It sounds like such a fringe activity that I wonder why we are talking about it -- except that I suppose it exposes male attitudes that affect women in some way. Could sissy porn be a psychological cauldron that produces rapists? It would seem not since the male is being humiliated.
One crime show I watched was about a rapist who, it tu…
It sounds like such a fringe activity that I wonder why we are talking about it -- except that I suppose it exposes male attitudes that affect women in some way. Could sissy porn be a psychological cauldron that produces rapists? It would seem not since the male is being humiliated.
One crime show I watched was about a rapist who, it turned out, was a bottom in gay porn, so maybe there's something to that.
I think you're not understanding, Caleb. Sissy porn is *extremely sexist*. There is an overlap with "bimbofication." They see women as a collection of holes to serve men, as ditzy bimbo creatures whose only job is to titter and open their legs or present their arses. Despite focusing on a man, this is one of the most blatantly misogynistic porn genres there is.
And sissy hypno porn's goal is to *make straight men want to transition*. It either encourages latent autogynephilia or induces it, making it very dangerous indeed. Psychologists evaluating it have remarked on the professionalism of the hypnosis itself, and how well-done it is.
I think a pornography designed to turn heterosexual men into trans women acting out an extremely misogynist sexual fantasy is worth discussing when it comes to the whole gender identity movement, isn't it? Both the danger to the men exposed to this being coached to blow up their whole lives, get surgeries, go on hormones, declare themselves women, etc., to the dangers presented to women of such men calling themselves women and *demanding into women's spaces*. That "sissified males"- men who have a sexual fetish for pretending to be stupid, sexualized caricatures of females- are *not women* and that it's the height of misogyny to pretend they are should go without saying. To be forced by law to pretend these men are women, and to allow these heterosexual men with a fetish into our spaces and sports is *extremely dangerous.*
There is a huge overlap between autogynephilia and sissification fetishes and other fetishes, for example, voyeurism, exhibitionism, frotterism, pedophilia, biastophilia, nappy fetishism, etc. Fully 60% of "trans women" in UK prisons are there for sexual offenses *mainly against women and girls*, as opposed to 18% of other men, and less than 1% of women.
"Sissy hypno" and other videos within the "tr*nny" genre (BDSM, diaper fetishism, bestiality) *encourage these paraphilias in men*, whether we're talking men with latent curiosity which they should be suppressing, or completely normal men who are going down the rabbit hole of porn, as porn is a dangerous drug in itself, which conditions its user always to seek more extreme material to get a greater higher. Encouraging paraphilias in men and sending said men into women's spaces is a really good way to endanger women and girls.
well said Morrigan. Tranny porn searches are now approaching 5% of all searches and pornsites are now prompting users for the choice between 'straight' 'gay' 'trans' .
Caleb, this is *not* a fringe activity.
In 2021, 'trans' searches grew by 141% with views of the category up by 23%.
Please don't cite the 'evidence' from a television crime show regarding deviancy and rape.
I obviously don't know anything about sissy porn, so I'll beg out of the conversation. However, if I choose to mention something I saw on TV in these comments, I will.
Porn is pernicious in all its forms. It is quite literally sickening what you can find out there - scat, torture, snuff, beatings.
re rape/serial-killers, at least 2 major hollywood films portrayed mtf trannies as serial killers - silence of the lambs and brian de palma's 'dressed to kill'.
this was unhelpful. the *vast* majority of serial killers and rapists are so-called 'straight' men.
the vast majority of mtf trannies *crave* a female form, female appearance, female company, female habits, female banter, or what they may consider (or have (mis)-learned/fantasised) to be the above, but above all they do not want to rape them, indeed are probably incapable of doing so.
in my crossdressing days i had some lovely times getting dressed and made-up in after-hours beauty salons by some very kind and understanding women - there was no sexual tension, just chat about make-up, diets, foundation, concealer, blusher - that's what most mtfs want.
BUT there will be exceptions, and human diversity knows no bounds, so there will be some mtf trannies who will be rapaciously seeking out female spaces for thrills and worse - and natal women MUST be protected from them.
a 'bottom' gay guy is overwhelmingly unlikely to be able to maintain the necessary physical state of arousal to make aggressive unconsensual penetration of a woman possible.
things are complicated enough already without the movie industry preying on our malformed prejudices for cheap thrills and revenue.
but silence of the lambs is an amazing movie all the same.
This is incorrect. There’s a high correlation between transvestic fetishism and serial killing. Close to a quarter of serial killers have engaged in cross-dressing, often using their victims’ lingerie and other clothing. Buffalo Bill form Silence of the Lambs was based on a serial killer who hung women from the rafters, slaughtered them like deer, and made their skins into a suit, so it was based on a real person.
The Wikipedia entry on “transgender serial killers”- which was substantial- was removed last year entirely by Wikipedia’s trans activists. Nevertheless, some research can easily point you to all of these facts.
This is not because trans women are uniquely dangerous so much as because paraphilias tend to cluster. Autogynephilia and transvestic fetishism therefore commonly coincide with other paraphilias, some of them less dangerous or even harmless, others of them quite dangerous, obviously.
It sounds like such a fringe activity that I wonder why we are talking about it -- except that I suppose it exposes male attitudes that affect women in some way. Could sissy porn be a psychological cauldron that produces rapists? It would seem not since the male is being humiliated.
One crime show I watched was about a rapist who, it turned out, was a bottom in gay porn, so maybe there's something to that.
I think you're not understanding, Caleb. Sissy porn is *extremely sexist*. There is an overlap with "bimbofication." They see women as a collection of holes to serve men, as ditzy bimbo creatures whose only job is to titter and open their legs or present their arses. Despite focusing on a man, this is one of the most blatantly misogynistic porn genres there is.
And sissy hypno porn's goal is to *make straight men want to transition*. It either encourages latent autogynephilia or induces it, making it very dangerous indeed. Psychologists evaluating it have remarked on the professionalism of the hypnosis itself, and how well-done it is.
I think a pornography designed to turn heterosexual men into trans women acting out an extremely misogynist sexual fantasy is worth discussing when it comes to the whole gender identity movement, isn't it? Both the danger to the men exposed to this being coached to blow up their whole lives, get surgeries, go on hormones, declare themselves women, etc., to the dangers presented to women of such men calling themselves women and *demanding into women's spaces*. That "sissified males"- men who have a sexual fetish for pretending to be stupid, sexualized caricatures of females- are *not women* and that it's the height of misogyny to pretend they are should go without saying. To be forced by law to pretend these men are women, and to allow these heterosexual men with a fetish into our spaces and sports is *extremely dangerous.*
There is a huge overlap between autogynephilia and sissification fetishes and other fetishes, for example, voyeurism, exhibitionism, frotterism, pedophilia, biastophilia, nappy fetishism, etc. Fully 60% of "trans women" in UK prisons are there for sexual offenses *mainly against women and girls*, as opposed to 18% of other men, and less than 1% of women.
"Sissy hypno" and other videos within the "tr*nny" genre (BDSM, diaper fetishism, bestiality) *encourage these paraphilias in men*, whether we're talking men with latent curiosity which they should be suppressing, or completely normal men who are going down the rabbit hole of porn, as porn is a dangerous drug in itself, which conditions its user always to seek more extreme material to get a greater higher. Encouraging paraphilias in men and sending said men into women's spaces is a really good way to endanger women and girls.
Do you understand why this is important yet?
All true, and so many of the men who get sucked into this are teens or young adults who may have gradually gotten there from gaming sites.
well said Morrigan. Tranny porn searches are now approaching 5% of all searches and pornsites are now prompting users for the choice between 'straight' 'gay' 'trans' .
Caleb, this is *not* a fringe activity.
In 2021, 'trans' searches grew by 141% with views of the category up by 23%.
Please don't cite the 'evidence' from a television crime show regarding deviancy and rape.
check out
as well as the pornsites' own numbers - they keep really good stats, and publish them!
I obviously don't know anything about sissy porn, so I'll beg out of the conversation. However, if I choose to mention something I saw on TV in these comments, I will.
Porn is pernicious in all its forms. It is quite literally sickening what you can find out there - scat, torture, snuff, beatings.
re rape/serial-killers, at least 2 major hollywood films portrayed mtf trannies as serial killers - silence of the lambs and brian de palma's 'dressed to kill'.
this was unhelpful. the *vast* majority of serial killers and rapists are so-called 'straight' men.
the vast majority of mtf trannies *crave* a female form, female appearance, female company, female habits, female banter, or what they may consider (or have (mis)-learned/fantasised) to be the above, but above all they do not want to rape them, indeed are probably incapable of doing so.
in my crossdressing days i had some lovely times getting dressed and made-up in after-hours beauty salons by some very kind and understanding women - there was no sexual tension, just chat about make-up, diets, foundation, concealer, blusher - that's what most mtfs want.
BUT there will be exceptions, and human diversity knows no bounds, so there will be some mtf trannies who will be rapaciously seeking out female spaces for thrills and worse - and natal women MUST be protected from them.
a 'bottom' gay guy is overwhelmingly unlikely to be able to maintain the necessary physical state of arousal to make aggressive unconsensual penetration of a woman possible.
things are complicated enough already without the movie industry preying on our malformed prejudices for cheap thrills and revenue.
but silence of the lambs is an amazing movie all the same.
This is incorrect. There’s a high correlation between transvestic fetishism and serial killing. Close to a quarter of serial killers have engaged in cross-dressing, often using their victims’ lingerie and other clothing. Buffalo Bill form Silence of the Lambs was based on a serial killer who hung women from the rafters, slaughtered them like deer, and made their skins into a suit, so it was based on a real person.
The Wikipedia entry on “transgender serial killers”- which was substantial- was removed last year entirely by Wikipedia’s trans activists. Nevertheless, some research can easily point you to all of these facts.
This is not because trans women are uniquely dangerous so much as because paraphilias tend to cluster. Autogynephilia and transvestic fetishism therefore commonly coincide with other paraphilias, some of them less dangerous or even harmless, others of them quite dangerous, obviously.
*a greater high