The rest of her life in jail wouldn't be sufficient to atone for her crimes

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Agreed. Exploitation of the most vulnerable for profit

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If you mean Forcier, I question whether she is doing it for money. She just seems to be obsessed with the idea of transgenderism. I assume she has accepted the idea that gender is "fluid" (puke), and she imagines she is doing patients a favor by pushing them to transition. (Perhaps I should stop using the word "transition", since no transitioning is actually possible. "Self-harm" or "Self-mutilate" are more accurate.)

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yes. there is no such thing as trans. i wish people would stop using the word. redrawing a map does not change the land.

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Well, perhaps trans people have a "gender identity", but I object when they claim that everyone does. I like that: "Redrawing a map does not change the land." That's brilliant!

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This whole trans thing is a way to reorder society just as redrawing a map is to get political gain! Only the former is more dangerous perhaps, since the latter is temporary .

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I heard about the trans craze at the same time I heard about the DID craze - a few years ago now, though I believe the trans thing came first. Gen Z kids were saying they had DID and calling themselves a system. Check out the compilations of the tik tok videos on youtube, introducing each of their alter, each with a different name, clothing style, gender identity, different sexual identity (ace, demisexual) etc etc. The same cohort also self diagnosing with autism and ADHD.

It came out of nowhere, then it's all over tik tok/ instagram/ youtube. How any therapist could think this is anything but a bizarre online social contagion is beyond me. Kids looking for answers in the wrong places and therapists affirming them into medicalisation. Easy profit.

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Overall, there seems to be a trend among some children to ignore parents and teachers and to pursue crazy, outlandish ideas and identities. I don't fully understand what is causing it. Is it bad parenting? A society which has become too narcissistic and amoral? Has life become too easy? Over-population? What is causing it?

I assume DID means "multiple identities" or something like that.

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Adolescence is usually recognised as a time of rebellion against accepted social norms and authority figures, in a process of individuation and transition from childhood to adulthood. But Western cultures have long ago lost any sort of tribal rituals to acknowledge this transition, plus American capitalist culture in the 1950s created the "teenager" as a consumer group to be targeted.

The history of advertising tells us that this meant a new tribalism among peers who copied each others' fashions, trends and opinions -- no longer those of adults. So that peer approval became much more important than approval from adults.

The internet with all its social platforms has further cashed in on this (often literally, for teenage "influencers" now selling products to their peers) for over 25 years (starting with IRC "chat rooms") and made bullying and social contagion so much easier. And so much harder for its victims to escape.

It's also often hypothesised that playing online video games, with "avatars" as chosen online identities, has helped to condition children and teenagers into the idea of alternative and sometines multiple identities: from which Dissociative Identity Disorder becomes a much shorter step for confused and distressed children longing to escape from abusive situations, and belong to a a new tribe.

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Your explanation sounds reasonable and plausible. I'm old and things were tamer back in the 1960's when I was a teenager. I would say I rebelled to some extent against my mother, but that was only because she was too controlling. I nonetheless adopted her well-balanced liberal world view. I was also a nerdy type who wasn't accepted into any cliques, so no one was influencing me.

And yet ... even back then there were people who considered teenagers to be a distinct group with their own culture, and who were afraid of them.

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Yes, I think any sociological overview of big demographics over broad sweeps of time has to omit the specific individual circumstances and family and other relationships that also contribute a lot to how we experience our lives. As a teenager in the 1950s in the UK -- held to be 10 years behind whatever happens in the US -- my memories are of postwar drabness and austerity: with food rationing until I was 12. And wearing my mother's cast-off clothes: with nothing new unless I made it myself from remnants bought in sales. I think most British teenagers had very little money unless they'd left school and had jobs. And with very little in the way of teenage "rebellion" until Radio Luxembourg started to broadcast pop singers influenced by American rock'n roll. I dutifully listened to this a few times late at night, but found it fairly boring. Parental rule -- when they took any interest at all -- could not be escaped except by my moving 400 miles to a university far enough away that mutual visits could not be expected.

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It is nice to read such clear and intelligent writing from someone who must be in your late seventies or early eighties. I am 73, and my mother had Alzheimer's, so I am naturally concerned.

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Thank you! It continues to surprise me that I'm 81. Re halting, prevention & even reversal of Alzheimer's try checking out Dr Dale Bredesen and the Bredesen Protocol or ReCODE Protocol. He's written three books, of which the latest details experiences of the first eight or so (of now hundreds of) cases of people recovering from Alzheimer's syndrome following his sleep / diet / exercise etc protocol (with 36 factors to attend to).

His first book is at https://a.co/d/4nmAiqU

His Facebook page is also interesting: where he frequently posts articles and research papers from science journals.

(Don't waste time on any drugs for Alzheimer's: ineffective and a huge waste of research funding for a lifestyle disease, by treating results as causes and looking for a single "silver bullet" for a multi-factorial syndrome. Genetics ie presence of one or two ApoE4 genes is not the life sentence it's often deemed to be.)

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yes, dissociative identity disorder, I believe its the currently used term for what used to be multiple personality disorder.

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But is it real DID, or is it just a social trend? There are all kinds of people acting crazy on the internet, but I think it is just acting out, a form of narcissism, not real personality problems.

The most obvious group of people acting nutty on the internet are the ones who call themselves "non-binary". They have both masculine and feminine features, and they always wear a rainbow of colors.

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Physical dissociation is a true maladaptive trauma response, esp to extreme violence or sexual abuse, and may become DID, but then it became a contagion. If you look at the youtube compilations and comments there are great arguments even amongst genZ as to who really has DID and who is putting it on. There was also a Tourette's tic craze on tik tok/ youtube a few years back with the same infighting.

Same with all the infighting about true trans vs transtrender. Even they can see it's BS.Hard to be unique and special when its half the year 9 maths class.

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This trans ideology is way more dangerous than any previous fad, multiple personalities, even lobotomies done on some. This has slithered into laws, into education, into government...it’s highly authoritarian and anti-human! Normality , reality, truth are all on the chopping block!

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Lobotomies? I find that hard to believe. They were discredited half a century ago.

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"Transtrender" is a new term for me. I'll have to decide if I want to use it, as it could interpreted as a positive thing. I just keep saying that being trans has become a "fad".

My point of view, which I dredge up once in a while, but which allows some people to see me as a kook, is that I believe in reincarnation and karma. The source of metaphysical information that I find the most compelling is the Seth Material (a psychic named Jane Roberts in upstate New York channeled a soul or spirit who called himself "Seth" from 1963 to 1984, when she died). Seth/Roberts said that ideas spread telepathically through human populations like a contagion. Transgender ideas are one of those contagions, as are the ultra-conservatism that we have seen from the Republicans. Ultimately, transgenderism will be defeated when enough people see the real-life effects of it and realize that it is mostly nonsense, and then THAT idea will spread like a contagion. Seth said we are all linked telepathically.

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dissociative identity disorder, formerly known as multiple personality. see my above rant/comment

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The danger here is that once the kids have surgeries , there is no going back! Regrets are useless! Lives are ruined forever!

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Good article. I didn't know that that horrible Forcier woman was from Rhode Island, my home state. If she is the one I am thinking of, she simply had no rational answers to Matt Walsh's questions. She came across as stupid, obsessed and condescending. People like that can do an enormous amount of damage to vulnerable people. She should not have a license to practice medicine.

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I agree with you 100%!

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The clinic's treatment of the patient is sheer nonsense on stilts.

First there's the nonsense of prescribing hormones and surgery instead of following a course of watchful waiting that includes evaluating whether the patient really is trans.

Secondly there's the clinician's response to the patient's alleged multiple personalities. That they'd accept such a doubtful claim is bad enough, but that they'd then insert themselves into the patient's inner dialogue/headmate community and recommend masculinizing hormones when it was clear the patient was ambivalent was the height of irresponsibility.

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And, in a few years, the males "with alters" can demand uterine transplants so they can mess up a new life, created, one assumes, through in vitro fertilization and implanted into the womb stolen from a woman in the third world.


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Since MPD or now DID (dissociative identity disorder) should be seen as a metaphoric splitting of the self into separate parts, sometimes as a response to trauma, sometimes as a response to social contagion and thus a new way of dealing with distress that catches fire in the culture, it seems to me that the ethical if not quite simply psychologically minded response to a "gender questioning or opposite sex insisting" individual with multiple selves arguing about being male, female, neither, or feline, would be to say, "These are all part of you. We all contain multitudes, and so we don't need each to be medicalized, concretized, exorcised. Let's work on getting all those selves to coexist, like any one of us with a complex personality does. One day the stereotypical male side of you will be stronger, the next the female, etc. It's freeing and evolved to emphasize different parts of you depending on the situation, the day, the mood. This is life and maturity and progress...." WHY is this so hard to grasp? This is BASIC psychology. Any therapist or medical professional who does any different has abdicated reason, responsibility, and any right to care for anyone.

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If it looks, like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck… How dare you fowlphobe assign duckness without checking if it’s internal sense of duckness aligns with its outward appearance!

Also on chickens commuting suicide, why do you think there are SO MANY jokes about chickens crossing the road? There’s a dark joke hidden in there that’s probably not appropriate for public consumption…

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Thank you so much, Stanley for the analysis and the link to the complaint. Very interesting! Yes, definitely a case to watch.

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I am overwhelmed by the unethical nature of it all! These are golden examples of medical malpractice.

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Also, as to where it all comes from, please visit my free substack caroldansereau.substack.com See the article about Seattle-ites submitting a demand to the school board to get gender identity indoctrination out of the schools, and click on the appendices in that article for more about what's taught in schools and why its bad. See also The Anti-Science Disaster of Gender Ideology in Our Schools, including its discussion of the emotional manipulation exerted on kids by schools to steer them into the gender madness. A new article about the Gender Cult swallowing school boards will be posted any day now.

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Wolf-Gould's formulation seems to be "if there are 'multiple personalities', agree with the one that will make you most money with least effort". (Please note that I think "multiple personalities" is the same nonsense on stilts as "gender identity" - just another anti-Enlightenment elevation of "the soul" over physical reality.)

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Thanks for the clarification. Ooh, so there are at least two suits in which Forcier is a defendant? Do you know the name of the North Carolina-dwelling plaintiff. Maybe I can use the name to access the complaint.

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Can you tell us more about the allegations against Michelle chickens-don't-commit-suicide Forcier?

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And also, I love the title of this piece.

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Brilliant title !!!!

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Oct 25, 2023
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Yes. Also not a doctor, but to me it seems only common sense that in such a case, one should go with the least invasive “treatment” and preserve the existing body (organs, hormonal makeup). Hopefully at least one of the “alters” is ok in that body...

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I agree. The whole scenario is bizarre. If I were a doctor, I absolutely would not consider any kind of trans treatment for a person with multiple personalities. The whole idea is astonishing -- but then, doctors are not astonished by 13-year-old girls getting mastectomies. To your average lay person, the thought of that is horrifying; but doctors don't seem to have the kind of common sense that makes most people horrified.

When did we stop calling them "alter-egos" and start calling them "alters"? I guess "multiple personalities" is too much to type.

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This is the biggest medical scandal since forced sterilization of Black people. This has the same result, but it’s couched in such false terms as “ Gender affirmation “ instead of “ sex mutilation”!

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Oct 25, 2023
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Allegations are allegations. But I'm inclined to take it seriously because of experiences in the field where treating patients with 'alters' is encouraged.

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