When you say "I don't care what his pronouns are, male rapists don't belong in women's prisons," you're also speaking truth to power. Calling out male violence, especially male violence against women has always be verboten and is inevitably followed by "not all men". But the truth remains that male violence, entitlement, and aggression continue to be the most destructive forces on the planet and calling that out in any way shape or form will get you "corrected", dismissed, demeaned, or worse.

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I'm a man, but I have to agree. Testosterone seems to be the enemy of humanity. Ninety percent of the violence is committed by men, if not more. I'm a consumer of true-crime shows, and it continues to astonish me that at any given time there are 30 to 50 serial killers on the loose in the U.S., most of them men, and most of them victimizing women. The constant improvements in our DNA databases is putting a small dent in that, but more needs to be done. Ancestral DNA is turning out to be a great tool.

(For whatever it's worth, the thrill I get from true-crime shows is not the part where the victim's murder is recounted, but the part where they track down and catch the murderer. I get huge satisfaction from seeing bad people brought to justice. Sometimes, though, the murder part is just too gruesome, and I have to change the channel.)

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Keep up the great writing! I'm not skilled with visual software, but it would be great if someone who is skilled in that area can create pictures of the handmaidens of trans in rainbow-colored capes and bonnets. Sturgeon would be a good start. Female male-worshiping misogynists have always been among us, ready to attack other women and defend the worst of the males-on-a-pedestal.

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That's brilliant!

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OMG! That sums it up.

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It is a religion, and just like all religions, you have to believe otherwise you are a heretic who has to be cast out.

Excellent piece, Eliza ♀️

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Most religions don’t push their beliefs on others. The trans cult is trying to make everyone part of their destructive beliefs. This is more dangerous than any cult before. It is very much like the Chinese Cultural Revolution, which destroyed so many lives.It has to be stopped . It may come down to not voting for Democrats in the next election , since most Democratic politicians support this ideology.

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And because unwanted contact with reality causes real pain, there's real suffering whenever dissidents force the issue.

(This real suffering, in turn, reassures the "just be kind" crowd that they're right to smother their own doubts about the cause…)

Glad you brought up "be kind". Canada's national Be Kind day is Feb 22 and the marketers have already begun to flog oink shirts in bulk & school programming online. https://pinkshirtdaycanada.ca/

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Jeez! Be kind. To whom? The kidnapping of language to Orwellian terms is more than just disgusting! Are trans -women kind to real women? Are doctors performing double mastectomies on young healthy girls being kind ? Are schools who do not let parents know that their kids are being indoctrinated into changing their gender being kind?

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Indeed -- one is reminded of Anthony's speech over Caesar's corpse, particularly the bits about "meek and gentle with these butchers", and "Over thy wounds now do I prophesy ...

A curse shall light upon the limbs of men":


Whole bunch of "doctors" & "therapists" should wind up losing their licenses if not being strung up by their nuts and left to twist in the wind -- figuratively speaking, of course ...

Though it's "transwomen" -- compound word like "crayfish". 🙂 Particularly since it tends to get their knickers in a twist, to "offend" them ...


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I should have written transwoman , not separating the two words. Didn’t know that spelling it that way is offensive .. really .. what isn’t offensive to them? Of course misgendering is the height of offensiveness. We live and learn!🤪

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I should have written transwoman , not separating the two words. Didn’t know that spelling it that way is offensive .. really .. what isn’t offensive to them? Of course misgendering is the height of offensiveness. We live and learn!🤪

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Sadly, Canada is just as bad as Scotland for having drunk the transgender Koolaid -- Eliza's recent experiences at McGill university being a case in point. The rot that transgenderism has wrought -- so to speak -- is pervasive and pernicious.

I remember reading brief tales of the "denazification" of Germany after WW2, and seeing Germans forced to walk through extermination camps to rub their noses in the odious consequences of their acceptance of Nazism. I expect something like that may be required with transgenderism, and gender ideology in general.

Further elaborations on the theme may be found in my essay on the corruption at Statistics departments of several governments including Canada's:


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It does come down to the reality that there is no "true trans." I know, from intimate life with a husband (now ex for decades) who recited all the tropes repeatedly 3 decades ago. Except it was called "transsexual." The linguistic and institutional capture nurtures the Stockholm Syndrome further. This name for brainwashing involved victims of an actual kidnapper in Stockholm, who long ago convinced themselves he wasn't such a bad guy--real case. This pathological narcissism involves rage. The rapes are proof. Kara Dansky publicly stated she's done with "true trans." When linear logic returns, the fallacies of this diagnosis are no longer invisible. Below, link to my voice telling "Juliette's" true tale of her husband's recent dive down the rabbit hole. The next Juliette episode will include the time he choked her, in front of their toddler. He still has overnight visitation with this child.


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"It should be clear that if someone poses a danger to women and committed crimes against women, they should not be being housed in a women's prison.” Even this opposition statement is absurdly weak. I’m guessing they’re not putting women who have harmed other women in men’s prisons or some mythical separate “dangerous women” prison. The reality is that pretty much any man poses a danger to women and everyone knows it. The abject lack of honesty has lead us here, and people need to be called on it if they’re going to uphold these horrific positions. It feels like we’ll see more of that this year, but I’ve been disappointed before.

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Very good, succinct and to the point! Let’s hope it makes a difference!

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Well said, Eliza. Spot on.

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"Referring directly to the Bryson case, Ms Sturgeon confirmed: 'This prisoner will not be incarcerated in Cornton Vale women's prison - short term or long term'."

Sturgeon has not done a U turn or capitulated .

She knows full well that HE wont be there "short term or long term" because IT'S CLOSING!!!!!

Article dated 15 DEC 2022


Cornton Vale women's prison on final countdown ahead of 2023 closure

The replacement facility between Cornton and Bridge of Allan will house 80 prisoners

Cornton Vale women’s prison and young offenders institution is to close early in the new year.

The Scottish Prison Service announced this week that the doors will close in early 2023 before HMP & YOI Stirling, which is being built on the same site, will open in the summer.

Dealing with women with mental health problems has traditionally been a major issue at the prison.

Drug and alcohol abuse is often seen in women being admitted to the jail, however, past studies have found that there is also a high incidence of women who have experienced physical, mental and sexual abuse at some point in their lives, or have underlying mental health conditions.

Scotland’s women’s jail – once overcrowded with around 400 inmates – is going through a transformation as part of a wider revamp of the Scottish prison system.

A review researched elements from across the world including Scandinavia, New Zealand and Canada to create a new approach unique to Scotland.

The replacement facility between Cornton and Bridge of Allan will house 80 prisoners with “acute” needs in a more therapeutic environment.

A 20-place assessment centre will also help decide where women coming into custody will be located within the prison estate – including community custody units in places like Edinburgh and Dundee.

The announcement this week is said to be an important landmark in the progress towards a new and modern national facility for women in custody.

The Stirling facility will be the third new, purpose-built facility for women in custody in Scotland, following the opening of the Bella and Lilias Community Custody Units (CCUs) this year.

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Nailed it

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there is no such thing as transition. you can re draw the map as many times as you like. but the land remains the same. there is no place for men in women's prisons. ever.

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It’s quite obvious that this is not a woman...unless “ she” put something in “ her “ pants! So the gender ideologues think it’s disgusting “ to condemn rapists if they pose as a woman...or just what does is their Putz mean by his outrage?

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he certainly has not too fine a point on him.... 😩

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ooooh my eyes!!

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“ ultra progressive” is in no way progressive any more.. quite the opposite! The left has swung to authoritarianism when it comes to the trans cult! Sadly much of mainstream media has also swallowed the Kool Aid!

People who value truth should write letters to CNN. protesting this!

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there is no such thing as transition. you can re draw the map as many times as you like. but the land remains the same. there is no place for men in women's prisons. ever.

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You always say it better than other people do.

What frustrates me is that it seems to be natural women who are turning out to be the most potent proponents of trans ideology. The emotional circuitry which makes natural women the advocates of underdogs has short-circuited in this respect. Too many of them have bought into the ideas that trans people suffer more than the rest of us, and that they are constantly in danger of being murdered. (That last fact is true, but they make it worse by thumbing their noses at their conservative cultures, and then they too often go into the sex trade. Trans people have an exhibitionistic streak in them. Trans women want to be seen as the women that they think they are, but when you are weird and making a spectacle of yourself, you open yourself up to violence.)

But I have strayed from my point that too many natural women are willing to turn against women as a group in order to give this new and most-pitiful minority their undying love. You have that woman in the legislature in Scotland. There are several women doctors working with trans people who have become vocal advocates. Then there is Chase Strangio, who is, we must remember, really a woman. There are also a bunch of women journalists who are vocal supporters of trans people. Added to this are the men who support trans women because they are actually men, and the chorus in favor of this minority seems to be huge and unshakable.

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I am posting this comment that I recently made on another article just to make sure Eliza sees it, but others should go to CNN and read the horrible article this apologist wrote. Most horrifying is that she supports the idea that trans kids should hide their feelings from their parents.

I am pretty sure that Jill Filipovic's email address is jill.filipovic@gmail.com. I have already sent her an email trying to make sense to her. Complaining to CNN about the stupidity of giving people like her space on their web site might also help.


Eliza, if you aren't aware of this women, you need to be: Jill Filipovic. She is 110% in favor of all things trans, including the idea that parents should not have control over the decisions that their children make, like taking hormones, etc. Her ultra-progressive ideology is a huge danger to children.

She currently has an article posted on the CNN site (which, unfortunately, is all-in on the trans bullshit). She is fully aware that kids are more transgender than older generations, but she doesn't seem to realize that that is because being trans has become a fad among kids. Kids are, after all, gullible and easily influenced -- though from reading her articles you would think that kids were more mature than adults are. I mean, any other person with even the slightest bit of insight into society would be able to figure out that there is more transgenderism among kids because they are easy to influence and manipulate.

I hope you'll look into her and do an article on her.

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I did see your comment earlier today! Have the article open to read...

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The article has all the wrong ideas in it. I kept wincing while I read it.

I have already written to her and to CNN. I'd be happy to post those letters here if you think people would like to read them.

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She has a couple of popular Substacks, including one called "Abortion, Every Day".

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Well. That's a title.

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