The clinic's treatment of the patient is sheer nonsense on stilts.
First there's the nonsense of prescribing hormones and surgery instead of following a course of watchful waiting that includes evaluating whether the patient really is trans.
Secondly there's the clinician's response to the patient's alleged multiple personalities. That the…
The clinic's treatment of the patient is sheer nonsense on stilts.
First there's the nonsense of prescribing hormones and surgery instead of following a course of watchful waiting that includes evaluating whether the patient really is trans.
Secondly there's the clinician's response to the patient's alleged multiple personalities. That they'd accept such a doubtful claim is bad enough, but that they'd then insert themselves into the patient's inner dialogue/headmate community and recommend masculinizing hormones when it was clear the patient was ambivalent was the height of irresponsibility.
The clinic's treatment of the patient is sheer nonsense on stilts.
First there's the nonsense of prescribing hormones and surgery instead of following a course of watchful waiting that includes evaluating whether the patient really is trans.
Secondly there's the clinician's response to the patient's alleged multiple personalities. That they'd accept such a doubtful claim is bad enough, but that they'd then insert themselves into the patient's inner dialogue/headmate community and recommend masculinizing hormones when it was clear the patient was ambivalent was the height of irresponsibility.