And the more people that stand up, the more it will come to light. Still it’s frustratingly slow. I have no consequential public voice, but I do have small groups of family, friends and neighbors. At every opportunity I am just trying to have conversations, ask questions, tell my story (ROGD parent) so they might reconsider their blind allegiance to TRA propaganda.
And the more people that stand up, the more it will come to light. Still it’s frustratingly slow. I have no consequential public voice, but I do have small groups of family, friends and neighbors. At every opportunity I am just trying to have conversations, ask questions, tell my story (ROGD parent) so they might reconsider their blind allegiance to TRA propaganda.
And the more people that stand up, the more it will come to light. Still it’s frustratingly slow. I have no consequential public voice, but I do have small groups of family, friends and neighbors. At every opportunity I am just trying to have conversations, ask questions, tell my story (ROGD parent) so they might reconsider their blind allegiance to TRA propaganda.
Absolutely, it is frustratingly slow, keep chipping away though. 👊🏾