"I read every pro-trans article anyone linked on social media hoping that this would be the article that finally made sense, only to be disappointed."

This is the way I felt, and still feel. I've pointed out on Twitter/X once or twice that, by this point, there would be a "Trans for Dummies" by now if there was anything real underlying it.

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Social Contagion is common among young girls 😑

When I was young it was anorexia/bulemia .. then more recently we had the “pregnancy groups”… now it’s the trans movement, which is being driven hard from above

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This is really interesting.

I’m particularly fascinated by the need to be part of a group. Of course, that’s always been the way for many; that’s why sports teams have fans after all.

I just think most people are a bit rubbish and I’m better off doing things my way and in accordance with reality, rather than neat stories.

But that instinct is so strong in many; it strikes me as unhealthy, regardless of the fact it had evolutionary value. Eating all the calories had evolutionary value as well, until we made them so abundant.

Sorry, just kind of doing a stream of consciousness.

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This was great!

Ok I’m just going to shoot my shot here:

Can we please make a group for weird nerd women, who found their way to GC spaces for similar reasons as these, to make friends irl?? 🙏🤓🥺 I feel like part of the problem with these spaces is it’s so hard to meet people this cool and unusual irl so everyone just spends all their time online and things get distorted bc no one’s face to face….the world needs some legit female social clubs for nerdy women.

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Who is Nicole Rainey? You didn't say anything about her to expain why we might be interested in what she has to say.

I am Australian, so perhaps she is just known in the USA?

I got the impression she spent an unhealthy amount of time in a very weird niche world. Personally I am a very insular autistic who doesn't do friends and listening to Raineys recollections of being around other autistics reinforces my certainty that people on the spectrum are best avoided.

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I think it can be possible to find something someone says interesting without knowing who they are; I certainly did.

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I just attended an annual conference for science fiction and fantasy writers, readers, and fans. I've been involved with it and its subculture on and off for almost 30 years, and it has always been a haven for misfits, and to my dismay I've seen gender identity creep into it. We were all doing fine with people feeling like they had a place to be odd and eccentric; we didn't need "they/them" stickers and buttons.

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That’s a courageous young woman to think for herself and trust her gut through the messy hallway of wanting to belong. Brava!

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This is great stuff. I’ve been trying to understand — and get other people to understand — how we got to the point we’re at, and Nicole ties a lot of threads together real well. This part particularly sticks out as true and important:

“The majority of the people I’ve met through these spaces grew up in fairly religious, conservative households, and felt restricted by the expectations their family and religion placed on them. In fact, many of these people were incapable of meeting the expectations their families had—often because of mental illness, something they didn’t realize until later in life. So they often spent their childhoods being told their inability to meet expectations was a character flaw. Then, when they grew up, many went low or no contact with their families, and adopted left-wing and atheist identities. But they all kept their fear of being ‘Inherently Bad People’ and hung onto the black-and-white thinking they learned from their parents.”

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The "teams" is part of the brainwashing. I can't stand seeing "Team" anything anymore. My oldest two didn't have them in school. My youngest two did. I made sure to let them know this was to silence differing opinions and pressure group think and not to fall into the trap.

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I spent the better part of a decade with weirdo nerd women at Caltech (think a more intense Amy from Big Bang Theory) and I enjoyed their ever twisted and surprising humor and humanity, and unsurpassed lack of interest in irrelevant parts of the world. My sadness at reading this is knowing my best nerd women friends died and time and distance prevented me from saying goodbye. Sorry to be maudlin.

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Since vaccines can cause Autism.. maybe they can also lead to hormonal changes 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. … has anyone looked into how many trans people are vaxxed vs Unvaxxed..

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I have seen no solid evidence that vaccines cause autism. What have I missed?

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In fact, Dr Andrew Wakefield was hounded out 8f the UK for saying that the MMR jab was a causal factor in autism, when meta studies proved it absolutely wasn't

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That's the last I heard about this, but I wondered if anything else had appeared.

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Read the real Anthony Faucci by RFK ..

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I have. It didn't prove anything to me one way or the other - it felt like a partisan hatchet-job.

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Feb 14, 2024
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Read The real Anthony Faucci by RFK Jr

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1. To be clear, there is no evidence that levels of autism are related to vaccination.

In the recent 10 year period, levels of vaccination coverage have declined a little since the ‘70’s yet autism diagnoses continue to rise, which is counter the assertion. Autism occurs 5x more frequently in boys than girls, yet they have identical vaccine coverage profiles.

2) Autism levels across the US correlate to better access to childhood health care.

Better methods of detection of ranges of disorders have increased autism diagnoses. Access to effective diagnosis does increase the chance of detection, and relative reported levels. Likewise increased access to childhood health care increases vaccination rates.

However healthcare care doesn’t create autism.

It would be like saying ice cream and recreation cause sunburn. Warm weather stimulates people to eat more ice cream. Warm weather creates more opportunities for outdoor recreation in sunshine. But only sunshine causes sunburns, not recreation or ice cream.

3) Autism and psychosis have risen in tandem, or correlate, with the rising age of our population, and with rising Paternal age at conception.

Key studies have shown that older fathers are more likely to have sperm with mutations. These mutations can alter gene systems responsible for neurotransmitters involved in perception in autistic and psychotic individuals.

These seem alter their ability to adjust internal mental states in response to their senses. Compared to how a typical person responds to their senses, autistic-spectrum (AD) individuals can respond more quickly to sensory inputs, while psychosis-spectrum (PD) individuals can respond more slowly. AD can drive enhanced perception, but chaotic internal mental states. PD can drive focused mental states, but hallucinatory substitution for perception. And, both can be present simultaneously. AD population has 3x the prevalence of PD compared to PD prevalence in the greater population.

Late paternal age at conception can also provide a rational explanation for the difference between male and female AD rates and PD rates.

I know this won’t convince you, you have read a variety of sources. But I would invite you to consider alternative explanations for autism rates which have both high correlation (age of population, paternal age at conception) and explanation (neurotransmitter changes relative to typical populations.) When I pursue a question like AD, I first try to understand what produces then difference in behavior from a typical person, then understand how they could arise.

Childhood health care and vaccination has no method of explaining how they create autism, but genetically driven chemical changes to neurotransmitter’s can..

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You would trust RFK?

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What he mostly is saying is that research needs to be done but are blocked by our Government because of vaccine immunity laws… I had no idea that was even a thing until Covid hit & I started researching…that book was first one I read $ it it’s truly eye opening… get the e-book so you can link to all his cited sources 🙏

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I trust the over 2,000 links to scientific studies that he included.

Also read Irreversible Damage by Abigail Schrier. She talks about autistism & transgender in girls

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