexual sex for that reason.
Remember we’re talking hypnosis videos meant to encourage or even inflict these paraphilias onto any male viewer, gay or straight (they are mostly straight). There’s nothing healthy about this form of porn. It’s extremely degrading to women, and seems to induce heterosexual men to transition into sexualized caricatures of weak submissive females.
Oh, and the images used in the hypnosis- the images of the “ideal girl” the man will supposedly morph into- are all of gorgeous women, real, female women. Those are never men.
gamp aka admirers
incorrect - you might have sissyporn with 2 trannies & a milf, or 1 tranny, 1 straight guy and a natal female, 2 trannies and a woman, a pre-op and a post-op - i've seen it all.
the algorithms on pornsites detect you focussing on certain scenarios/search-terms and will try clickbaiting you on your searches with some tranny-porn. you click in and you realise (if you are borderline-AGP, AGP-curious, or wearing your sister's panties while trawling sites) "wow, that's what i focus on when i climax - i become the object of desire and centre of lust - my horrible hairy body cannot be a source of desire - the smooth female form with all its possibilities and boundless pleasure (and othe nonsense researched by your curriosities) is what i should be. i am bad at sports, i have skinny arms, i am small and geeky' and down the rabbit hole you go
Nona, I love how frank you are about all this stuff. It's horrible but funny. Thank you!
It sounds like such a fringe activity that I wonder why we are talking about it -- except that I suppose it exposes male attitudes that affect women in some way. Could sissy porn be a psychological cauldron that produces rapists? It would seem not since the male is being humiliated.
One crime show I watched was about a rapist who, it turned out, was a bottom in gay porn, so maybe there's something to that.
I think you're not understanding, Caleb. Sissy porn is *extremely sexist*. There is an overlap with "bimbofication." They see women as a collection of holes to serve men, as ditzy bimbo creatures whose only job is to titter and open their legs or present their arses. Despite focusing on a man, this is one of the most blatantly misogynistic porn genres there is.
And sissy hypno porn's goal is to *make straight men want to transition*. It either encourages latent autogynephilia or induces it, making it very dangerous indeed. Psychologists evaluating it have remarked on the professionalism of the hypnosis itself, and how well-done it is.
I think a pornography designed to turn heterosexual men into trans women acting out an extremely misogynist sexual fantasy is worth discussing when it comes to the whole gender identity movement, isn't it? Both the danger to the men exposed to this being coached to blow up their whole lives, get surgeries, go on hormones, declare themselves women, etc., to the dangers presented to women of such men calling themselves women and *demanding into women's spaces*. That "sissified males"- men who have a sexual fetish for pretending to be stupid, sexualized caricatures of females- are *not women* and that it's the height of misogyny to pretend they are should go without saying. To be forced by law to pretend these men are women, and to allow these heterosexual men with a fetish into our spaces and sports is *extremely dangerous.*
There is a huge overlap between autogynephilia and sissification fetishes and other fetishes, for example, voyeurism, exhibitionism, frotterism, pedophilia, biastophilia, nappy fetishism, etc. Fully 60% of "trans women" in UK prisons are there for sexual offenses *mainly against women and girls*, as opposed to 18% of other men, and less than 1% of women.
"Sissy hypno" and other videos within the "tr*nny" genre (BDSM, diaper fetishism, bestiality) *encourage these paraphilias in men*, whether we're talking men with latent curiosity which they should be suppressing, or completely normal men who are going down the rabbit hole of porn, as porn is a dangerous drug in itself, which conditions its user always to seek more extreme material to get a greater higher. Encouraging paraphilias in men and sending said men into women's spaces is a really good way to endanger women and girls.
Do you understand why this is important yet?
All true, and so many of the men who get sucked into this are teens or young adults who may have gradually gotten there from gaming sites.
well said Morrigan. Tranny porn searches are now approaching 5% of all searches and pornsites are now prompting users for the choice between 'straight' 'gay' 'trans' .
Caleb, this is *not* a fringe activity.
In 2021, 'trans' searches grew by 141% with views of the category up by 23%.
Please don't cite the 'evidence' from a television crime show regarding deviancy and rape.
check out
as well as the pornsites' own numbers - they keep really good stats, and publish them!
*a greater high
Sissy porn is not gay porn in the sense that it is targeted at straight men; the point is to identify with the person being "feminized". It is only gay porn in the sense that it usually involves two males. (Sometimes it is a (cis) woman doing the feminizing.)
As with pretty much any porn, it's not advisable to go look at it unless it is something you're specifically interested in. If you really want to know more about it, however, Andrea Long Chu's book FEMALES (which Eliza links to in the post (with what I think are rather unfair, out-of-context quotes, but that's a longer conversation)) contains a good verbal description of it (along with much else).
Unfair out of context quotes? What would makes these quotes fair and in context? How are they in any way defensible? Chu’s entire book is a treatise on sissy porn and autogynephelia in which he posits that it’s a base form of sexuality for anyone to desire to be female because females are what sex is. That’s pretty much the thesis of the book, and there’s amount of context that is ever going to rescue it from its hideous sexism.
I missed this comment. On the off chance you're still interested, here is an example. Chu is often cited as saying that "femaleness" is "an open mouth, an expectant asshole, blank, blank eyes." Even aside from the fact that Chu is (with deliberate provocation) defining "female" in a way that includes *all* human beings—which definitely changes the context of anything she says about it—that sentence is simply out of context: Chu isn't saying that "femaleness" is "an open mouth, an expectant asshole, blank, blank eyes.". Rather, she is saying that *the message of sissy porn*—about which she is clearly ambivalent, not whole-heartedly supportive—is that that is what being female is. (More particularly, sissy porn in the gif format.)
As for the book's thesis, I would say that the thesis of the book is that we are all constructed, against our will, by desire, and that both our own desire and others' desires shape us without our say-so. I don't think that that is a sexist claim. As for calling it "femaleness"—well, I don't think it was right or a good rhetorical move, but to claim that she is saying that that was femaleness is (in the sense that most people, rather than she, uses the term) is simply incorrect.
I wish you could have said all this without going out of your way to name check specific women. Trust me, saying "strange looking people with excessive plastic surgery" was more than enough for all of us to immediately conjure up our own mental imagery, we didn't need the callout "like HER, yes, THAT one" tacked on.
These are public figures, so I am not offering up an apology. The "excessive or poor-quality plastic surgery" comment wasn't directed at women who get over-sized breasts; it was directed at people who get their face operated on so many times that they stop looking human. I actually admire Dolly Parton -- she is an excellent songwriter and a compassionate person with good political views -- but I have a picture of her before the breast enlargements, and I wish that she had realized back then that she didn't need to change herself. "Dolly, we would have loved you if you had remained a D-cup and not gone up to a Z-cup." I also liked Wendy Williams enough to watch her show for a while. But you are right. Naming names wasn't really necessary.
I wasn't asking for an apology, merely pointing out that your statement, and if I'm being fully honest, this reply, strikes me in a way that you may not have realized when you made it. I appreciate your time in replying.
You haven't been clear on why you are criticizing me. However, with women generally under attack by both men and trans people, perhaps singling out specific women to criticize isn't a good idea, especially since they have a right to alter their bodies as they please.
That's about the size of it. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and consideration.
Your “half-and-halfs” aren’t a new phenomenon, you just missed them because (as now, apparently) they were marketed to straight men -- the Raymond empire (Club, etc) brought a spate of them to news stand top shelves in the late 70s/early 80s. No idea how long that lasted into the interim years. The sales term at the time was “shemale”.
Yes, the GAMP phenomenon has been around a long time. Still called shemales in porn, afaik.
Brilliantly expressed. Reading about girlhood and womanhood being redefined in ways that make no sense to girls and women, I had a vague sense that this reminded me of something. Then I remembered. Reading classic male authors (Dickens, Melville, Shakespeare and others) in my late teens I'd be swept up in the wonderful wordsmithing and storytelling. Until I hit an unpleasant wall--I was reading along completely immersed, looking at life through the eyes of a male character who would describe a female character in two dimensional terms that I, an actual female, could not relate to. It was disorienting and disturbing, because I was in a relationship of trust with the writer. "If THAT is a woman, then who am I?" I'd wonder. Even--maybe especially--when the woman was deified as a goddess it was disturbing and knocked me right out of the story. As a human being with human problems and aspirations, I related to Pip. As a woman, I did not relate to Estella. I did not have this experience when reading female authors. I am glad I had access to those great writers--but I took a break from male writers for a few years. No, of course it's not all men who do this to women in response to a comment. But it seems to me that the sissy porn definition of women is just a new and ugly twist on a very old theme. At least I still think Dickens is a great writer.
Ms. Chu's writing is doing a lot of heavy lifting in this essay. She's just one trans activist. She's a convenient straw....(person?) for your argument but is it an accurate assessment of the movement's motivations as a whole?
It's pervasive. Check out the Reddit forums for MTFs -- how did they 'know' they were women? What makes them feel 'girly' (and somehow it's almost always girly, even if we're talking about middle-aged adults)? Why do they fetishize female experiences by faking periods or even pregnancies (and even crashing pregnancy-loss forums)?
I do think autogynephilia is a major driver of the form trans activism takes. That's why sex difference can never be acknowledged (punctures the fantasy). That's why all the vitriol is directed at peaceful but dissenting women, rather than the violent males who actually kill trans-identifying people. That's why the nonsense claims proliferate (I'm biologically female because my altered birth certificate says so), rather than the more reasonable line of "I'm a male person who feels more comfortable presenting this way."
I miss the author of this piece -- not sure where she went off to -- but think about it a lot:
And I've had a lot of conversations with young female desisters and detransitioners who talk about how being exposed to men who identify as women and who play-act being a woman by being dumb, ditsy, incompetent, etc., strongly contributed to their trans identification.
e.g., Carey Callahan: "For me this is the crux of the “what relationship can detrans women have to the trans community” issue. It would be psychologically harmful for me to be around someone getting off on playing “dumb bitch.” So I can’t expect any other female to put herself around that either. “ strange how the very things that make me NOT want to be a woman are what makes those people WANT to be one... And since Andrea Long Chu has been celebrated for clarifying that his trans identity is absolutely about masochism, can us females please stop being expected to ignore what he is selling books shouting? the bimbofication thing is so appalling to me- really makes me think of how the tw I knew CONSTANTLY called themself a "clumsy bitch" or "dumb slut" or other misogynistic things in a "cutesy" way"
I can tell you think that the AGP is the skeleton key here and you will pick your sources to prove that point. I see the AGP community (if it could be described as such) as adjacent to but not central in promulgating trans ideology. Rooting around Reddit may yield some great pull quotes but drawing conclusions based on that sampling could lead you into some unfruitful cul-de-sacs. I would caution you to avoid a one-size-fits-all answer.
It's not a one-size-fits-all answer. It's a "this explains some features of trans activism that don't make sense otherwise." I think there's a lot going on with trans and not looking for a simple story.
Glad to hear it.
porn is abuse whether the actors are gay men, female or children
So 90% of trans “women,” and the people funding the movement as well, aren’t “central” to it? Where do you think all the personality-disordered people enforcing its cultish and totalitarian aspects come from? Homosexual transsexuals?
The role of autogynphelia and its close relationship to narcissism and to other forms of paraphilia cannot be overstated when it comes to examining the current destructive and deeply misogynistic face of this movement.
nicely put - but the taxonomy of natal-male gender-related paraphilias has more branches than outlined here. The venn diagram becomes quickly complex. There are straight, g@y, bi, bi-curious, repressed-g@y natal-men, there are transvestites, crossdressers, HPWs, hoarders, AGPs, 'Arnold Layne's, underw€@r fetishists, fembois, ladyboys, sh€males, pre-op trannies, chicks-with-d!cks, TV/TS/Tx who want to get it on with other TV/TS/Txs, 'Admirers' who are often 'straight' or were thus, or are 'bi-curious'. I could go on. As an ex-paraphile, longtime member of TVchix (now left), recovering AGP and now father of a ROGD daughter this whole thing has come crashing down on my secret life and I am now in therapy and finally honest with my wife.
Sissy-hypno is a very dangerous medium - deeply misogynistic ('you want to be a stupid blonde bimbo, you live to serve men, ...' etc etc. seductive voiceovers with kaleidoscopic graphics interspersed with soft/hard porn, fashion shots, glossed lips, etc. Some of it is very well produced, money is being spent somewhere - and there are sissy hypnos freely available on apple podcasts with no 'adult content' warning.
Eliza, you are amazing btw. Stuff I read in here is helping me make sense of my mostly wasted, mostly unhappy, closeted life.
Porn is a big part of it all, both in channelling shy boys towards effeminacy, and inducing disgust in adolescent girls about their own bodies, about men, and with enormous justification, about the revolting hypocrisy of the 'free world' and the unending exploitation of their sisterhood. But men are exploited too - we are made to take more notice of one product over another because of the alluring model in the advertising content. we are lured to 'risque' material, 'adult' material, 'hardcore' material, the narratives therein reinforcing our incipient self-knowledge of being inadequates.
It is all just the most enormous sh!tsh0w.
Of course, but I'm talking about trans women. Ray Blanchard has estimated around 90% these days fall into the AGP camp, since transgenderism officially broadened its net to include transvestites; he estimated them at around 75% of those requesting medical transition of some sort (sometimes only breast blants, sometimes SRS) when he was doing his research. Nowadays, the vast majority- a similar percentage- may grow breasts or get breasts implants but do no other surgery. They retain their penises and testicles, which actually makes sense, since their sex drive is the source of their desire to be women.
It's men with autogynephilia who have a high chance of having NPD or another paraphilia. However, I don't know about studies of PDs being done on women who identify as trans; maybe there's also more likelihood there. In general, mental illness is absolutely rife in this crowd (and I say this as someone with a neurodevelopmental disorder which sometimes entails anxiety and depression, too, and as someone with C-PTSD). And cults and regimes make everyone crazy in the sense that they make people behave in ways they wouldn't on their own.
Nonetheless, I believe the people who are going after others for saying no, often going to great lengths, are mainly personality-disordered men. Having known quite a few narcissists, their reaction is classical narcissistic rage due to narcissistic injury. This also explains why they cannot accept that they are male, and decide to be "trans women." The ruination of the identity fantasy causes them narcissistic injury. The feel the person who doesn't agree they're women is trying to attack the core of their being, and they go after that person to destroy them in kind.
It's certainly *not* homosexual transsexuals (for the most part) being so unreasonable. It's these raging narcissists, who are mostly straight men with autogynephilia.
Please stop calling sexist men she.
And as Eliza says, Chu’s work exemplifies and typifies the writing and thinking of other men like him.
Thank you for this. We need hard-hitting writing that gets to the necrotic heart of this misogynist movement.
I feel debased by the men who want to define women!
I beg apology on our collective part, but we have been unwittingly duped, turned, morphed by the machinery of media and our misdirected desires. "forgive them; for they know not what they do"
From what I read from a Twitter man aroused by male transexuals (gyneandromorphophiles) they are attracted to imaginary female images morphed from male bodies (sometimes their own if they have autogynephilia). So they are indeed different from average gay/bisexual men who are attracted to men's actual bodies. I was a very artistic young gay male painter and a married male neighbor asked me one day if I could paint my face as "a woman does" for him in my bedroom. Looking back, I think that man might have been a gyneandromorphophile. I'm glad I ran from him because a lot of this feminization thing is to view femininity as humiliation for sexual pleasure.
there was a 'joke' doing the rounds on TVchix.
'if you are a bi-curious/straight male, the advantages of hooking up with a Tx are:
They have fewer headaches; there is no wrong time of the month; they are always horny; they can't fake an orgasm; they know *exactly* how to give good head and they always swallow'
sorry if tmi.
Only now they do pretend to have a time of the month, at least my son does.
Terf bullshit
I tried to like a comment but it didn't activate after several tries.
sissy-hypno aka sissy-porn
freely available on apple podcasts as an audiostream, also abundant on youtube, pornhub, xhamster, xnxx, spankbag, xvideos, ashemaletube, redtube, etc etc etc and even imdb & instagram
just google "Sienna Grace", "Korra del Rio", "Natalie Mars", "Ella Hollywood"
google might tell you there is explicit/adult content ahead, but you can just click-through.
At one point thay made it so you couldnt click-through if you were anonymously browsing, but they relaxed that
This is so hard to read! We are living in an age of regression in so many ways! The fact that this is even allowed is frightening!
Eliza, I'm checking out. Maybe you don't care about one free subscriber, but I'm tired of your writing about "men" as if they are the enemy. They are not. Normal men (yes, they exist) are sickened by this. They are new to the issue and most of them react in disbelief. That is normal, too. But some of them are speaking out, and the reaction by feminists is to want to exclude them instead of recognizing them as allies.
Who are our enemies? Crazy, sick men are our enemy - and the women like Macy Gray, who flagellate themselves publicly for telling the truth, are our enemy. But you keep generalizing about "men" and I'm tired of that. I hope you can come to a place where you see that. Best to you.
She isn’t describing all men. I suppose she could have repeatedly put in that qualifier explicitly but that is not her obligation. Let the “normal” men themselves distinguish themselves. This is what women must do as well- distinguish ourselves from Macy Gray, etc.
I'm not describing all men, which I think is pretty clear, and I wouldn’t have any interest in describing all men in those terms. I'm talking about a subset of men identifying as women, who've shown the rest of us a lot about themselves by disregarding women's boundaries and who are trying to redefine women in line with the most degrading stereotypes.
You did make it clear.
Great piece.
Yeah, it seems like D.E. Murray and I fully agree on this... so, we'll see.
My young adult son is one of these men, newly indoctrinated and medically transitioning. I see him as a misogynist and narcissist, but I also see him as a victim. Low self-esteem, lack of real-world connections, mental illness (anxiety, OCD, ADHD, maybe undiagnosed ASD), and inadequate parental supervision all played a role in his evolution. I'm sure he's been exposed to sissy porn, to hentai, and to the nonsensical gibberish of the TRA. At around age 12, he withdrew into himself. He became vicious, but also seemed terribly lonely, and his dad and I tiptoed around him for years, afraid of incurring his wrath or adding to his distress. My question is who benefits from this? Certainly big pharma. What other interests are behind the sissification push?
in your text, the following phrases use the word 'normal':
"Normal men" and
"... react in disbelief. That is normal, too" .
May I point out that it is normal for most normal men to have their first sexual experience via pornography - are you accepting of this normalcy?
"Normal: mid 17th century (in the sense ‘right-angled’): from Latin normalis, from norma ‘carpenter's square’ (see norm). Current senses date from the early 19th century."
Can we try and avoid the N-word?