“It’s not a phase.” As if nothing about being a young person is a phase, when *everything* about being a young person is--actually--a phase. Phases are not inherently bad or good, just processes as we grow and change. But trans ideology requires identity to be immutable--not a phase.
As an older adult, it’s easy to look back at some embarrassing phases. We grew through them. We changed our minds, wore different clothes, decided in our 30s that actually having children was desirable (after a youth spent insisting “no kids!”), etc etc. The problem with trans is that too many of the decisions are permanent: permanent sterility, permanent sexual dysfunction, permanent health effects from cross sex hormones. Not at all like changing clothing styles or haircuts (but promoted as such! “Try hormones, why not?”).
This is marketing...it harkens back to Edward Bernays's "Torches of Freedom"...where women bravely took the right and liberty to smoke, that had been so cruelly and misogynistically denied them. They also took all the associated health issues, that came with those emancipating, equality sticks.
Never mind it was a propaganda and marketing campaign, dreamed up by Bernays and a tobacco company. One in which he used and manipulated socialite suffragettes, to stage a smoking demonstration, during a freedom parade.
Confused teens are an infinitely easier crowd to manipulate and sell these death products, agenda and ideologies to.
Ah yes why ancient Kings sought comment from witches and seers for advantageous
conditions to sell the win to the stakeholders, with modern day rulers head hunting psychologists and as we are seeing attempts at full control of that profession and all cultural knowledge bases.
All of this recruitment language, together with tiktok shorts of the euphoria after each step, are what cult deprogrammers call ritual conditioning and manipulation. My 33 year old husband, father of our 2 little sons, told me that our marriage had not all been a lie, because he "didn't feel this way all the time." I am sure he didn't go to his non-certified groomer and his PhD "sexologist" saying those same sentiments. His holy grail was the letters to take to the surgeons, and bringing up a time when he felt "just like everyone else" would not further that quest. Thanks for bringing this to the surface. Doubts are common. In the "Blanchard Protocols" of the two years of cross-dressing prior to surgeries, the goal, from my perspective, was to sweep any qualms under the rug. The fact that the ex-wives have never been surveyed, studied or interviewed in an programatic way demonstrates the focus of the diagnosing "therapists" on getting their patients to the holy grail, so they can recruit more new blood into the movement. We all know the recruitment by recently transitioned, during their euphoric cycle.
Thanks. I have a book, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (Ute Heggen, 2022, iuniverse.com/bookstore) Can be ordered soft cover with the 50 nature photos or eBook, very inexpensive. I suggest the $28 for the soft cover is worth it, because then you can give it to someone who's about to peak. Here's a clip from my channel:
Damn do these all sound like the stranger in the white van handing out “candy”. Once you start to get old lady advertising, you will see the flip side of HRT pushing and testosterone pellets.
The Vajenda substack is a good source for an OB/gYM breaking all the misleading snd false advertising down.
Thank you for unearthing and sharing these thoughts that can be read as a pattern and that can easily lure in a very open minded person, especially a very young one. I am old now, and grateful! that I am so....
Discouraging and suppressing doubt seems to be a theme. It makes me think of my experience with religion and in certain relationships in which my questions were discouraged or punished in favor of unquestioning acceptance. How "authentic" can you be if there's no room for your doubts or questions?
"An activity you can do is make lists, like pro/con lists, but for female/male. What signs do you have that you're female? What signs do you have that you're male?"
There needs to be an online campaign where the children go, a video/TikTok campaign that will attract children and that challenges the grooming videos. These exposes are great and making adults aware, but we need to be intervening between the children and these freaks online, making videos that will draw the eyeballs of the children away from the freaks.
I put the idea in a comment on a Rufo article. He seems to be in the DeSantis circle and I suggested the Florida First Lady, an experienced communicator, organize a campaign creating videos for children. I also sent an email to Rosey Greer asking him to get involved. Please start passing to others to email on his website (roseygrier). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0AZ_fKcWME
Who the hell ever said that being a kid and teen-ager wouldn't be confusing, uncomfortable and terrifying at times...especially in a world where the support structure (immediate and extended) of the nuclear family has been decimated and society is run by psychopaths, intent on using fatalistic policies, propaganda and dialogue, to stress the herds to breaking levels, for control purposes.
These kids naturally become easy fodder for the regime activists - pied pipers - and you get the proverbial killing fields, Eliza outlines above.
This carnage does not stop, until the orchestrators of this soft genocide, are made to pay (choose any form you like, but I vote for gallows or guillotines).
These groomers will not be made to pay consequences, for a few reasons, but the one I am shouting to the rafters is...the next stop of their crazy train, is the mainstreaming/normalizing of pedophilia.
I can hear everyone now...and I understand the head shakes and eyerolls, but they are actively shifting the Overton Window, on this issue.
What the trans movement arm is doing, is an atrocity, but the next step will make it look benign, by comparison.
Always remember, these issues tearing society apart today...work together, to sew the chaos we are living in.
“It’s not a phase.” As if nothing about being a young person is a phase, when *everything* about being a young person is--actually--a phase. Phases are not inherently bad or good, just processes as we grow and change. But trans ideology requires identity to be immutable--not a phase.
As an older adult, it’s easy to look back at some embarrassing phases. We grew through them. We changed our minds, wore different clothes, decided in our 30s that actually having children was desirable (after a youth spent insisting “no kids!”), etc etc. The problem with trans is that too many of the decisions are permanent: permanent sterility, permanent sexual dysfunction, permanent health effects from cross sex hormones. Not at all like changing clothing styles or haircuts (but promoted as such! “Try hormones, why not?”).
Hard core marketing psychology.
Sweets/candy at the checkout,
But the sweet/candy packets talk personally directly in a dystopian 5g recognition.
Baud rate bullying.
Well said.
This is marketing...it harkens back to Edward Bernays's "Torches of Freedom"...where women bravely took the right and liberty to smoke, that had been so cruelly and misogynistically denied them. They also took all the associated health issues, that came with those emancipating, equality sticks.
Never mind it was a propaganda and marketing campaign, dreamed up by Bernays and a tobacco company. One in which he used and manipulated socialite suffragettes, to stage a smoking demonstration, during a freedom parade.
Confused teens are an infinitely easier crowd to manipulate and sell these death products, agenda and ideologies to.
Thanks Shawn.
The sinister techniques being used, are timeless.
Ah yes why ancient Kings sought comment from witches and seers for advantageous
conditions to sell the win to the stakeholders, with modern day rulers head hunting psychologists and as we are seeing attempts at full control of that profession and all cultural knowledge bases.
"Don't take my word for it, google it".... Says it all. In Google we trust.
All of this recruitment language, together with tiktok shorts of the euphoria after each step, are what cult deprogrammers call ritual conditioning and manipulation. My 33 year old husband, father of our 2 little sons, told me that our marriage had not all been a lie, because he "didn't feel this way all the time." I am sure he didn't go to his non-certified groomer and his PhD "sexologist" saying those same sentiments. His holy grail was the letters to take to the surgeons, and bringing up a time when he felt "just like everyone else" would not further that quest. Thanks for bringing this to the surface. Doubts are common. In the "Blanchard Protocols" of the two years of cross-dressing prior to surgeries, the goal, from my perspective, was to sweep any qualms under the rug. The fact that the ex-wives have never been surveyed, studied or interviewed in an programatic way demonstrates the focus of the diagnosing "therapists" on getting their patients to the holy grail, so they can recruit more new blood into the movement. We all know the recruitment by recently transitioned, during their euphoric cycle.
Thanks. I have a book, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (Ute Heggen, 2022, iuniverse.com/bookstore) Can be ordered soft cover with the 50 nature photos or eBook, very inexpensive. I suggest the $28 for the soft cover is worth it, because then you can give it to someone who's about to peak. Here's a clip from my channel:
Damn do these all sound like the stranger in the white van handing out “candy”. Once you start to get old lady advertising, you will see the flip side of HRT pushing and testosterone pellets.
The Vajenda substack is a good source for an OB/gYM breaking all the misleading snd false advertising down.
Thank you for unearthing and sharing these thoughts that can be read as a pattern and that can easily lure in a very open minded person, especially a very young one. I am old now, and grateful! that I am so....
ICYMI, a study you might have some interest in:
"Large study on hormone therapy for transgender youth provides reassurance amid treatment politicization"
That kids might feel better in the short term might not be much consolation in the longer one.
Discouraging and suppressing doubt seems to be a theme. It makes me think of my experience with religion and in certain relationships in which my questions were discouraged or punished in favor of unquestioning acceptance. How "authentic" can you be if there's no room for your doubts or questions?
"An activity you can do is make lists, like pro/con lists, but for female/male. What signs do you have that you're female? What signs do you have that you're male?"
daaaaaaammmnn son.
There needs to be an online campaign where the children go, a video/TikTok campaign that will attract children and that challenges the grooming videos. These exposes are great and making adults aware, but we need to be intervening between the children and these freaks online, making videos that will draw the eyeballs of the children away from the freaks.
What a great idea! We gotta infiltrate.
I put the idea in a comment on a Rufo article. He seems to be in the DeSantis circle and I suggested the Florida First Lady, an experienced communicator, organize a campaign creating videos for children. I also sent an email to Rosey Greer asking him to get involved. Please start passing to others to email on his website (roseygrier). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0AZ_fKcWME
Excellent comments from you both!
Who the hell ever said that being a kid and teen-ager wouldn't be confusing, uncomfortable and terrifying at times...especially in a world where the support structure (immediate and extended) of the nuclear family has been decimated and society is run by psychopaths, intent on using fatalistic policies, propaganda and dialogue, to stress the herds to breaking levels, for control purposes.
These kids naturally become easy fodder for the regime activists - pied pipers - and you get the proverbial killing fields, Eliza outlines above.
This carnage does not stop, until the orchestrators of this soft genocide, are made to pay (choose any form you like, but I vote for gallows or guillotines).
Agreed 100%.
These groomers will not be made to pay consequences, for a few reasons, but the one I am shouting to the rafters is...the next stop of their crazy train, is the mainstreaming/normalizing of pedophilia.
I can hear everyone now...and I understand the head shakes and eyerolls, but they are actively shifting the Overton Window, on this issue.
What the trans movement arm is doing, is an atrocity, but the next step will make it look benign, by comparison.
Always remember, these issues tearing society apart today...work together, to sew the chaos we are living in.