Hi Eliza, I cannot get into Twitter as I'm permanently banned for questioning the Magisterium and their methods and untested experiments (vaccines).
So I don't know what Philip Pullman has said.
I read the originals and have read the latest prequel just recently, which is also brilliant. I found the TV series of the originals where Lyra…
Hi Eliza, I cannot get into Twitter as I'm permanently banned for questioning the Magisterium and their methods and untested experiments (vaccines).
So I don't know what Philip Pullman has said.
I read the originals and have read the latest prequel just recently, which is also brilliant. I found the TV series of the originals where Lyra's friend is separated from his daemon (soul) incredibly moving. Yes, Pullmans' portrayal of power and its dehumanising and homogenising agenda is spot on.
My interest is evidenced based medicine. From a purely common sense aspect puberty delaying hormones are guaranteed to cause problems. Messing with the interactive, complex, poorly understood physical, hormonal and psychological process orchestrated by the pituitary is an accident waiting to happen.
Many post op patients are lost to follow up- they may have committed suicide and have not been included in the stats but this study https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21364939/ still showed a 19 times higher risk of death by suicide, male to female particularly vulnerable.
Also risk of neoplasms and cardiovascular disease was 2 and 2.5 times higher in post op transsexuals.
Hi Eliza, I cannot get into Twitter as I'm permanently banned for questioning the Magisterium and their methods and untested experiments (vaccines).
So I don't know what Philip Pullman has said.
I read the originals and have read the latest prequel just recently, which is also brilliant. I found the TV series of the originals where Lyra's friend is separated from his daemon (soul) incredibly moving. Yes, Pullmans' portrayal of power and its dehumanising and homogenising agenda is spot on.
He dismissed an article about Mermaids by Jo Bartosch on the grounds that it was published by Spiked Online
Great article. I don't know what PP's objection to Spiked is, or what he said, so cannot comment.
I am late to the party and had to look up Mermaids. I though this was a great overview article by Jo Bartosch too https://www.spiked-online.com/2022/07/03/trans-people-are-not-an-oppressed-minority/
My interest is evidenced based medicine. From a purely common sense aspect puberty delaying hormones are guaranteed to cause problems. Messing with the interactive, complex, poorly understood physical, hormonal and psychological process orchestrated by the pituitary is an accident waiting to happen.
Many post op patients are lost to follow up- they may have committed suicide and have not been included in the stats but this study https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21364939/ still showed a 19 times higher risk of death by suicide, male to female particularly vulnerable.
Also risk of neoplasms and cardiovascular disease was 2 and 2.5 times higher in post op transsexuals.
Here is the mind-blowing proganda from the 'industry' on post op orgasms- https://www.issm.info/sexual-health-qa/can-transgender-women-have-orgasms-after-gender-reassignment-surgery
I think the trans gender campaign, like BLM, is being funded by nefarious agendas.
Our politicians are just puppets.
This political coopting of doctors into ignoring the scientific evidence is what really gets my goat.
People are suffering and dying at the hands of the people we pay to make us well.
Yes, she should have published it in The Guardian instead. [cue laughtrack]
thank you