“Your” porn? Perhaps you could respect yourself more and learn to fantasize without preformed images being fed to you on a screen. I sympathize with you on the liberal poetry editors issue, but “your” porn? I promise you, the best stuff can be generated by your own brain! I’m a GenX heterosexual woman, and was wondering just what was…
“Your” porn? Perhaps you could respect yourself more and learn to fantasize without preformed images being fed to you on a screen. I sympathize with you on the liberal poetry editors issue, but “your” porn? I promise you, the best stuff can be generated by your own brain! I’m a GenX heterosexual woman, and was wondering just what was going on with men until I found a website in 2015 that helped me understand the situation better. Gary Wilson is/was a high school science teacher and his wife is/was a relationship counselor who set up a website for discussing romantic relationships, and kept getting questions from men about whether they were addicted to porn. He’s now published a book about it, and I urge you to check out the website, https://www.yourbrainonporn.com/. Men discussing this issue with other men free from judgement may be helpful for you, so that you won’t be compelled to blame “transgenders” from invading “your” porn. As a woman, knowing that pornographers *know*what their products do to men and they produce and push it onto them anyway completely infuriates me, and I hope when users of porn discover this for themselves, that it infuriates them, too. Your male biology is being used against you by these sadistic pimps. I used to be “live and let live” with the subject of porn, until I found out about its deleterious effects on non-users, in addition to the direct impact it has on users. No judgement, just men helping other men. Please just check it out!
But, you ARE full of judgement. You are dripping with judgement. I used to be embarrassed to use porn, but then realized that it is everywhere and huge numbers of people look at it, so I stopped being embarrassed. I am a visual person and need an image in order to masturbate. I am also 72 years old. No one wants me now. That's just the way it is. I don't believe that I have an issue in this area, and I don't need your help.
I am gay, incidentally, so no woman was harmed in the porn that I look at. (I agree with anti-porn activists that porn harms women.) The interesting different between straight porn and gay porn is that the male actors in gay porn enjoy what they are doing. Female actors tend to do it, not because they like sex, but to get on camera. (Of course, both groups are trying to make money.)
So, please take your judgemental attitude and ----------------- (fill in the blank). Porn is here to stay.
Go ahead and say whatever you like, but porn is treating your fellow humans as objects for your own gratification and is deeply damaging to all the souls of all involved: participants, viewers, those that make a buck off of it, etc.
Calling other people judgmental doesn't change the fact that it is always wrong to use other humans as means to your own ends.
Not to mention that many performers have sad histories involving past sexual trauma and then are economically exploited.
So, yeah. I'm going to go ahead and make a judgment that porn is wrong
Please be sure to read my comment at the bottom of this thread. A huge amount of the porn available on the internet is being posted by people of THEMSELVES, people who are not making any money from it but enjoy showing themselves to the public. I would like to hear your arguments against THAT.
Go fuck yourself, you narcissistic wanker. Oh, that’s right! That’s what you do. What a toxic load of shit you’re carrying. Attempting to encourage men to help other men help themselves isn’t being judgmental. You are a load of dominator crap that will be rotting off of the Earth because of the cancer it is. Just another dumbass dominator male who proclaims to others that he knows things. Your kind of immaturity is cancerous, and it’s no wonder so many State Departments of Health have declared the porn situation to be a public health crisis. The collateral damage inflicted on non-users is what is motivating the activism against it. How utterly arrogant of you to underestimate the power of those who don’t share your perverted views about humans. Shallow-assed objectifying commodification of human beings isn’t tolerable to intelligent, humane people.
Dave and T.B.: Human society is far more varied and rich than either of you realize. People make their choices, and judging people harshly doesn't help in any situation. In fact, making the kinds of judgements you are making may be more harmful to society than anything I am doing. So, why don't you now harangue me for for eating meat, which I do? Or for buying foods in plastic containers, which I do? We all do the best that we can, and that applies to me also.
T.B., I see that all it took was one comment from me to unmask the ugliness of your character. Good luck with that. At least Dave tried to be civil in his remarks.
Both of you should get a button that says "I am part of cancel culture" and wear it proudly. Porn is legal. It is here to stay. Get over it.
Something just occurred to me. There are dozens of social media sites which are overwhelmed with members posting naked pictures of themselves and their friends making home-made porn. No one is paying them, yet the number of people doing this is in the tens of thousands. Reddit alone has hundreds if not thousands of people who are exposing themselves on a daily basis.
If people are doing this voluntarily, and if the numbers of people are in the tens of thousands, how can either of you say that anyone is being exploited?
And it isn't just social media. There are multiple web sites which are devoted to porn. Some of the porn on those sites constitutes promotional segments from porn publishers, but a lot of the porn being posted is made by amateurs who make no money from it -- NO MONEY AT ALL. They do it for fun and pleasure.
How do you self-righteous moralists explain that? The fact is that images are part of human culture, and people like to be seen in images. They do it because they are proud of their bodies, or because it helps them to meet sex partners. And since it is all voluntary and no one is being paid, it simply isn't possible to pretend that what's happening is a bad thing. It is called "freedom" -- freedom to do what you want as long as you are not hurting anyone. Without realizing it, the two of you have taken a position AGAINST FREEDOM.
I want to thank the two of you for opening my eyes. Yes, in the back of my head I felt a little embarrassment for indulging in porn, but that is now over. The two of you would erase the freedoms of people doing harmless things that you simply don't approve of. YOU are on the wrong side of this issue, not me!
No, no, no, no, no. It's not your job, or my job, to find reasons to shame people for doing the things they want to do, as long as they aren't hurting anyone. If the people who voluntarily display pictures of themselves on the internet are in some way harming themselves, that is for them to figure out. It is not for outsiders like you to tell them what they can't do. As I said, this is about freedom. "Live and let live."
In my case, if looking at a picture gives me a moment of feeling like I am actually with a real person, then more power to me. I haven't had sex in 20+ years, and I am not going to deny myself that pleasure. Indeed, most of the porn that I look at is of the kind that people put on the internet voluntarily.
The traditional difference between liberals and conservatives is that conservatives want to control how other people live their lives in the name of some religious system of morality that only they believe in. But now this form of controlling morality has infected liberals too, in the form of "cancel culture". Whether you like it or not, you and David and that awful abusive person Tumble Bug have made yourselves part of cancel culture. You are trying to tell people how to live.
I was a young man once, and I know how young men are. They love to get naked. It is almost instinctual for many of them. It is part of the mating ritual. There are young men out there who would feel DEPRIVED if they couldn't get naked on the internet. Indeed, there are women who have similar sensibilities to men in this area, who would also feel deprived. It is not for you to stop them.
Now, as I said, I am gay, and I look at pictures of men only. I agree that porn made by men with women actors is denigrating to the women. But that is a separate issue. You can't tell me that what I do is harmful to me or the men or anyone, because it isn't.
“Your” porn? Perhaps you could respect yourself more and learn to fantasize without preformed images being fed to you on a screen. I sympathize with you on the liberal poetry editors issue, but “your” porn? I promise you, the best stuff can be generated by your own brain! I’m a GenX heterosexual woman, and was wondering just what was going on with men until I found a website in 2015 that helped me understand the situation better. Gary Wilson is/was a high school science teacher and his wife is/was a relationship counselor who set up a website for discussing romantic relationships, and kept getting questions from men about whether they were addicted to porn. He’s now published a book about it, and I urge you to check out the website, https://www.yourbrainonporn.com/. Men discussing this issue with other men free from judgement may be helpful for you, so that you won’t be compelled to blame “transgenders” from invading “your” porn. As a woman, knowing that pornographers *know*what their products do to men and they produce and push it onto them anyway completely infuriates me, and I hope when users of porn discover this for themselves, that it infuriates them, too. Your male biology is being used against you by these sadistic pimps. I used to be “live and let live” with the subject of porn, until I found out about its deleterious effects on non-users, in addition to the direct impact it has on users. No judgement, just men helping other men. Please just check it out!
But, you ARE full of judgement. You are dripping with judgement. I used to be embarrassed to use porn, but then realized that it is everywhere and huge numbers of people look at it, so I stopped being embarrassed. I am a visual person and need an image in order to masturbate. I am also 72 years old. No one wants me now. That's just the way it is. I don't believe that I have an issue in this area, and I don't need your help.
I am gay, incidentally, so no woman was harmed in the porn that I look at. (I agree with anti-porn activists that porn harms women.) The interesting different between straight porn and gay porn is that the male actors in gay porn enjoy what they are doing. Female actors tend to do it, not because they like sex, but to get on camera. (Of course, both groups are trying to make money.)
So, please take your judgemental attitude and ----------------- (fill in the blank). Porn is here to stay.
Go ahead and say whatever you like, but porn is treating your fellow humans as objects for your own gratification and is deeply damaging to all the souls of all involved: participants, viewers, those that make a buck off of it, etc.
Calling other people judgmental doesn't change the fact that it is always wrong to use other humans as means to your own ends.
Not to mention that many performers have sad histories involving past sexual trauma and then are economically exploited.
So, yeah. I'm going to go ahead and make a judgment that porn is wrong
Please be sure to read my comment at the bottom of this thread. A huge amount of the porn available on the internet is being posted by people of THEMSELVES, people who are not making any money from it but enjoy showing themselves to the public. I would like to hear your arguments against THAT.
Go fuck yourself, you narcissistic wanker. Oh, that’s right! That’s what you do. What a toxic load of shit you’re carrying. Attempting to encourage men to help other men help themselves isn’t being judgmental. You are a load of dominator crap that will be rotting off of the Earth because of the cancer it is. Just another dumbass dominator male who proclaims to others that he knows things. Your kind of immaturity is cancerous, and it’s no wonder so many State Departments of Health have declared the porn situation to be a public health crisis. The collateral damage inflicted on non-users is what is motivating the activism against it. How utterly arrogant of you to underestimate the power of those who don’t share your perverted views about humans. Shallow-assed objectifying commodification of human beings isn’t tolerable to intelligent, humane people.
Dave and T.B.: Human society is far more varied and rich than either of you realize. People make their choices, and judging people harshly doesn't help in any situation. In fact, making the kinds of judgements you are making may be more harmful to society than anything I am doing. So, why don't you now harangue me for for eating meat, which I do? Or for buying foods in plastic containers, which I do? We all do the best that we can, and that applies to me also.
T.B., I see that all it took was one comment from me to unmask the ugliness of your character. Good luck with that. At least Dave tried to be civil in his remarks.
Both of you should get a button that says "I am part of cancel culture" and wear it proudly. Porn is legal. It is here to stay. Get over it.
Something just occurred to me. There are dozens of social media sites which are overwhelmed with members posting naked pictures of themselves and their friends making home-made porn. No one is paying them, yet the number of people doing this is in the tens of thousands. Reddit alone has hundreds if not thousands of people who are exposing themselves on a daily basis.
If people are doing this voluntarily, and if the numbers of people are in the tens of thousands, how can either of you say that anyone is being exploited?
And it isn't just social media. There are multiple web sites which are devoted to porn. Some of the porn on those sites constitutes promotional segments from porn publishers, but a lot of the porn being posted is made by amateurs who make no money from it -- NO MONEY AT ALL. They do it for fun and pleasure.
How do you self-righteous moralists explain that? The fact is that images are part of human culture, and people like to be seen in images. They do it because they are proud of their bodies, or because it helps them to meet sex partners. And since it is all voluntary and no one is being paid, it simply isn't possible to pretend that what's happening is a bad thing. It is called "freedom" -- freedom to do what you want as long as you are not hurting anyone. Without realizing it, the two of you have taken a position AGAINST FREEDOM.
I want to thank the two of you for opening my eyes. Yes, in the back of my head I felt a little embarrassment for indulging in porn, but that is now over. The two of you would erase the freedoms of people doing harmless things that you simply don't approve of. YOU are on the wrong side of this issue, not me!
Please read up about the lies of YouPorn or whatever it's called. It is not at all what you think it is in terms of people voluntarily acting on it.
No, no, no, no, no. It's not your job, or my job, to find reasons to shame people for doing the things they want to do, as long as they aren't hurting anyone. If the people who voluntarily display pictures of themselves on the internet are in some way harming themselves, that is for them to figure out. It is not for outsiders like you to tell them what they can't do. As I said, this is about freedom. "Live and let live."
In my case, if looking at a picture gives me a moment of feeling like I am actually with a real person, then more power to me. I haven't had sex in 20+ years, and I am not going to deny myself that pleasure. Indeed, most of the porn that I look at is of the kind that people put on the internet voluntarily.
The traditional difference between liberals and conservatives is that conservatives want to control how other people live their lives in the name of some religious system of morality that only they believe in. But now this form of controlling morality has infected liberals too, in the form of "cancel culture". Whether you like it or not, you and David and that awful abusive person Tumble Bug have made yourselves part of cancel culture. You are trying to tell people how to live.
I was a young man once, and I know how young men are. They love to get naked. It is almost instinctual for many of them. It is part of the mating ritual. There are young men out there who would feel DEPRIVED if they couldn't get naked on the internet. Indeed, there are women who have similar sensibilities to men in this area, who would also feel deprived. It is not for you to stop them.
Now, as I said, I am gay, and I look at pictures of men only. I agree that porn made by men with women actors is denigrating to the women. But that is a separate issue. You can't tell me that what I do is harmful to me or the men or anyone, because it isn't.