Good that you have responded it so quickly. And just like the previous NYT article, the comments from the readers (see Readers Picks) have been brutal, honest, and raw. Once again, an NYT article is getting brutally ratioed by the readers. And these are readers of the NY Times, for goodness sake!

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The Times is so infuriating yet it’s always reassuring to observe the reader comments, which are invariably hostile to the pro-trans content and/or framing of the Times coverage. The other bright light is the columnist Pamela Paul. Her work on the trans issue is consistently sensible, which is remarkable for the Times.

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She writes very reasonable essays about a number of issues, not just gender ideology. I seem to recall a good one about the issue of whether authors can/should write about topics/characters outside of their own “lived experiences.” I hope she manages to stick around at the NYT; I imagine there are many staffers there who strongly disagree with her. Her writing deserves a wide audience.

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I agree, she is not afraid to tackle elements of the wider wokeist cult, not just the trans subset. She must get a lot of hate.

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For One Group of Teenagers, Social Media Seems a Clear Net Benefit

It seems to me like yet another way these kids are seen as somehow exempt from everything known about human adolescent development. Even the harms of social media can’t touch them.

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Oh my goodness. These poor young people (and I imagine some older ones too) who find they’ve been totally abandoned at their lowest moments when they’re most desperately in need of support. The silence must be crushing

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Excellent Post.

To your byline question...after reading the horror stories over at PITT...I would say "quicksand" can appropriately be replaced with "meat grinder".

We all need to start using terms that accurately explain the reality, of the effects, these radical cultic movements are having on the kids. As with pedophilia and pedophiles - I no longer use abuse, when referring to the crime of Child sexual assault. I use rape and sodomy. Abuse, takes the edge off the atrocities these rapists and sodomizers are committing on these kids. MAP's...give me a break...they are perverts, predators, molester and deviants.

Lets start using terms and language, that matches the untold damage these movements and actors are foisting on the most vulnerable of us...The children.

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Hi Eliza,

I hope this is OK to comment! I wanted to ask you about an aspect of your research you mentioned a month or two ago on the Transparency podcast - specifically, the link between disability and trans. I am currently researching how medical interventions in trans healthcare actually create disability from the perspective of disability theory, and the frontiers of how the two domains cross over, with view to publish an academic article if I'm not too scared. I also come from a literature background in my undergrad so I feel like our analytical styles mesh.

I don't know how you feel about sharing your dataset, but if you'd feel comfortable to message me, I'm @Th3ti5 on Twitter and would love to pick your brains about this. I wrote something messy and preliminary on my Substack that references your work if you'd like to see where I'm coming from. Love from across the pond x

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Of course it's OK to comment. I've messaged you on Twitter.

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May 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023

Yes. NYT bungles. They are no longer "all the news fit to print." Meanwhile, I have an interview scheduled with Tammy Peterson, yes, she's happy to claim her marriage, her family, her son and daughter, her faith, in this temporal world.

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The cowards closed the comments, which as usual are a lot more informed than the article itself on these issues. They got a lot of blowback.

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Thank you, Eliza, for your post and for the helpful round-up of your writing on this topic. I have linked to your post and the articles in writing to the New York Times with my frustrations.

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Great first sentence!

Archive link to NYT


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Now that the negative effects of social media on teens are better-recognized, the corporate narrative shifts to a *human right for marginalized groups* rather than a frequently-toxic form of recreation.

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