Most of this was new to me because you wrote it before I was aware of your Substack. You have a remarkable ability (earned through practice, I'm sure) to avoid the use of third-person pronouns when writing about people like Andrea Long Chu and Marci Bowers without making your writing feel awkward or stilted. Impressive!

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Lotta practice!

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Wow - and that's part one! Thank you, Eliza, for your dedication to this topic, to this fight, and for your thoughtful, honest perspective. Keep up the good work and stay well.

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Pure gold. Thank you.

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Thank you for all of your courageous questioning of the gender movement! The insights and analyses you have shared bring light to this murky and disturbing phenomenon and are much appreciated! Merry Christmas and happy new year!

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In an effort to reveal the complete and full denigration of women woven throughout the trans movement, I post here the link to Behind the Looking Glass at Lime Soda Films YouTube channel. There are now 4 long form profiles of individual trans widows featured in this documentary, now with 154k views. I'm told it's a hard watch. Actually, filmmaker Vaishnavi Sundar edited out the most shocking details. A must-see for every "gender therapist."


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The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) was once a force for good, but those days are long gone. While some of the bad actors the SPLC denounces are probably bad actors, others are guilty only of being on the wrong side of the progressive culture wars.

Any reader who wants to experience what totalitarian propaganda is like need only read the SPLC's description of the sex realist movement: It is a

“network [that] supports and is supported by white Christian nationalist ideology that seeks to privilege straight, white, cisgender Christians in public policy and replace science and American law with Christian theology."

This bizarre characterization of the gender critical movement is as hysterical and incorrect as the right wing propaganda that accuses the entire American left of being Marxist or communist.

Now, the white Christian nationalist boogeymen the SPLC describes probably do exist on the extreme right, and they may be as hostile to the trans agenda as they are to any modern cultural phenomenon that contravenes their values.

Since the gender critical movement seeks to influence the hearts and minds at the center of the political spectrum who want nothing to do with theocracy, sex realist activists would be well advised to steer clear of associating with extremist individuals and organizations on the right even if they may appear to be allies in the struggle against gender ideology.

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Eliza does it again!Thank you!

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This is extraordinary, I am so excited for Part II!

One of your highlights from May, “When being a boy and being a girl are seen as equally self-falsifying,” has (I think) so many parallels to another Substack post on the topic of anorexia by Victoria Smith: https://open.substack.com/pub/glosswitch/p/how-should-we-talk-about-ultra-thin?r=3bqho&utm_medium=ios

Trans really is the new Pro-Ana/Pro-Mia.

Exulansic, in at least one of her many engrossing videos, has argued in favor of all girls schools with all women staff/admin/teachers. I do believe that would create a space for girls to focus on their own interests and development. It reminds me of an article I read about an extraordinary woman cosmologist/astronomer who seems to have achieved so much in her field due in large part to her education at an all girls school. Very sadly, her career and health were severely curtailed by Long Covid (a fate that continues to befall millions of people, but which affects women at 3Xs the rate as men, which imo is one big reason why Covid has been dismissed and those who struggle the most from LC are made all but invisible). https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/may/02/catherine-heymans-dark-universe-the-cosmologist-battling-long-covid

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