The crossdresser you didn't notice in Madison, Wisconsin back then was my now ex-husband. That's because he didn't go to the opera. He went to gay bars. Told me he was at work.
Here's info on the Finnish study from the journal, European Psychiatry, 66 (1):1-20, in which the data on 3665 patients who had "treatments" (hormones and/or sex t…
The crossdresser you didn't notice in Madison, Wisconsin back then was my now ex-husband. That's because he didn't go to the opera. He went to gay bars. Told me he was at work.
Here's info on the Finnish study from the journal, European Psychiatry, 66 (1):1-20, in which the data on 3665 patients who had "treatments" (hormones and/or sex trait modification surgeries) from 1973-2019. They compared over 29k age-and-origin-matched controls on the data of whether and how often these patients had inpatient psychiatric treatment (meaning serious mental breakdowns) to the "dysphoria-diagnosed" patients and found a very distinctly higher level of this higher level of psychiatric treatment, indicating the "affirmative care" in this accepting and liberal society did not cure the distress. The researchers noted that the natal sex of patients is obscured because of "self ID" and they were thwarted in learning whether adolescent and young adult women are more represented in the psychiatric treatment for serious breakdowns after "affirmation."
The crossdresser you didn't notice in Madison, Wisconsin back then was my now ex-husband. That's because he didn't go to the opera. He went to gay bars. Told me he was at work.
Here's info on the Finnish study from the journal, European Psychiatry, 66 (1):1-20, in which the data on 3665 patients who had "treatments" (hormones and/or sex trait modification surgeries) from 1973-2019. They compared over 29k age-and-origin-matched controls on the data of whether and how often these patients had inpatient psychiatric treatment (meaning serious mental breakdowns) to the "dysphoria-diagnosed" patients and found a very distinctly higher level of this higher level of psychiatric treatment, indicating the "affirmative care" in this accepting and liberal society did not cure the distress. The researchers noted that the natal sex of patients is obscured because of "self ID" and they were thwarted in learning whether adolescent and young adult women are more represented in the psychiatric treatment for serious breakdowns after "affirmation."