May 25, 2022Liked by Eliza Mondegreen

I remember, many decades ago, walking down the Tottenham Court Road in London (UK) & being collared by a Scientologist outside a shop they'd rented: to haul in people off the street to complete a questionnaire.

I was already a sceptic about Scientology but curious about the questionnaire. So it was no surprise to find it was designed to make any reasonably well-functioning human being appear completely inadequate, sorely in need of the "help" of Scientology. A dishonestly loaded recruiting device, designed to elicit negative responses.

And it's therefore little surprise -- though just as disgusting -- that the gender cult uses the same recruiting techniques. Less than perfectly, 100 percent happy and successful? Then you must be trans: sorely in need of our medical treatment.

Brainwashing and hucksterism of all kinds use these manipulative techniques: also built into the more innocuous advertising acronym AIDA: Attention, Information, Desire, Attraction.

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"I'm not sure about my gender. What is this called?"

This is essentially "I'm lost, can you help me find my way?"

Feeling lost is natural as is seeking advice but this is quickly exploited by people whose goals are manipulation and control. I feel like we need to finely tune our bullshit meters to be able to recognize this in others. To my mind, some of the surest indicators of a bullshit artist/manipulator are their tendencies to make definitive statements, to shame you either subtly or overtly when you get "off track", and an inability to admit fallibility.

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May 25, 2022Liked by Eliza Mondegreen

Gosh, I had no idea Scientology used the term 'Wogs'.

To British people (and possibly Australians) that is a highly offensive term which was used to describe various immigrant, non white groups. It may be a shortening of the term 'golliwog'.

Thankfully you don't hear it much anymore.

(I'm sure you remember a bit in Fawlty Towers where The Major uses the term).

It would be interesting to know if L Ron Hubbard was aware of that and used it deliberately.

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Sadly, we're living at a time when most people are suffering from severe trauma living in an omnicidal culture that is heading over a cliff. We did not evolve to live this way and have no coping skills as a species to resist propaganda. The billionaires who are indoctrinating all of us into their narrative are profiting enormously from our vulnerability. Drugs, surgeries mindless entertainment and endless distractions keep us from realizing that the sociopaths in business and government are laughing all the way to the bank.

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Nailed it again!

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And then parents are bewildered how it happens when: they drive their child to the cult-school every day where cult-teachers ask them their pronouns and deliver them to cult-librarians with cult-porn; drive them to a cult-therapist weekly; and leave them ruminating in front of the cult-screen all night, chatting with cult followers and cult leaders. Not 'blaming' parents (I'm a parent). It's frustrating.

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Yup. And like every cult, it's where you'll find the truly GOOD people who are only trying to save everyone from their own ignorance. Even if it looks as if they're doing bad things (like death & rape threats) they're only doing them for the greater good. Also if your parents don't like it, it's because they don't "get" you like the cult does.

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This is how authoritarianism begins. It is so easy now to ensnare young impressionable kids with Hogwash! It’s everywhere.

I’m looking forward to seeing the documentary, “ What is a Woman? “ as if this question is not easily answered by a 4 year old.

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After college, I actually walked into a Scientology storefront in downtown Chicago not really knowing what they were. I could have been a prime target for them but something felt “not right” about it. I listened to my inner voice and doubts and walked away. Just like I walked away from religion ten years later. I find it criminal to prey on people this way and convince them not to trust their own intuition to steal their money.

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I hope the "definitive rundown" turns into a book.

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Yes. It's a narcissist's field day! Gaslight central for all the weak minded twits willing to offer up their very connection to themselves and reality, to have it replaced by twisted, manipulated, deeply damaging lies!

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Q: "I'm not sure about my gender. What is this called?"

A: It means that you're not really very upset by your body and your presence in it. All of the screaming and yelling and hyperventilating about gender and gender dysphoria and gender identity isn't really relevant to you, and you should just ignore it. You don't have to think about it, you don't have to talk about it, and you don't have to believe that you have a gender identity at all. You can just be you.

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You'll never find the time to write a definitive account - just keep chipping away. Thanks for what you do!

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