I’m sorry, Eliza - as I said on Twitter yesterday, we are McGill alumni, and we have stopped our donations. It’s shameful. I am so glad that you weren’t physically harmed, but I can imagine how it was (I was involved in a few civil rights protests in Louisiana decades ago, so I really *can* imagine). It’s just getting worse and worse here.
Famously, Hoffer also quoted Hitler as telling his followers to seek new recruits among the Communists who already displayed the personal need for fanatical belief.
Eliza - thank you for writing this account - and what you wrote on Twitter yesterday. So glad you're ok but appalled at what you had to experience and endure. And "no debate" proudly displayed again! They are insane. Mob rule with no intervention from the authorities means the bullies get bolder and bolder. The police could have shut them done and put them in a space to protest so the event could take place. But they're captured. TRA's (and the misogynists, handmaidens and the unhinged that latch on) are as mad here in the UK but at least at events here, there is security and control and the police keep us separate. And there's more awareness. If there is one good thing to come out of this, your writing, Malcolm's comments and Professor Wintermute's interview comments will get out there and disgust a large audience.
It would all be a fascinating study in human nature if it weren't such a threat. Quite terrifying, actually.
I was at Meghan Murphy's talk in October 2019 in Toronto and literally had to face a gauntlet lined by police officers as we exited the back doors of the library. I was with several women and we were afraid we'd be swarmed once we were past the patrol cats on our way to the subway. I'll never forget the experience of seeing mostly young men screaming in my face as if I was a monster. Not exactly an effective way to bring people around to your point of view. I am so very sad for this generation and for my daughter/granddaughter for whom I am fighting this battle. 🙁
Thank you for doing your part, Eliza. Sorry you had to go through that.
I keep wondering to myself, what the hell is wrong with Gen Z and younger millenials? Not just the no debate mobbing, but most of them don't seem to have any awareness of how they're actually behaving. And it's not just universities, either, though they do exacerbate the existing problems with their business models. These kids come into higher ed with a belief that they already understand these issues, thus, no debate.
And the cops. What is up with them? Perhaps they ought to just do their jobs?
Glad you're unhurt, but this is still deeply unfortunate.
They have been taught and given agency, by the lower level orchestrators...read activist celebs, MSM and politicians, to see this form of push back as normal, moral and justified. Remember the coddling of BLM and Antifa mobs burning down cities and town, attacking police and business owners, chasing down anyone they identified as "Others"???
Public and governmental leaders championed them, gave them airtime and said, "this is what protest looks like...when did anyone say protests were civil...you're going to see more of this..."
Eliza and others, you NEED to understand, this and other trains (the other 1001 issues) have left the station and will run you down, if you dare step on their tracks.
Is it sad?...yes; have we lost these indoctrinated and brainwashed generations?...HELL YES we have; will you get them back with debate, dialogue, compromise and even submission?...nope.
As this example shows, you are defined by them and if you don't fit that definition, you are the enemy and must be destroyed.
This tactic and mentality is similar to hoards overrunning a village. They are not there to peacefully coexist, debate, bargain or compromise...they are there to concur and subjugate...no matter how much you hope they aren't. This movement has invaded your village of Woman and they do not intend to take prisoners.
They aren't waiting for you to catch up either, the train is moving along at a respectable clip and being fueled by the demented and deranged regime, medical system and Kumbaya Karens of the world...as evidence by this heartwarming feel good story in a fave women's...oops sorry birthing person/chest feeder/mentruating rag of a magazine.
or here where a guy in dress, Alicyn Simpson of the UPMC Children's Hospital Gender program, talks about taking women's reproductive organs from live women, not cadavers, to transplant them into biological male trans-identifying individuals.
As we have seen with MANY other societal issues (pick one out of todays train wreck of a world) the further you let these things fester and develop, the more impossible it will be to stop the spread of the infection and damage done to the societal body, as a whole. As it stands now, you will not turn them back around or do away with them, this is now a permanent part of our society and will continue to be so.
Ladies, incase you've not noticed...and I don't think many of you have...you are no longer in a conversation or debate...you are in a war...and it saddens me to say, you are unfortunately losing your village.
You girls will be able to escape the birthing gulags (great Dune ref BTW) by attending a biannual, TERF Privilege, re-education class.
Ditto on choosing not to have kids...I'm sure I'd be in jail by now, given the number of groomers in classrooms. I have no tolerance, for perverted deviants, who think it's ok to sexualize and abuse kids. Not sure why we now openly tolerate this, in our collective societies today.
I doubt it. There is no reason to educate non-persons--bleeders, birthed, menstrutators. Why waste resources? Concubinage to a single degenerate male rapist until Soylent Greening is probably the best any female could hope for.
"I keep wondering to myself, what the hell is wrong with Gen Z and younger millenials? Not just the no debate mobbing, but most of them don't seem to have any awareness of how they're actually behaving."
It's just a continuation of feminism. The 'cry-bullying' tactics used to shut down this event have been used for decades to shut down similar conferences and events focusing on men's rights or men's issues. Even going back to the 1970's the treatment of Erin Pizzey involved the same violence and bullying, after she started to recognise the gender parity in domestic violence, and the need to cater to male victims just as much as female victims. She was eventually driven out of the UK and into exile for years due to the violence of feminists (who were her former colleagues until she broke ranks and started recognising men's vulnerabilities).
None of this is new. The only reason it's starting to upset people now is that FINALLY ordinary women are starting to feel the pain of this agenda as it tries to socially engineer society towards the end goal.
The end goal is transhumanism: the eradication of gender, sterilisation of the masses, break up of the family, state control of reproduction and children (via artificial wombs and AI based education).
This agenda is a century old. Read Brave New World and it's all spelled out. Huxely was a member of the elite social engineering think tank The Fabian Society. His book was not fiction, it was the product of him eavesdropping on the elite's social engineering plans for society over the next century.
Feminism was funded by the elites to destroy the family, destroy parenting, turn women against men and against their own biology (feminism defines motherhood as demeaning and degrading). Feminism defined gender as a social construct. This paved the way for the complete medicalised erasure of gender that we are witnessing today. The current trans activism is just 5th wave feminism in action. It is feminist ideology taken to its logical conclusion (to achieve 'gender equality' gender must be abolished!).
Birth rates are already down 13-20% since the magic potion was rolled out a couple of years ago. Many predict the children born to vaxxed mothers will not only be infertile, but will fail to reach full sexual maturity in 20 years time.
This is why there is a rush to convince the youth that male and female are outdated and 100 variations of 'non binary' pseudo genders are the way forward. Everything being normalised right now (including the erasure of gendered language) is preparing the youth for a future of sterility and genderless existence ... just like Brave New World.
Artificial wombs are predicted to arrive in about 20 years, at the exact moment we will probably see an epidemic of infertility. They will be embraced as a miracle solution and quickly normalised - just as day abandonment centres for children were normalised 40 years ago so mothers could become wage slaves (also under the banner of liberation).
Of course most trans/ NB identifying people have no clue what the overarching agenda is, just as most feminists never had a clue either. As long as you frame your destructive social engineering agenda in terms of 'liberation', 'rights', 'self expression', 'empowerment' etc it will be popular and people won't question it.
Feminists could get away with anti social behaviour, violence, bullying, death threats, deplatforming, setting off fire alarms, calling in bomb threats etc because they were helping to usher in the transhumanist agenda. Now - in the final stages - that job has been handed to the radical trans activists who are also implementing feminist ideology (social constructivism and a war on biology), but with the addition of hormones and surgery.
Previously radical feminists are now feeling like traditionalists and conservatives, relative to the new breed of trans activist. They are now being treated like Men's Rights Advocates and traditionalists who have always been spat on, bullied and had their events sabotaged.
Every wave of feminism fought for a more radical deconstruction of gender and dismantling of biological gender roles (and biological responsibilities). And each wave of feminist was horrified and offended by the subsequent wave of feminism that their activism spawned. Today is no different. Today's TERFs are horrified by the new wave of feminism (trans activism) that they spawned with their relentless deconstruction of gender and dismantling of the gender binary in the name of 'empowerment'.
Suddenly social construct theory has gotten very real. And feminists don't know what to do about it, except what they've always done which is to deny women bear any responsibility for the state of current society, and to blame everything on men.
But this reaction will do nothing to stop the transhumanist agenda, because blaming men is a form of self objectification (denying your own agency and social power).
Gender roles, identities and moral standards are primarily set by women (and then enforced by men). Feminism's DENIAL of women's agency and social power (AKA patriarchy theory) becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, and ensures the ruling class (the social engineers) get to define cultural norms, values and taboos... because feminist women have handed them this power in return for the privileges, protections and special treatment (and free resources) that come with assuming the status of helpless, useless victim.
This is a multi generational catastrophe a century in the making. The seeds for this madness were sown in the 1850's with the first (proto) feminists starting to pick away at gender mostly out of boredom.
It's not going away without a serious (and painful) reexamination of our attitudes towards gender over the last century. If ego, vanity, pride and apathy prevent an open dialogue on these issues, nothing is going to get fixed.
While they say "trans women are women" is the end of all debate, in fact, that is the crux of the debate. What does it mean to be a "woman" (or a "man")? Is it a vague, undefined and undefinable state of mind, or having been born in a certain type of body (not just an appearance that can be cultivated, but the whole body)? If it's the latter, then trans women are NOT "women." In that case, they ought not be treated exactly as "women" when there are reasons to treat "men" and "women" differently. And, if "woman" is just a vague state of mind, then we had better consider why we would divide up prisons, rape crisis shelters, sports, bathrooms (or anything really) along the lines of this vague state of mind. Lastly, the violence here was unexcusable.
There is no conflict between trans human rights and women’s human rights. There is, however, a huge clash between the privileges some trans identified individuals want to claim and women’s basic human rights.
This is a bigger mob than we faced at Edinburgh University a couple of weeks ago when students stopped a screening of 'Adult Human Female'. They are emboldened because of the actions of the Scottish Government and the lack of any action by the University to protect anyone who questions Queer Theory and Gender Ideology.
Thank you for writing this and for trying to stand up for women in a physical public space. And finding the humor in the weirdness. It's hard to truly believe how surreal and outlandish and frightening and (yeah I'll say it!) Orwellian the state of affairs is unless you have experienced it. The activists keep SUCCEEDING in shutting down free speech while cops and security officials stand by. This must be noted and amplified, as it is the worst cultural turn in all of this, more fundamental than the trampling of women's rights. I attended one of the "Let Women Speak" events with Kellie Jay Keen in Tacoma, WA, which also was shut down as the physical threat was so great. I didn't get to speak. One woman was injured. It's not because these people are evil, but because they have overridden their own thinking with dogma. The bug has gone viral. The Hoffer quote at the end of your piece says it all.
Yes, Blue grass music is what we need more of in grade schools - don't accept the golden fiddle from the devil. People are being led to worse things, led to extremes with social media algorithms and the extremes are funded and made cool by the got bucks in charge.
Thank you for writing this although it depresses me terribly. I read the CBC and CTV’s accounts of the event and it was obvious that both were biased. I’ve forwarded your piece to many people but I know that as usual, they won’t read it. I’m becoming a bit of a nuisance in my 50 something social circle because I’m determined to raise these issues. But nobody wants to hear it. And not because they necessarily disagree with me (although some do). I think it’s more accurate to say that they simply don’t care and find any discussion of it to be tiresome. If otherwise intelligent, compassionate people refuse to be drawn into this debate, how will we ever make any progress?
That is certainly true. But I’ve come to the conclusion that many people simply don’t care. I think the wave of feminism that my generation grew up with has really made people believe that sex is a social construct more than anything else and even many women just don’t seem to see the need for single sex spaces. It’s not uncommon for people to roll their eyes
as though I’m sort sort of prude when I say I wouldn’t feel comfortable in a gym change room with natal males. And when it comes to women only facilities such as prisons and shelters, I think those places are so far off rich people’s radar that they’ve no interest in thinking about them. I’m not sure who discourages me more- my ‘true believer’ friends or the indifferent ones.
Consider this as well Julie...that number of eye rollers (no matter what the impetus behind the ocular protest) will only grow, with the millions of indoctrinated kids, turned out each year from the woke-industrial-complex state schools. All of them will have grown up believing or been taught, that all this is absolutely normal. You are fighting a war of numbers and attrition now.
The truth, behind the false bravado of the last 5 years that espouses, "there are more of us, than there are of them" is quickly slipping beneath the waves or has already drown and can't admit it.
I am McGill alum that very closely follows this issue and had a really strange experience attending grad school there to say the least. I am also American! I tried to attend the event but sadly it was fully booked when I rsvped. For some reason I thought you were based in Toronto - disappointed I didn’t make the event yesterday bc it would have been great to meet you if possible, though I also understand if you prefer remaining somewhat anonymous from your readers. It’s nice knowing at least that there’s one less person in this city brainwashed -- it’s been difficult to find friends / connect with others since I moved here bc people are just so stuck in one perspective of thinking and belief system. I’ve lived in many places / countries and Canada is by far the most intolerant and closed minded! It was definitely not what I expected when I moved here in 2019
Wow. I’m almost surprised I can still be shocked by the behavior of people, but here we are again. At some point the media is going to have to ask themselves some questions: like why is a group so supposedly marginalized & ignored so set on preventing discussion in a free society? Why are women who show up to listen to a discussion at a university the bad ones, while the good ones are clearly using mob tactics & intimidation?
The university security & the police need to explain why they allowed the actions to escalate, when someone could easily have been hurt or killed? Should students & faculty assume they are at risk if they want to attend a presentation? If the university cannot provide a safe environment for people to discuss challenging topics, they should not be surprised if potential students choose to pursue their education elsewhere (though these situations aren’t exclusive to Canada).
This was awful, I am so sorry. I hope it blows up in the media and online. I hope LGBA takes lessons from it, like Posey has - plan accordingly, document everything, hold security and police to account, use your own people for unarmed security if you can, use all legal means to hold those responsible accountable, write press releases, demand action. Universities care only about one thing - their brand, their image. So use that for leverage.
This is the crux of the struggle - right HERE, right NOW. It's time to STAND UP.
Shame on the majority of the mainstream media for consistently refusing to report accurately (or at all) on this outrageous stuff. No way they don't know what's happening at this point. If the public knew one tenth of what was occurring, there would be opposition. Presumably that's why media won't report. But what does it say about media's view of their own audience? Their view of democracy and civil life?
What is your read on the demographics of the activists? Percentage men v women (in the traditional definition)? Age distribution? Race? I have never seen this talked about, people just say activists like they could be anyone, but my guess is they aren’t just anyone.
About equal in terms of sex. Mostly white. Mostly young/undergrads. Men more physically aggressive, whether they id as women or not. Women screaming along.
I’m sorry, Eliza - as I said on Twitter yesterday, we are McGill alumni, and we have stopped our donations. It’s shameful. I am so glad that you weren’t physically harmed, but I can imagine how it was (I was involved in a few civil rights protests in Louisiana decades ago, so I really *can* imagine). It’s just getting worse and worse here.
Please let them know exactly why!
I can assure you we have.
"He said he knew all about people like us because he used to be a neo-Nazi himself."
"Used to be" is doing a lot of the work in that sentence.
Hope you're OK after that. A book club would be a lot less stressful.
Book club comment made me laugh.
In original draft it said, "used to [sic!] be neo-Nazi"
"This is what it's going to be like in this country for people like you," sounds like something a neo-Nazi might say.
Famously, Hoffer also quoted Hitler as telling his followers to seek new recruits among the Communists who already displayed the personal need for fanatical belief.
Eliza - thank you for writing this account - and what you wrote on Twitter yesterday. So glad you're ok but appalled at what you had to experience and endure. And "no debate" proudly displayed again! They are insane. Mob rule with no intervention from the authorities means the bullies get bolder and bolder. The police could have shut them done and put them in a space to protest so the event could take place. But they're captured. TRA's (and the misogynists, handmaidens and the unhinged that latch on) are as mad here in the UK but at least at events here, there is security and control and the police keep us separate. And there's more awareness. If there is one good thing to come out of this, your writing, Malcolm's comments and Professor Wintermute's interview comments will get out there and disgust a large audience.
It would all be a fascinating study in human nature if it weren't such a threat. Quite terrifying, actually.
I was at Meghan Murphy's talk in October 2019 in Toronto and literally had to face a gauntlet lined by police officers as we exited the back doors of the library. I was with several women and we were afraid we'd be swarmed once we were past the patrol cats on our way to the subway. I'll never forget the experience of seeing mostly young men screaming in my face as if I was a monster. Not exactly an effective way to bring people around to your point of view. I am so very sad for this generation and for my daughter/granddaughter for whom I am fighting this battle. 🙁
Thank you for doing your part, Eliza. Sorry you had to go through that.
I had a similar experience in Seattle. Men are happy to use this opportunity to yell at, bully, and harass women while getting "woke points" for it.
I keep wondering to myself, what the hell is wrong with Gen Z and younger millenials? Not just the no debate mobbing, but most of them don't seem to have any awareness of how they're actually behaving. And it's not just universities, either, though they do exacerbate the existing problems with their business models. These kids come into higher ed with a belief that they already understand these issues, thus, no debate.
And the cops. What is up with them? Perhaps they ought to just do their jobs?
Glad you're unhurt, but this is still deeply unfortunate.
Very poor self regulation.
histrionic mob behavior. Classic.
They have been taught and given agency, by the lower level orchestrators...read activist celebs, MSM and politicians, to see this form of push back as normal, moral and justified. Remember the coddling of BLM and Antifa mobs burning down cities and town, attacking police and business owners, chasing down anyone they identified as "Others"???
Public and governmental leaders championed them, gave them airtime and said, "this is what protest looks like...when did anyone say protests were civil...you're going to see more of this..."
Eliza and others, you NEED to understand, this and other trains (the other 1001 issues) have left the station and will run you down, if you dare step on their tracks.
Is it sad?...yes; have we lost these indoctrinated and brainwashed generations?...HELL YES we have; will you get them back with debate, dialogue, compromise and even submission?...nope.
As this example shows, you are defined by them and if you don't fit that definition, you are the enemy and must be destroyed.
This tactic and mentality is similar to hoards overrunning a village. They are not there to peacefully coexist, debate, bargain or compromise...they are there to concur and subjugate...no matter how much you hope they aren't. This movement has invaded your village of Woman and they do not intend to take prisoners.
They aren't waiting for you to catch up either, the train is moving along at a respectable clip and being fueled by the demented and deranged regime, medical system and Kumbaya Karens of the world...as evidence by this heartwarming feel good story in a fave women's...oops sorry birthing person/chest feeder/mentruating rag of a magazine.
or here where a guy in dress, Alicyn Simpson of the UPMC Children's Hospital Gender program, talks about taking women's reproductive organs from live women, not cadavers, to transplant them into biological male trans-identifying individuals.
As we have seen with MANY other societal issues (pick one out of todays train wreck of a world) the further you let these things fester and develop, the more impossible it will be to stop the spread of the infection and damage done to the societal body, as a whole. As it stands now, you will not turn them back around or do away with them, this is now a permanent part of our society and will continue to be so.
Ladies, incase you've not noticed...and I don't think many of you have...you are no longer in a conversation or debate...you are in a war...and it saddens me to say, you are unfortunately losing your village.
Yes, they do seem to be aiming for this outcome.
You girls will be able to escape the birthing gulags (great Dune ref BTW) by attending a biannual, TERF Privilege, re-education class.
Ditto on choosing not to have kids...I'm sure I'd be in jail by now, given the number of groomers in classrooms. I have no tolerance, for perverted deviants, who think it's ok to sexualize and abuse kids. Not sure why we now openly tolerate this, in our collective societies today.
I doubt it. There is no reason to educate non-persons--bleeders, birthed, menstrutators. Why waste resources? Concubinage to a single degenerate male rapist until Soylent Greening is probably the best any female could hope for.
"I keep wondering to myself, what the hell is wrong with Gen Z and younger millenials? Not just the no debate mobbing, but most of them don't seem to have any awareness of how they're actually behaving."
It's just a continuation of feminism. The 'cry-bullying' tactics used to shut down this event have been used for decades to shut down similar conferences and events focusing on men's rights or men's issues. Even going back to the 1970's the treatment of Erin Pizzey involved the same violence and bullying, after she started to recognise the gender parity in domestic violence, and the need to cater to male victims just as much as female victims. She was eventually driven out of the UK and into exile for years due to the violence of feminists (who were her former colleagues until she broke ranks and started recognising men's vulnerabilities).
None of this is new. The only reason it's starting to upset people now is that FINALLY ordinary women are starting to feel the pain of this agenda as it tries to socially engineer society towards the end goal.
The end goal is transhumanism: the eradication of gender, sterilisation of the masses, break up of the family, state control of reproduction and children (via artificial wombs and AI based education).
This agenda is a century old. Read Brave New World and it's all spelled out. Huxely was a member of the elite social engineering think tank The Fabian Society. His book was not fiction, it was the product of him eavesdropping on the elite's social engineering plans for society over the next century.
Feminism was funded by the elites to destroy the family, destroy parenting, turn women against men and against their own biology (feminism defines motherhood as demeaning and degrading). Feminism defined gender as a social construct. This paved the way for the complete medicalised erasure of gender that we are witnessing today. The current trans activism is just 5th wave feminism in action. It is feminist ideology taken to its logical conclusion (to achieve 'gender equality' gender must be abolished!).
Birth rates are already down 13-20% since the magic potion was rolled out a couple of years ago. Many predict the children born to vaxxed mothers will not only be infertile, but will fail to reach full sexual maturity in 20 years time.
This is why there is a rush to convince the youth that male and female are outdated and 100 variations of 'non binary' pseudo genders are the way forward. Everything being normalised right now (including the erasure of gendered language) is preparing the youth for a future of sterility and genderless existence ... just like Brave New World.
Artificial wombs are predicted to arrive in about 20 years, at the exact moment we will probably see an epidemic of infertility. They will be embraced as a miracle solution and quickly normalised - just as day abandonment centres for children were normalised 40 years ago so mothers could become wage slaves (also under the banner of liberation).
Of course most trans/ NB identifying people have no clue what the overarching agenda is, just as most feminists never had a clue either. As long as you frame your destructive social engineering agenda in terms of 'liberation', 'rights', 'self expression', 'empowerment' etc it will be popular and people won't question it.
Feminists could get away with anti social behaviour, violence, bullying, death threats, deplatforming, setting off fire alarms, calling in bomb threats etc because they were helping to usher in the transhumanist agenda. Now - in the final stages - that job has been handed to the radical trans activists who are also implementing feminist ideology (social constructivism and a war on biology), but with the addition of hormones and surgery.
Previously radical feminists are now feeling like traditionalists and conservatives, relative to the new breed of trans activist. They are now being treated like Men's Rights Advocates and traditionalists who have always been spat on, bullied and had their events sabotaged.
Every wave of feminism fought for a more radical deconstruction of gender and dismantling of biological gender roles (and biological responsibilities). And each wave of feminist was horrified and offended by the subsequent wave of feminism that their activism spawned. Today is no different. Today's TERFs are horrified by the new wave of feminism (trans activism) that they spawned with their relentless deconstruction of gender and dismantling of the gender binary in the name of 'empowerment'.
Suddenly social construct theory has gotten very real. And feminists don't know what to do about it, except what they've always done which is to deny women bear any responsibility for the state of current society, and to blame everything on men.
But this reaction will do nothing to stop the transhumanist agenda, because blaming men is a form of self objectification (denying your own agency and social power).
Gender roles, identities and moral standards are primarily set by women (and then enforced by men). Feminism's DENIAL of women's agency and social power (AKA patriarchy theory) becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, and ensures the ruling class (the social engineers) get to define cultural norms, values and taboos... because feminist women have handed them this power in return for the privileges, protections and special treatment (and free resources) that come with assuming the status of helpless, useless victim.
This is a multi generational catastrophe a century in the making. The seeds for this madness were sown in the 1850's with the first (proto) feminists starting to pick away at gender mostly out of boredom.
It's not going away without a serious (and painful) reexamination of our attitudes towards gender over the last century. If ego, vanity, pride and apathy prevent an open dialogue on these issues, nothing is going to get fixed.
That's my elevator pitch answer, anyway :)
While they say "trans women are women" is the end of all debate, in fact, that is the crux of the debate. What does it mean to be a "woman" (or a "man")? Is it a vague, undefined and undefinable state of mind, or having been born in a certain type of body (not just an appearance that can be cultivated, but the whole body)? If it's the latter, then trans women are NOT "women." In that case, they ought not be treated exactly as "women" when there are reasons to treat "men" and "women" differently. And, if "woman" is just a vague state of mind, then we had better consider why we would divide up prisons, rape crisis shelters, sports, bathrooms (or anything really) along the lines of this vague state of mind. Lastly, the violence here was unexcusable.
There is no conflict between trans human rights and women’s human rights. There is, however, a huge clash between the privileges some trans identified individuals want to claim and women’s basic human rights.
This is a bigger mob than we faced at Edinburgh University a couple of weeks ago when students stopped a screening of 'Adult Human Female'. They are emboldened because of the actions of the Scottish Government and the lack of any action by the University to protect anyone who questions Queer Theory and Gender Ideology.
Thank you for writing this and for trying to stand up for women in a physical public space. And finding the humor in the weirdness. It's hard to truly believe how surreal and outlandish and frightening and (yeah I'll say it!) Orwellian the state of affairs is unless you have experienced it. The activists keep SUCCEEDING in shutting down free speech while cops and security officials stand by. This must be noted and amplified, as it is the worst cultural turn in all of this, more fundamental than the trampling of women's rights. I attended one of the "Let Women Speak" events with Kellie Jay Keen in Tacoma, WA, which also was shut down as the physical threat was so great. I didn't get to speak. One woman was injured. It's not because these people are evil, but because they have overridden their own thinking with dogma. The bug has gone viral. The Hoffer quote at the end of your piece says it all.
isn't that part of what is truly poor behavior? that is: letting your own innate sense of right & wrong be submerged and over-ridden.
Yes, Blue grass music is what we need more of in grade schools - don't accept the golden fiddle from the devil. People are being led to worse things, led to extremes with social media algorithms and the extremes are funded and made cool by the got bucks in charge.
Thank you for writing this although it depresses me terribly. I read the CBC and CTV’s accounts of the event and it was obvious that both were biased. I’ve forwarded your piece to many people but I know that as usual, they won’t read it. I’m becoming a bit of a nuisance in my 50 something social circle because I’m determined to raise these issues. But nobody wants to hear it. And not because they necessarily disagree with me (although some do). I think it’s more accurate to say that they simply don’t care and find any discussion of it to be tiresome. If otherwise intelligent, compassionate people refuse to be drawn into this debate, how will we ever make any progress?
Yes, a whole lot of people don't care, and won't care until they're personally affected, but by then it'll be too late.
Tale as old as time.
Some are probably just afraid to speak up because they realize it will cost them something.
That is certainly true. But I’ve come to the conclusion that many people simply don’t care. I think the wave of feminism that my generation grew up with has really made people believe that sex is a social construct more than anything else and even many women just don’t seem to see the need for single sex spaces. It’s not uncommon for people to roll their eyes
as though I’m sort sort of prude when I say I wouldn’t feel comfortable in a gym change room with natal males. And when it comes to women only facilities such as prisons and shelters, I think those places are so far off rich people’s radar that they’ve no interest in thinking about them. I’m not sure who discourages me more- my ‘true believer’ friends or the indifferent ones.
Consider this as well Julie...that number of eye rollers (no matter what the impetus behind the ocular protest) will only grow, with the millions of indoctrinated kids, turned out each year from the woke-industrial-complex state schools. All of them will have grown up believing or been taught, that all this is absolutely normal. You are fighting a war of numbers and attrition now.
The truth, behind the false bravado of the last 5 years that espouses, "there are more of us, than there are of them" is quickly slipping beneath the waves or has already drown and can't admit it.
I am McGill alum that very closely follows this issue and had a really strange experience attending grad school there to say the least. I am also American! I tried to attend the event but sadly it was fully booked when I rsvped. For some reason I thought you were based in Toronto - disappointed I didn’t make the event yesterday bc it would have been great to meet you if possible, though I also understand if you prefer remaining somewhat anonymous from your readers. It’s nice knowing at least that there’s one less person in this city brainwashed -- it’s been difficult to find friends / connect with others since I moved here bc people are just so stuck in one perspective of thinking and belief system. I’ve lived in many places / countries and Canada is by far the most intolerant and closed minded! It was definitely not what I expected when I moved here in 2019
Wow. I’m almost surprised I can still be shocked by the behavior of people, but here we are again. At some point the media is going to have to ask themselves some questions: like why is a group so supposedly marginalized & ignored so set on preventing discussion in a free society? Why are women who show up to listen to a discussion at a university the bad ones, while the good ones are clearly using mob tactics & intimidation?
The university security & the police need to explain why they allowed the actions to escalate, when someone could easily have been hurt or killed? Should students & faculty assume they are at risk if they want to attend a presentation? If the university cannot provide a safe environment for people to discuss challenging topics, they should not be surprised if potential students choose to pursue their education elsewhere (though these situations aren’t exclusive to Canada).
That was a great comment! You make some excellent points.
This was awful, I am so sorry. I hope it blows up in the media and online. I hope LGBA takes lessons from it, like Posey has - plan accordingly, document everything, hold security and police to account, use your own people for unarmed security if you can, use all legal means to hold those responsible accountable, write press releases, demand action. Universities care only about one thing - their brand, their image. So use that for leverage.
This is the crux of the struggle - right HERE, right NOW. It's time to STAND UP.
Shame on the majority of the mainstream media for consistently refusing to report accurately (or at all) on this outrageous stuff. No way they don't know what's happening at this point. If the public knew one tenth of what was occurring, there would be opposition. Presumably that's why media won't report. But what does it say about media's view of their own audience? Their view of democracy and civil life?
What is your read on the demographics of the activists? Percentage men v women (in the traditional definition)? Age distribution? Race? I have never seen this talked about, people just say activists like they could be anyone, but my guess is they aren’t just anyone.
About equal in terms of sex. Mostly white. Mostly young/undergrads. Men more physically aggressive, whether they id as women or not. Women screaming along.
Terrifying and horrible. The media is criminally negligent in their refusal to cover this issue honestly.
Yes, but did anyone send them a press release? Has anyone called them? The media are a tool that can be used in a way that helps.