Thank you! It continues to surprise me that I'm 81. Re halting, prevention & even reversal of Alzheimer's try checking out Dr Dale Bredesen and the Bredesen Protocol or ReCODE Protocol. He's written three books, of which the latest details experiences of the first eight or so (of now hundreds of) cases of people recovering from Alzheimer…
Thank you! It continues to surprise me that I'm 81. Re halting, prevention & even reversal of Alzheimer's try checking out Dr Dale Bredesen and the Bredesen Protocol or ReCODE Protocol. He's written three books, of which the latest details experiences of the first eight or so (of now hundreds of) cases of people recovering from Alzheimer's syndrome following his sleep / diet / exercise etc protocol (with 36 factors to attend to).
His Facebook page is also interesting: where he frequently posts articles and research papers from science journals.
(Don't waste time on any drugs for Alzheimer's: ineffective and a huge waste of research funding for a lifestyle disease, by treating results as causes and looking for a single "silver bullet" for a multi-factorial syndrome. Genetics ie presence of one or two ApoE4 genes is not the life sentence it's often deemed to be.)
Thank you! It continues to surprise me that I'm 81. Re halting, prevention & even reversal of Alzheimer's try checking out Dr Dale Bredesen and the Bredesen Protocol or ReCODE Protocol. He's written three books, of which the latest details experiences of the first eight or so (of now hundreds of) cases of people recovering from Alzheimer's syndrome following his sleep / diet / exercise etc protocol (with 36 factors to attend to).
His first book is at
His Facebook page is also interesting: where he frequently posts articles and research papers from science journals.
(Don't waste time on any drugs for Alzheimer's: ineffective and a huge waste of research funding for a lifestyle disease, by treating results as causes and looking for a single "silver bullet" for a multi-factorial syndrome. Genetics ie presence of one or two ApoE4 genes is not the life sentence it's often deemed to be.)