Surely the ending of the Adam and Eve story is '... and there the Bible ends, because Cain, Abel, Seth and the other children were never born."

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Only if you are a transphobe who thinks that only women can be birthing parents

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Guilty as charged! 😁

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Now do Cinderella and The Ugly Duckling.

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will do

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And let''s not forget Snow White and the seven dwarfs polycule

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This is delightful, Eliza!

To be perfectly honest, I kinda enjoy the “Jesus was trans” argument? The part of me that loves drama hopes that this debate continues and everyone just gets really fucking crazy and stupid with it - even if only because every ounce of energy spent on that isn’t being spent on doing anything actually evil, but also: chaos. The dean of Trinity College is not wrong; the topic of Christ’s androgyny *does* predate the current gender movement by centuries. But even if you do take the “Christ’s side wound as symbolic vagina” idea seriously, I’m not sure this necessarily means what gender ideologues might want it to mean. This wound was delivered to Jesus's body posthumously, by one of the soldiers who crucified him. If we continue the metaphor, it was gender affirming care for the dead. Is this what WPATH Standards of Care 9 has in store for us? Gosh, just think of how much more advanced gender science might be now if they hadn’t burned the library of Alexandria! 😜

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Except that there really isn't any evidence that the Library of Alexandria--the one connected to the Museum--was ever burned at all.

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Very entertaining and displays the ludicrousness of this cult. I'm still trying to understand how seemingly intelligent people have fallen in line with this evil hogwash. One observation I have is one can't classify or predict who will fall. There are men and women (some traditional, some not), all colors, straight and gay, all ages, all educational levels and professions, etc., on both sides. What is the common characteristic among those adults that the cult has not been able to suck in and brainwash? Is there natural immunity or is it something learned?

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For myself, the deep sensitivity and suspicion comes from my experience growing up in a fundamentalist church, heavy on shame, hellfire, hypocrisy and cult like tendencies. I could have blindly followed my friends and neighbors down the Allies’ goodthink path because I am a good person and not a transphobic bigot. However, when my own beloved was poisoned by the ideology, hell’s fury has no match for a mother.

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Imho its got to do with the emptiheadedness required to lose critical thinking ability, ( godlessness helps), where we fill our cranial cavity with money and powerlust.. that 1% running the shitshow, the inability to detect a lie, belief that humans are bound to their instincts alone, the CRT doctrine of a world without boundaries, fluidity and social construction of, well, everything.

Consistent with that lazy do-nothing but bow to the collective stupidity( in the Bonheoffer sense) found in marxism. The denial of naturally found heirarchies of ability, merit, in which we get an excuse to do nothing but virtue-signal our allegiance not to principle nor live nor true caring but to some false sense of entitlement to the gifts of creation.

Sadly, and I do pity such fools, there is no free lunch in the real world. That is, unless your Trudeauite tyrants hand out freebies to keep you dependent on government instead of the wits and abilities you were gifted as a unique and valued individual.

I could go on, but I have things to do, earning my right to the food I eat and the roof over my humble head.

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I see I took the opposite stance from your question... but anything opposite of foolish collectiveness works for most of us who “ get it”.

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I think it may be a feeling of strong repugnancy to any forms of control or manipulation. This innate sense to feel free above feeling secure. I’m sure childhood experiences reenforce it. Most other people will choose immediate security and comfort over freedom because they take freedoms for granted. There is therefore no need for them to resist as everything from that point of view appears as normality. No alarm bells will be triggered to wake them up and our alarms just seem to them as noise. I’m sure there r plenty of other reasons but my impression is that is what it all boils down to.

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I love the "shackles of societal gender norms" that made it's way to Adam and Eve, when they are in fact the only people in their society. How dare they oppress themselves like that, seemingly out of nowhere, and thank goodness they ate the transgender pomegranate (or whatever the fruit self-identifies as)

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I wonder how Penelope felt about suddenly becoming a lesbian. She probably had to see Sappho for therapy

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Try asking Chat gpt “What is a woman?” It can take some work to get to the answer “Adult human female”!

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These are pretty funny, spooky, but funny

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This is somewhat tangential, but claims that Elagabalus was a transgender woman irritate me to no end, because they are based on a sloppy, superficial, completely decontextualized reading of historical documents. According to Cassius Dio’s _Historia Romana_ , Elagabalus called himself the "wife" of his male slave and offered an extravagant reward to any surgeon who could give him female genitals (which he supposedly wanted in order to prostitute himself to men). On the surface, this seems to suggest that Elagabalus did in fact have some sort of gender identity issue . . . except for the minor issue that modern historians regard Dio’s account of Elagabalus’ reign as pure fabrication.

Some historical background is necessary here: Dio’s patron, the emperor Severus Alexander, was Elagabalus’ cousin and successor. Conveniently enough, Severus Alexander became emperor thanks to Elagabalus’ assassination. To be fair, Severus Alexander didn’t orchestrate the killing himself (he was only thirteen at the time). To simplify a complicated series of events, the politically powerful Praetorian Guard decided that they preferred the heir apparent, Severus Alexander, to the immensely unpopular Elagabalus. On his part, Elagabalus repeatedly attempted to assassinate Severus Alexander, so there was no love lost between the two.

Given all of the above, of course Dio wasn’t going to portray Elagabalus as a wise, just ruler. Instead, he went hard in the opposite direction and spent several chapters spinning tales of Elagabalus’ tyrannical cruelty and hedonistic excess, This kind of over-the-top character assassination was par for the course in Roman historiography; this is where we get stories about Nero fiddling while Rome burned and Caligula appointing his horse to the Senate.

Long story short, Cassius Dio was making it all up. Did Elagabalus drive around in a chariot pulled by naked women? Nope. Did he stage a naval battle atop a lake of wine? Nope. Did he set loose poisonous snakes and wild beasts on party guests and hapless bystanders just for the fun of it? Nope. Did he call himself the "wife" of his foreign male slave and offer huge sums of money to any surgeon who could give him a vagina? Also nope . . . unless, of course, you're a trans rights activist looking to gender-baptize the dead.

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but jesus actually was trans wasn't she? afterall she had long hair and a dress.

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Wait... I am trying to remember .... Didn't Cain kill Abel for misgendering him, I mean misgendering her?

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Hilarious and eye opening. So much to unpack here...including how AI can and will manipulate society.

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I love how the AI unapologetically misgenders Adam and Eve after their realization that they’re trans. 😂😂 TERFgpt

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Someone's going to do these in baby pink and blue calligraphy and sell them on Etsy.

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Hadn’t heard about Jesus being trans! As for QEII - only a matter of time! Lol.

How long before this is the official ‘inclusive’ bible?

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