Sep 26, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022Liked by Eliza Mondegreen

It just dawned on me: These trans-enabling professionals are like the "Angels of Death" (nurses in hospitals, sometimes doctors) who kill elderly people, imagining that they are doing the elderly people a favor. Both the trans-enabling professionals and the Angels of Death must necessarily be out of touch with reality and completely convinced of their mistaken ideologies.

I have recently had a frustrating exchange with a correspondent of mine. He is gay like me. When I described transgender ideology (the central tenet of which is "gender identity"), it seemed perfectly logical to him. His natural reaction was to be sympathetic. We dropped the subject for a while, and then came back to it weeks later. This time I talked about what was happening to children. He was under the impression that the kids who were transitioning were the ones who WANTED to transition (which, unfortunately, is true in a lot of cases). He didn't accept my argument that the kids were being influenced and brainwashed. My argument that children don't have the mental development to make such decisions for the adult yet to come also fell of deaf ears. Ultimately, he just didn't believe that kids were getting such radical treatments. I was becoming insulted by his responses because it seemed that he was calling me a liar. Finally he admitted that if surgeons really ARE doing double mastectomies and hysterectomies on girls, and doing vaginoplasties on boys, he thinks that is outrageous malpractice. The bottom line is that this issue is not high on his list of concerns.

These exchanges with this friend made me realize why it is so hard to turn the tide of public opinion against transgender ideology. First, people are ignorant, not aware of what is really happening. Second, when you tell them what is happening, they just don't believe it. Third, many people think that kids should be able to do with their bodies what they please. This friendship almost ended over this topic.

My friend knew from a very young age that he was gay, and so he feels sympathy for any young person who seems to know his or her mind. But that was true for me also -- even before puberty I was having gay feelings. Even so, it has always been obvious to me that children don't have the maturity to do such drastic things to themselves. I don't know why everyone can't see that.

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Eliza Mondegreen

'The more horror you must sublimate, the more horrible your detractors must become, even if the worst thing they say is simply: look. Look at what you’re doing.' - utterly magnificent. Thank you! Gosh.. if only...

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Eliza Mondegreen

There needs to be an investigation into who the WPATH are. From history to financing ... everything.

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Sep 26, 2022·edited Sep 26, 2022Liked by Eliza Mondegreen

A brilliant description. Of a horrific situation....

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Eliza Mondegreen

As always, absolutely brilliant and powerful. What is it with human beings that we continue to invent new and horrific ways to create completely unwarranted suffering??? Is there not already enough suffering in a normal human life.

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I just spent over an hour looking into the history of WPATH and its founders and I must say that the sexism of it all overwhelms me. Rather than acknowledge that requiring strict adherence to certain personality traits, behavior, and interests based on sex causes suffering, these "doctors" would rather perform unnecessary surgeries on people--all in the name of preserving the sex hierarchy.

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Eliza Mondegreen

From eunuchs to nullification surgery, this is truly horrendous.

Thank you for shining a light on this.

Are you aware of the 'Skoptsy' movement in the 19th century?

If not, worth checking out:


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This is so insightful. I think you put your finger right on it.

Off and on I've been listening to William Shirer's _Rise and Fall of the Third Reich_ (I know, I know, I am going right for Godwin's law with both hands and feet) and something I didn't know was that both as part of the "Final Solution" and leading up to the Russian campaign (which made no bones about exterminating Slavs in huge numbers), the leadership sent out a lot of messaging about "this is going to make you feel bad, you are going to feel unsure, but you just have to steel yourself and DO IT FOR THE CAUSE"

Which I thought was fascinating: they anticipated squeamishness and qualms from the rank and file. And they essentially instructed them: ignore all doubts and second thoughts, press on, because it's the only way the glorious future can emerge. The messaging is the same from WPATH.

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I just finished watching Ken Burns' "USA and The Holocaust" documentary, and every word you have written about the WPATH conference resonates in a most horrific way. The mechanisms of cult indoctrination, desensitization to the big picture, the inhumanity of it, the use of medicine for cultish aims; it is staggering. Thank you for reporting on this conference. We have surely lost our way as people in the service of "Be Kind".

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Eliza Mondegreen

Wow, so imprtvthat you managed to go, keep your head and use it to such good effect. Brilliant observations! 💛

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Very profound--thank you for writing this, and putting the ideas so eloquently!

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This is a wonderfully written, insightful essay. I could not agree with you more. Thank you, Frederick

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Amazingly insightful. This should be spread far and wide.

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Thank you Eliza, for enduring this, so we didn't have to and reporting what you found.

I'm sure you didn't intend this, but you reported on a cult. As I read your account, it kept firing electrical arcs in my brain, linking to another cache of material, I listened to over a year ago.

It was an extremely well done, long form dive into Jim Jones' cult. I encourage ALL to take the time (hours) to listen to it. It will strip away any confusion or circular rhetoric, you've been wrestling with, in all of todays "next thing issues".

These cultists are gathering their believers in the form of children and common sense barren "parents". They no longer need to meet in a hall, building or compound, because their surrounding communities and families now fill that enclave function.


Another item of interest.

In this age of the gender mutilation push...gender affirming hysterectomy....we have had celebs, politicians, MSM pundits and more calling for children to have unfettered access to this procedure.

I was surprised and hopeful to see that there are some sites, that have not drank the cool-aide...Yet.

The sites below, provide a 3 mile high view, of just how far these cultist have moved this Overton Window. Bear in mind, this is just ONE issue...they have hit us with THOUSANDS, simultaneously.

Two sites and an excerpt -


Technically, any woman of legal age can consent to the procedure, but it should be medically justified. It’s incredibly unlikely that a doctor will perform a hysterectomy on women ages 18-35 unless it is absolutely necessary for their well-being and no other options will suffice. This is because of possible physical and emotional risks. Complications during surgery can include infection, hemorrhaging, or bladder or bowel damage, but the risks of these are rather low. Long-term, it can increase the risk of stroke, bone loss, heart attacks, urinary issues, and early onset menopause in younger women. Possible complications that can impact a woman’s sex life includes vaginal dryness and a lack of interest in sex. It also prevents the possibility of a biological pregnancy, which can cause depression and psychological stress in some women."


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Superb piece.

I really would be interested in your view on locking people up who give child sex abuse victims who don't want to be homosexual the counselling and prayer they are after. We do after all, have the 'conversion therapy ban' bill due to go through Parliament soon, that LGBTQ hope to amend to include locking people up for telling groomed children biology is real as well. In my strongly held view, on both counts, there is a clear paedophile agenda. The first will be bad enough in itself for child protection, the latter as well far, far worse.

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The mind proves itself so very adept at developing schemes to protect the ego

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