I've never liked Newsom, and it is all because of the trans issue. I suspect that he jumped on the trans bandwagon early because it was the latest liberal issue to come down the pike, and because trans people generate a lot of sympathy (by, let's face it, looking and acting bizarre). He has supported all kinds of bad laws, like the one t…
I've never liked Newsom, and it is all because of the trans issue. I suspect that he jumped on the trans bandwagon early because it was the latest liberal issue to come down the pike, and because trans people generate a lot of sympathy (by, let's face it, looking and acting bizarre). He has supported all kinds of bad laws, like the one that allows trans children to get treatment over the objections of their parents. Indeed, in California a parent can lose custody of their kid by objecting. He clearly doesn't have a nuanced understanding of the issue; he just supports it because it is, well, liberal. I would never support him for president. Biden is similarly stupid. (Having said that, all us Americans need to support Biden to keep Trump from getting back into power.)
Talking about generating sympathy, on Go Fund Me you can find trans women begging for help -- and they always meet their fundraising goal! I once found a picture of three "trans women" who just looked like ordinary masculine young men who had put on dresses to defraud some suckers, and they got all the money they were asking for! What is it about trans people that makes them so appealing to so many people?
"Having said that, all us Americans need to support Biden to keep Trump from getting back into power" Oh, hell no. As much as I despise Trump, my feelings for him are not personal. With Biden, the "trans-kids-your-president-is-with-you" idiot, my hate is personal. Also, with him being so clearly not 100% there mentally, do we really know who is pulling the strings?
In what way? From where I stand, both parties are corrupt and horrible, but sterilizing children, taking them from their parents, practicing coercive control, and attempting to “reduce the stigma” against paedophilia is over the line.
I don't know who is trying to reduce the stigma against pedophilia. The standard liberal position is that children have the right to control their bodies just like adults do. I can see why some liberals think that, but I don't agree with it. Children don't have the emotional maturity to make such decisions. But that's not the point. If you are going to abandon the Democratic party altogether because they hold one bad position, then you are being myopic. We cannot let the Dictator in Waiting back into power. Keeping him out of power is even more important than this issue.
There is absolutely an effort to tack paedophiles onto the LGBTQA+++++ as if it’s a normal orientation that doesn’t deserve stigma. It’s disgusting. You should also know that the drag queens that are so eager to “read” to kids keep getting caught either with enormous amounts of child pornography or actually in the process of attempting to sexually abuse a child. Yes, really. That’s because these are autogynephiles with multiple other paraphilias. Look that word up too, while you’re at it.
I'm 73, and when gay liberation started in 1969, there was a group that called itself NAMBLA -- North American Man-Boy Love Association. Those people have always been with us.
You should read my article about drag queens on my own Substack, if you haven't already.
Thank you. I will check it out. What I’ve read up to this point suggests that it’s a lot of the same actors behind this current push to abolish age of consent laws that were behind NAMBLA. This time it’s much, much worse, as the paedophiles have been organizing this international effort since the 90s.
You might already know all that; I’m adding it here as context for others.
I remember when I was about 27, there was a boy in my neighborhood who looked to be perhaps 16 or 17. He was clearly interested in me, but I discouraged him because he looked too young. I see that now as a missed opportunity. That boy was probably more sexually mature and active than I was. I do think that it's good that the law is more flexible now. Of course, at 73, I don't attract teenagers any more.
I do understand that some kids are more mature than others. I moved out at 17 and lived with my 22 year old boyfriend (we’d already been together a year) and I was sure at the time that I could handle it. I don’t personally think it’s abnormal to get aroused by all kinds of things and people, including impractical and inappropriate ones. I don’t judge the feelings. They’re not in conscious control, for the most part.
(Edit: popping in to stress the fact that I do judge actions. Those urges must be controlled when consent is a factor).
I’m sure you agree that the power dynamic is unequal though, and the potential for abuse is too high to allow kids to date adults. As for what age should be the cutoff, I’d need to have a better understanding of child psychology than I currently do to really have an opinion, tbh.
Have you seen the online feminist magazine Reduxx? There’s been some really good journalism there, exposing the seedy connections.
I’m bisexual myself, with my own kinks. I don’t want to keep people from sexual expression and fulfillment. That’s just not what this is, sadly.
Yes, the dynamic isn't equal. I was once a little too sexually aggressive with a young man in his twenties, only to find out later that he had a history of mental illness I wasn't aware of. On two occasions in my life I pursued young men who were straight. They both seemed to enjoy, or at least accept, the gay things I did with them, but in both cases it ended up badly. Straight men really don't want anyone making them feel gay, even if they are very liberal.
I've enjoyed exchanging notes with you. You are very smart. I'll be going to bed soon.
I'll take a look at Reduxx. Do they hate men over there, or are men with a modicum of awareness welcomed?
By the way, if I didn't "Like" many of your posts, it's just because that's a habit I never got into. Sorry.
> I don't know who is trying to reduce the stigma against pedophilia
You mean you've never seen various stories trying to categorize it as "just another orientation".
> but the rest of what you say is the standard liberal position, that children have the right to control their lives, even if the decisions backfire. I disagree with that, believing as I do that children don't have the emotional maturity to make such decisions.
So you admit the "standard liberal position" is nuts, but you still support liberalism.
Hey Eugine. I’m actually a liberal/left libertarian and second wave feminist, but I also understand what those words actually mean, and the Democrats are anything but, at this point. You’re correct, in that academics are trying to make paedophilia just another “orientation.” I don’t know at what point the party lost the plot so completely, but I assume it happened when they were courting the Silicon Valley technocrats. Gotta get them on your side if you want to control the future.
Anyway, I’ve spent a lot of time in some very dark places online over the past 20+ years, and the technocrats, mostly white, almost all male, and a huge proportion on the autistic spectrum, are 100% in favor of paedophilia, pedarasty, and prostitution. Basically they want complete sexual freedom for men, and more than a bit of that comes from their own lack of ability to get sex. Of course. Because their inability to get laid should be everybody’s problem. Their views are extreme fringe, but the Democrats likely wanted their cooperation, so they agreed to push this agenda. Again, that’s just my guess. The evil shit I’ve seen on 4chan, Reddit, and other places, posted by incel technocrats, is… about as bad as you can imagine. The stuff of nightmares.
It’s disgusting, and I’m done with any party that is willing to offer up its own citizens and their children as gifts to gain political favor. They’ve become the Libertine party of predators and rapists. Many, many more of us who consider ourselves left of center are leaving. If the Democrats don’t turn this around, and fast, they’re in for a very rude awakening.
You and I might not agree on some things, but I’m happy to fight along side you, against this menace.
I figure whatever I post in response is going to help people, even if Eugine can’t be reached.
I apologize for my temper. I try to keep it together but sometimes I accidentally shoot my own team mates. This subject is demanding every bit of self control and sometimes I’m not as patient as I should be.
> Just as an aside, the “slippery slope” is an argument fallacy.
The slippery slope has a remarkable prediction record. Anyone still calling it a fallacy is either unserious, uninformed or being knowingly deceitful. Which one are you?
I thought you might be interested to know that people on the left are not all a monolith of weird perverts, but if you’d rather hang on to your own image of us to make yourself comfortable, I won’t stop you, lol. I’m not here to convert you. I *am* telling you that those of us on the left that disagree with the party line are bullied, silenced, censored, and even physically attacked and beaten. They hate us apostates worse than anyone. It’s only been recently that we’ve even found each other online in any numbers.
You’re free to think anything you want. This isn’t about me, and I’m not defending myself. I’m telling you quite simply that, along with everything else, you’re being lied to about the support from the left. This narrative of consensus is false; don’t believe it.
Justine, you would be wise to ignore Eugine. He (I assume he's a male) just likes to argue.
I didn't realize that liberal intellectuals are trying to normalize pedophilia. I'm certainly not in favor of that. You might be interested to know that there has been a relaxation of the laws all over the nation. In Rhode Island, you can have sexual contact with a 13-year-old if all you are doing it touching each other and not penetrating each other. I think this relaxation was in recognition of the fact that children can develop strong sexual feelings at an early age. I am gay, and I remember being attracted to older boys and adults as early as 8 or 9 years old.
But getting back to this relaxation of laws, I think that legislators are worried that if every contact between a minor and an adult is criminalized, it will take too much police manpower to sort it all out, and it will clog up the courts and the prisons. With most adolescents now viewing pornography on the internet, they are growing up faster. Legislators are also concerned because of the number of instances in which the teenager initiates the contact. But they are also trying to recognize that teens are sexual humans beings. The bottom line is that unwanted contact is still considered statutory rape.
There was a time when teenagers of all ages were considered fair game for adults. I have forgotten his name, but there was that cracker of a judge who lost a run for the Senate when it was revealed that his ideal wife would be a 13-year-old.
But getting back to the justifications that liberal intellectuals are coming up with, there is no outrageous behavior that intellectuals can't justify in one way or another. And just because liberal intellectuals are spinning theoretical castles doesn't mean that their ideas will be accepted by everyone.
If you decide to abandon liberals and Democrats, where will you go? The politicians are just as crazy on the conservative side.
I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do. Most women are feeling politically homeless right now, I’m sure. The ones I talk to are paralyzed with fear to speak out. Or they have been, until very recently. None of my liberal friends are interested in becoming conservatives. For myself, I’m choosing to wait and see. This stuff is accelerating like crazy, and honestly the Democrats could *still* pull their support. They have enough time.
I doubt anyone is going to let them get away with this, regardless, whether they remain in power or not.
“Queer theory” nonsense is behind the academic push. You can thank Judith Butler and other “queer theorists” for that. Entire university departments dedicated to pseudoscience and navel gazing. It’s all very PoMo and these people are actually actively interfering with other disciplines, like biology, telling them they must come to the *correct* conclusions. Basically, academia became infested with activists and extremists and then disappeared up its own ass. Unfortunately, those graduates are enforcing their beliefs in their workplaces, and because they are… well, emotionally unregulated, they get their way.
> I thought you might be interested to know that people on the left are not all a monolith of weird perverts
I never said you were, I said you support policies that enable them.
> I *am* telling you that those of us on the left that disagree with the party line are bullied, silenced, censored, and even physically attacked and beaten.
Welcome to the party pall, as the saying goes. We've been subject to these kind of attacks for decades. Funny how you didn't seem to care or even know about this until they started coming after you.
Who are you talking to now? Because it’s such not me, lol.
I’ve been subjected to abuse from the right my entire life, and I still don’t think all conservatives are terrible people. I have no desire to oppress you or anyone else, and I never have.
Your smears and name calling don’t bother me, hun. I’ve had much, much, much worse, lol.
I don't know why I am still bothering with you. What does this mean: "but you still support liberalism"? What does that mean? What is "liberalism"?? There are a thousand issues that liberals have opinions on. I support most liberal positions but not all of them. I am a centrist who THINKS about every issue. You seem to be saying that I should reject all liberal positions because liberals are wrong on the trans issue, but that would be a stupid thing to do. You also seem to be saying that that is what YOU do: You take conservative positions on all the issues in order to be in lock-step with other conservatives. If that is what you are doing, then you are a mindless boob who doesn't think for himself.
There must be a way to put people on Ignore on Substack.
Because you still have a nagging voice in the back of your head telling you what you believe can't be quite right?
> What is "liberalism"
And here we have the defensiveness in the form you suddenly forgetting the meaning of a word you were perfectly happy to use throughout this thread. Ask yourself why you're suddenly becoming defensive.
> You seem to be saying that I should reject all liberal positions because liberals are wrong on the trans issue, but that would be a stupid thing to do.
If someone believe that two plus two is five, that's probably not the only thing he's wrong about.
Frankly the trans issue is the logical consequence of positions liberals have been advancing for a century.
Feminism: men and women are interchangeable in the workplace.
Gay "rights": men and women are interchangeable in the bedroom.
Trans: men and women are generally interchangeable.
I read one or two lines and then stopped. I accidentally stated my views above in a confusing way, so I answered you one more time to clarify my position, but now we are done. If you keep badgering me, I'll complain to Eliza and ask her to block you from her Substack. Unfortunately, Substack doesn't give me a way to block you myself (unless you start posting on my own Substack).
Being a Trump supporter automatically brands you as a fool. I won't debate fools.
Just to be clear, I’m not embracing Trump or the Republican Party. I would prefer if the Democrats got a fucking clue from all the polls telling them we don’t want this. They’re just ignoring all the devastated parents who have lost their children to this noxious cult of paedophilic perversity, as well as all the gay men and lesbians rightfully pointing out that this amounts to gay genocide. If they keep insisting on inflicting this on us, they will lose support. That’s not *my* fault, and I’m not going to be told, YET AGAIN, that I have to just lay down and think of England while they thoroughly fuck me over. The DNC has been telling women that for too fucking long. It’s now obvious they refused to protect abortion or prioritize women and kids in ANY WAY, because they wanted to keep us scared. Evil.
They’ve done this on such a way that is anti democratic, because they knew it would be deeply unpopular (it is). No vote was held, and the “information” they present is false, based on fantasy and literal Nazi science. They’ve *actively supported* human rights violations and the worst medical scandal the world has ever seen.
What the hell is wrong with YOU that you can’t see these people are fucking evil? Get the fuck out with that shit. If you’re not going to help us, at least get out of the way.
I’ll just ignore the blatant opportunity to make a joke and ask instead why you feel it was forced on you, in particular. I can’t imagine you feel the need to police other adults in the bedroom.
If it’s all the rainbow Pride garbage everywhere, all I can say is that at this point, Pride has been taken over by Corporations and the transgender lobby. Transgender activists are very quick to attack and eject anyone who dont 200% agree that they are awesome liberators helping children. Very narcissistic, very stupid. The money for the transgender lobby comes from billionaires who want the profits from all those butchering. Any gay person who protests is attacked and forced out.
I doubt you care about any of this right now, but over the next few years, possibly sooner, all of this is going to come to light. It’s an enormous scandal. Believe it or not, gay people have been instrumental in fighting this, along with non-academic feminists. Not sure why we’d be doing that if the left was truly united in our degeneracy.
Anyway, have a good night. Tomorrow is another day to fight.
> I’ll just ignore the blatant opportunity to make a joke
If you're trying to convince me that you're not all weird perverts, you're doing a terrible job at it.
> and ask instead why you feel it was forced on you, in particular.
Gay "marriage" lost everytime it was put in front of voters, twice in California. And yet it was imposed via judicial fiat anyway.
> I can’t imagine you feel the need to police other adults in the bedroom.
Because it tends not to stay in the bedroom. In any case gay "marriage" isn't about what happens in the bedroom, their perfectly capable of doing their stuff in the bed room without their fake "marriage". Gay "marriage" is about leaching of the respectability of normal marriage to make their perversion respectable.
> Transgender activists are very quick to attack and eject anyone who dont 200% agree that they are awesome liberators helping children.
The left has been doing that since the French revolution, congratulations on finally noticing.
I don't know what TDS stands for. Listen, I don't waste time on Trump supporters. People with such poor judgement aren't worth debating. You don't have normal human standards.
I’m leaning toward this too. I’m a single issue voter until transing kids goes away. I loathe Trump, but Biden is clueless. Still hoping for a viable 3rd party candidate.
When one of your two choices is a dictator wannabe, the other guy is the one you vote for even if he doesn't agree with you on the issue that you care about the most.
Funny how you consider well documented evidence, like the twitter files, "misinformation". You really need to stop watching left-wing propaganda and get out of your bubble.
I don’t know. It feels like the trolley problem: do I accept a madman for the next 4 years and hope our country is strong enough to withstand him? Or accept a fool and the continuing march towards left wing authoritarianism? Or, simply, who has the power and courage to stop telling people that they are “born in the wrong body”?
What "left-wing authoritarianism"? Trump is much more authoritarian than Biden is. Biden is stupid on the trans issue, but sensible on most other issues. Trump is the fool. I think you've been listening to too much right-wing media.
And yet in another comment you referred to the well documented collusion between the Biden administration and tech companies to suppress the free speech rights of US citizens as "misinformation", sounds like an echo chamber to me.
> I read publications that have been identified as mainstream media.
Yes, those publications "identify" as mainstream media, the same way Bruce Jenner "identifies" as a woman.
I actually don’t follow any mainstream media, left or right. I gave up on NPR last year, never could stand Fox and their hyperbolic headlines. Eliza’s newest post has a great description of what I would call “left wing authoritarianism” (I think the part from BaRpod) How would you describe the culture of cancellations, firing for speaking truth to authority, just mainstream authoritarianism? Both of these old men are fools, they just need to retire with their millions and quietly fade away from public life.
We need to distinguish between the "authoritarianism" of bad ideas, like transgenderism, and political authoritarianism. If transgender activists have managed to take over the minds of liberals everywhere, that is social authoritarianism. Trump will give us political authoritarianism, and that is a different animal. If you want the United States to be run by a dictator, vote for Trump. But keep in mind that the social authoritarianism of transgender activists is already falling out of favor. On sexual and gender issues, Biden is a shallow thinker. Trump is a shallow thinker on EVERY ISSUE. As for you, being a one-issue voter makes you a fool as much as the people you dislike.
If you want to see political corruption, take a look at Ohio and some other of the Red states, where the Republicans are trying to do away with DEMOCRACY ITSELF.
I've never liked Newsom, and it is all because of the trans issue. I suspect that he jumped on the trans bandwagon early because it was the latest liberal issue to come down the pike, and because trans people generate a lot of sympathy (by, let's face it, looking and acting bizarre). He has supported all kinds of bad laws, like the one that allows trans children to get treatment over the objections of their parents. Indeed, in California a parent can lose custody of their kid by objecting. He clearly doesn't have a nuanced understanding of the issue; he just supports it because it is, well, liberal. I would never support him for president. Biden is similarly stupid. (Having said that, all us Americans need to support Biden to keep Trump from getting back into power.)
Talking about generating sympathy, on Go Fund Me you can find trans women begging for help -- and they always meet their fundraising goal! I once found a picture of three "trans women" who just looked like ordinary masculine young men who had put on dresses to defraud some suckers, and they got all the money they were asking for! What is it about trans people that makes them so appealing to so many people?
"Having said that, all us Americans need to support Biden to keep Trump from getting back into power" Oh, hell no. As much as I despise Trump, my feelings for him are not personal. With Biden, the "trans-kids-your-president-is-with-you" idiot, my hate is personal. Also, with him being so clearly not 100% there mentally, do we really know who is pulling the strings?
With all due respect, Moom, Trump is by far the worst choice, by a very long margin. If you don't recognize that, your values are badly askew.
In what way? From where I stand, both parties are corrupt and horrible, but sterilizing children, taking them from their parents, practicing coercive control, and attempting to “reduce the stigma” against paedophilia is over the line.
I don't know who is trying to reduce the stigma against pedophilia. The standard liberal position is that children have the right to control their bodies just like adults do. I can see why some liberals think that, but I don't agree with it. Children don't have the emotional maturity to make such decisions. But that's not the point. If you are going to abandon the Democratic party altogether because they hold one bad position, then you are being myopic. We cannot let the Dictator in Waiting back into power. Keeping him out of power is even more important than this issue.
Look up “Minor Attracted Person” or “MAP”
There is absolutely an effort to tack paedophiles onto the LGBTQA+++++ as if it’s a normal orientation that doesn’t deserve stigma. It’s disgusting. You should also know that the drag queens that are so eager to “read” to kids keep getting caught either with enormous amounts of child pornography or actually in the process of attempting to sexually abuse a child. Yes, really. That’s because these are autogynephiles with multiple other paraphilias. Look that word up too, while you’re at it.
I'm 73, and when gay liberation started in 1969, there was a group that called itself NAMBLA -- North American Man-Boy Love Association. Those people have always been with us.
You should read my article about drag queens on my own Substack, if you haven't already.
Thank you. I will check it out. What I’ve read up to this point suggests that it’s a lot of the same actors behind this current push to abolish age of consent laws that were behind NAMBLA. This time it’s much, much worse, as the paedophiles have been organizing this international effort since the 90s.
You might already know all that; I’m adding it here as context for others.
No, I'm not aware of what pedophiles are up to.
I remember when I was about 27, there was a boy in my neighborhood who looked to be perhaps 16 or 17. He was clearly interested in me, but I discouraged him because he looked too young. I see that now as a missed opportunity. That boy was probably more sexually mature and active than I was. I do think that it's good that the law is more flexible now. Of course, at 73, I don't attract teenagers any more.
Followed you ❤️
I do understand that some kids are more mature than others. I moved out at 17 and lived with my 22 year old boyfriend (we’d already been together a year) and I was sure at the time that I could handle it. I don’t personally think it’s abnormal to get aroused by all kinds of things and people, including impractical and inappropriate ones. I don’t judge the feelings. They’re not in conscious control, for the most part.
(Edit: popping in to stress the fact that I do judge actions. Those urges must be controlled when consent is a factor).
I’m sure you agree that the power dynamic is unequal though, and the potential for abuse is too high to allow kids to date adults. As for what age should be the cutoff, I’d need to have a better understanding of child psychology than I currently do to really have an opinion, tbh.
Have you seen the online feminist magazine Reduxx? There’s been some really good journalism there, exposing the seedy connections.
I’m bisexual myself, with my own kinks. I don’t want to keep people from sexual expression and fulfillment. That’s just not what this is, sadly.
Yes, the dynamic isn't equal. I was once a little too sexually aggressive with a young man in his twenties, only to find out later that he had a history of mental illness I wasn't aware of. On two occasions in my life I pursued young men who were straight. They both seemed to enjoy, or at least accept, the gay things I did with them, but in both cases it ended up badly. Straight men really don't want anyone making them feel gay, even if they are very liberal.
I've enjoyed exchanging notes with you. You are very smart. I'll be going to bed soon.
I'll take a look at Reduxx. Do they hate men over there, or are men with a modicum of awareness welcomed?
By the way, if I didn't "Like" many of your posts, it's just because that's a habit I never got into. Sorry.
> I don't know who is trying to reduce the stigma against pedophilia
You mean you've never seen various stories trying to categorize it as "just another orientation".
> but the rest of what you say is the standard liberal position, that children have the right to control their lives, even if the decisions backfire. I disagree with that, believing as I do that children don't have the emotional maturity to make such decisions.
So you admit the "standard liberal position" is nuts, but you still support liberalism.
Hey Eugine. I’m actually a liberal/left libertarian and second wave feminist, but I also understand what those words actually mean, and the Democrats are anything but, at this point. You’re correct, in that academics are trying to make paedophilia just another “orientation.” I don’t know at what point the party lost the plot so completely, but I assume it happened when they were courting the Silicon Valley technocrats. Gotta get them on your side if you want to control the future.
Anyway, I’ve spent a lot of time in some very dark places online over the past 20+ years, and the technocrats, mostly white, almost all male, and a huge proportion on the autistic spectrum, are 100% in favor of paedophilia, pedarasty, and prostitution. Basically they want complete sexual freedom for men, and more than a bit of that comes from their own lack of ability to get sex. Of course. Because their inability to get laid should be everybody’s problem. Their views are extreme fringe, but the Democrats likely wanted their cooperation, so they agreed to push this agenda. Again, that’s just my guess. The evil shit I’ve seen on 4chan, Reddit, and other places, posted by incel technocrats, is… about as bad as you can imagine. The stuff of nightmares.
It’s disgusting, and I’m done with any party that is willing to offer up its own citizens and their children as gifts to gain political favor. They’ve become the Libertine party of predators and rapists. Many, many more of us who consider ourselves left of center are leaving. If the Democrats don’t turn this around, and fast, they’re in for a very rude awakening.
You and I might not agree on some things, but I’m happy to fight along side you, against this menace.
> You and I might not agree on some things, but I’m happy to fight along side you, against this menace.
Stopping this menace will require dealing with its root cause.
There are two ways we as a society can go here. Either we admit the sexual revolution has a mistake and seek to atone for it, (https://www.louiseperry.co.uk/p/why-new-atheism-has-failed-justin) or we go to the dystopia you describe.
Which way do you want to go?
> Hey Eugine. I’m actually a liberal and second wave feminist,
So you're all for the first steps of the slippery slope but don't like what's on the bottom.
> If the Democrats do the turn this around, and fast, they’re in for a very rude awakening.
They'll just double down on election fraud.
Just as an aside, the “slippery slope” is an argument fallacy. You know it’s unfair and unsupportable. Come on now, lol
Seriously, I advise you not to engage with Eugine. I did a search for his name, and he is a troll on sites as well as this one.
I figure whatever I post in response is going to help people, even if Eugine can’t be reached.
I apologize for my temper. I try to keep it together but sometimes I accidentally shoot my own team mates. This subject is demanding every bit of self control and sometimes I’m not as patient as I should be.
> Just as an aside, the “slippery slope” is an argument fallacy.
The slippery slope has a remarkable prediction record. Anyone still calling it a fallacy is either unserious, uninformed or being knowingly deceitful. Which one are you?
I thought you might be interested to know that people on the left are not all a monolith of weird perverts, but if you’d rather hang on to your own image of us to make yourself comfortable, I won’t stop you, lol. I’m not here to convert you. I *am* telling you that those of us on the left that disagree with the party line are bullied, silenced, censored, and even physically attacked and beaten. They hate us apostates worse than anyone. It’s only been recently that we’ve even found each other online in any numbers.
You’re free to think anything you want. This isn’t about me, and I’m not defending myself. I’m telling you quite simply that, along with everything else, you’re being lied to about the support from the left. This narrative of consensus is false; don’t believe it.
Justine, you would be wise to ignore Eugine. He (I assume he's a male) just likes to argue.
I didn't realize that liberal intellectuals are trying to normalize pedophilia. I'm certainly not in favor of that. You might be interested to know that there has been a relaxation of the laws all over the nation. In Rhode Island, you can have sexual contact with a 13-year-old if all you are doing it touching each other and not penetrating each other. I think this relaxation was in recognition of the fact that children can develop strong sexual feelings at an early age. I am gay, and I remember being attracted to older boys and adults as early as 8 or 9 years old.
But getting back to this relaxation of laws, I think that legislators are worried that if every contact between a minor and an adult is criminalized, it will take too much police manpower to sort it all out, and it will clog up the courts and the prisons. With most adolescents now viewing pornography on the internet, they are growing up faster. Legislators are also concerned because of the number of instances in which the teenager initiates the contact. But they are also trying to recognize that teens are sexual humans beings. The bottom line is that unwanted contact is still considered statutory rape.
There was a time when teenagers of all ages were considered fair game for adults. I have forgotten his name, but there was that cracker of a judge who lost a run for the Senate when it was revealed that his ideal wife would be a 13-year-old.
But getting back to the justifications that liberal intellectuals are coming up with, there is no outrageous behavior that intellectuals can't justify in one way or another. And just because liberal intellectuals are spinning theoretical castles doesn't mean that their ideas will be accepted by everyone.
If you decide to abandon liberals and Democrats, where will you go? The politicians are just as crazy on the conservative side.
I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do. Most women are feeling politically homeless right now, I’m sure. The ones I talk to are paralyzed with fear to speak out. Or they have been, until very recently. None of my liberal friends are interested in becoming conservatives. For myself, I’m choosing to wait and see. This stuff is accelerating like crazy, and honestly the Democrats could *still* pull their support. They have enough time.
I doubt anyone is going to let them get away with this, regardless, whether they remain in power or not.
“Queer theory” nonsense is behind the academic push. You can thank Judith Butler and other “queer theorists” for that. Entire university departments dedicated to pseudoscience and navel gazing. It’s all very PoMo and these people are actually actively interfering with other disciplines, like biology, telling them they must come to the *correct* conclusions. Basically, academia became infested with activists and extremists and then disappeared up its own ass. Unfortunately, those graduates are enforcing their beliefs in their workplaces, and because they are… well, emotionally unregulated, they get their way.
> I thought you might be interested to know that people on the left are not all a monolith of weird perverts
I never said you were, I said you support policies that enable them.
> I *am* telling you that those of us on the left that disagree with the party line are bullied, silenced, censored, and even physically attacked and beaten.
Welcome to the party pall, as the saying goes. We've been subject to these kind of attacks for decades. Funny how you didn't seem to care or even know about this until they started coming after you.
Who are you talking to now? Because it’s such not me, lol.
I’ve been subjected to abuse from the right my entire life, and I still don’t think all conservatives are terrible people. I have no desire to oppress you or anyone else, and I never have.
Your smears and name calling don’t bother me, hun. I’ve had much, much, much worse, lol.
I don't know why I am still bothering with you. What does this mean: "but you still support liberalism"? What does that mean? What is "liberalism"?? There are a thousand issues that liberals have opinions on. I support most liberal positions but not all of them. I am a centrist who THINKS about every issue. You seem to be saying that I should reject all liberal positions because liberals are wrong on the trans issue, but that would be a stupid thing to do. You also seem to be saying that that is what YOU do: You take conservative positions on all the issues in order to be in lock-step with other conservatives. If that is what you are doing, then you are a mindless boob who doesn't think for himself.
There must be a way to put people on Ignore on Substack.
> I don't know why I am still bothering with you.
Because you still have a nagging voice in the back of your head telling you what you believe can't be quite right?
> What is "liberalism"
And here we have the defensiveness in the form you suddenly forgetting the meaning of a word you were perfectly happy to use throughout this thread. Ask yourself why you're suddenly becoming defensive.
> You seem to be saying that I should reject all liberal positions because liberals are wrong on the trans issue, but that would be a stupid thing to do.
If someone believe that two plus two is five, that's probably not the only thing he's wrong about.
Frankly the trans issue is the logical consequence of positions liberals have been advancing for a century.
Feminism: men and women are interchangeable in the workplace.
Gay "rights": men and women are interchangeable in the bedroom.
Trans: men and women are generally interchangeable.
I read one or two lines and then stopped. I accidentally stated my views above in a confusing way, so I answered you one more time to clarify my position, but now we are done. If you keep badgering me, I'll complain to Eliza and ask her to block you from her Substack. Unfortunately, Substack doesn't give me a way to block you myself (unless you start posting on my own Substack).
Being a Trump supporter automatically brands you as a fool. I won't debate fools.
In other words, you don't like it when your bubble gets invaded with facts or arguments. Thus you lash out with insults.
Just to be clear, I’m not embracing Trump or the Republican Party. I would prefer if the Democrats got a fucking clue from all the polls telling them we don’t want this. They’re just ignoring all the devastated parents who have lost their children to this noxious cult of paedophilic perversity, as well as all the gay men and lesbians rightfully pointing out that this amounts to gay genocide. If they keep insisting on inflicting this on us, they will lose support. That’s not *my* fault, and I’m not going to be told, YET AGAIN, that I have to just lay down and think of England while they thoroughly fuck me over. The DNC has been telling women that for too fucking long. It’s now obvious they refused to protect abortion or prioritize women and kids in ANY WAY, because they wanted to keep us scared. Evil.
They’ve done this on such a way that is anti democratic, because they knew it would be deeply unpopular (it is). No vote was held, and the “information” they present is false, based on fantasy and literal Nazi science. They’ve *actively supported* human rights violations and the worst medical scandal the world has ever seen.
What the hell is wrong with YOU that you can’t see these people are fucking evil? Get the fuck out with that shit. If you’re not going to help us, at least get out of the way.
> They’ve done this on such a way that is anti democratic, because they knew it would be deeply unpopular (it is).
A.k.a., the same way they forced gay "marriage" down the country's throat.
I’ll just ignore the blatant opportunity to make a joke and ask instead why you feel it was forced on you, in particular. I can’t imagine you feel the need to police other adults in the bedroom.
If it’s all the rainbow Pride garbage everywhere, all I can say is that at this point, Pride has been taken over by Corporations and the transgender lobby. Transgender activists are very quick to attack and eject anyone who dont 200% agree that they are awesome liberators helping children. Very narcissistic, very stupid. The money for the transgender lobby comes from billionaires who want the profits from all those butchering. Any gay person who protests is attacked and forced out.
I doubt you care about any of this right now, but over the next few years, possibly sooner, all of this is going to come to light. It’s an enormous scandal. Believe it or not, gay people have been instrumental in fighting this, along with non-academic feminists. Not sure why we’d be doing that if the left was truly united in our degeneracy.
Anyway, have a good night. Tomorrow is another day to fight.
> I’ll just ignore the blatant opportunity to make a joke
If you're trying to convince me that you're not all weird perverts, you're doing a terrible job at it.
> and ask instead why you feel it was forced on you, in particular.
Gay "marriage" lost everytime it was put in front of voters, twice in California. And yet it was imposed via judicial fiat anyway.
> I can’t imagine you feel the need to police other adults in the bedroom.
Because it tends not to stay in the bedroom. In any case gay "marriage" isn't about what happens in the bedroom, their perfectly capable of doing their stuff in the bed room without their fake "marriage". Gay "marriage" is about leaching of the respectability of normal marriage to make their perversion respectable.
> Transgender activists are very quick to attack and eject anyone who dont 200% agree that they are awesome liberators helping children.
The left has been doing that since the French revolution, congratulations on finally noticing.
Take this to email or something, you guys.
I apologize if I have added to the arguing.
I’m done. Sorry about that.
The Dictator in waiting, or rather their puppet, is currently occupying the white house. Your problem is that you are too myopic to see that.
Do you have any rational justification for your hatred of Trump, or is it purely TDS?
Eugine, if you can't see what is wrong with Trump, your values are fucked up. No amount of debate can reach you.
I notice you didn't actually give a reason. Sounds like TDS to me.
I don't know what TDS stands for. Listen, I don't waste time on Trump supporters. People with such poor judgement aren't worth debating. You don't have normal human standards.
Insults in place of reasoning. Not a sign of good mental function.
BTW, on the off chance you honestly don't know TDS stands for Trump Derangement Syndrome.
I’m leaning toward this too. I’m a single issue voter until transing kids goes away. I loathe Trump, but Biden is clueless. Still hoping for a viable 3rd party candidate.
When one of your two choices is a dictator wannabe, the other guy is the one you vote for even if he doesn't agree with you on the issue that you care about the most.
> When one of your two choices is a dictator wannabe,
You mean the guy colluding with tech platforms to suppress our free speach?
It sounds to me like you are parroting misinformation from right-wing media. I can't speak to that. You need to stop watching Fox.
Funny how you consider well documented evidence, like the twitter files, "misinformation". You really need to stop watching left-wing propaganda and get out of your bubble.
I don’t know. It feels like the trolley problem: do I accept a madman for the next 4 years and hope our country is strong enough to withstand him? Or accept a fool and the continuing march towards left wing authoritarianism? Or, simply, who has the power and courage to stop telling people that they are “born in the wrong body”?
What "left-wing authoritarianism"? Trump is much more authoritarian than Biden is. Biden is stupid on the trans issue, but sensible on most other issues. Trump is the fool. I think you've been listening to too much right-wing media.
> What "left-wing authoritarianism"?
Attempting to destroy free speech for starters. Seriously the Biden administration is doing everything the left feared Trump would do.
> I think you've been listening to too much right-wing media.
You really need to get out of the left-wing echo chamber.
I'm not in any left-wing echo chamber. YOU are stuck in an echo chamber. I read publications that have been identified as mainstream media.
> I'm not in any left-wing echo chamber.
And yet in another comment you referred to the well documented collusion between the Biden administration and tech companies to suppress the free speech rights of US citizens as "misinformation", sounds like an echo chamber to me.
> I read publications that have been identified as mainstream media.
Yes, those publications "identify" as mainstream media, the same way Bruce Jenner "identifies" as a woman.
I actually don’t follow any mainstream media, left or right. I gave up on NPR last year, never could stand Fox and their hyperbolic headlines. Eliza’s newest post has a great description of what I would call “left wing authoritarianism” (I think the part from BaRpod) How would you describe the culture of cancellations, firing for speaking truth to authority, just mainstream authoritarianism? Both of these old men are fools, they just need to retire with their millions and quietly fade away from public life.
We need to distinguish between the "authoritarianism" of bad ideas, like transgenderism, and political authoritarianism. If transgender activists have managed to take over the minds of liberals everywhere, that is social authoritarianism. Trump will give us political authoritarianism, and that is a different animal. If you want the United States to be run by a dictator, vote for Trump. But keep in mind that the social authoritarianism of transgender activists is already falling out of favor. On sexual and gender issues, Biden is a shallow thinker. Trump is a shallow thinker on EVERY ISSUE. As for you, being a one-issue voter makes you a fool as much as the people you dislike.
If you want to see political corruption, take a look at Ohio and some other of the Red states, where the Republicans are trying to do away with DEMOCRACY ITSELF.