That sounds right. I’m not technologically sophisticated enough to do the things that allow them to play with strangers online, seems mostly they played together. Imaginative play, dress up, Lego world building; all these things are such a regular part of childhood. It’s odd to me that video games hold such appeal, but I was never into t…
That sounds right. I’m not technologically sophisticated enough to do the things that allow them to play with strangers online, seems mostly they played together. Imaginative play, dress up, Lego world building; all these things are such a regular part of childhood. It’s odd to me that video games hold such appeal, but I was never into them as a kid (Atari era). Maybe it’s the almost unlimited choices one gets with a video game. I remember my girls arguing over which mini figure got to wear the pink shirt, or whatever. Now everyone gets a pink shirt!
That sounds right. I’m not technologically sophisticated enough to do the things that allow them to play with strangers online, seems mostly they played together. Imaginative play, dress up, Lego world building; all these things are such a regular part of childhood. It’s odd to me that video games hold such appeal, but I was never into them as a kid (Atari era). Maybe it’s the almost unlimited choices one gets with a video game. I remember my girls arguing over which mini figure got to wear the pink shirt, or whatever. Now everyone gets a pink shirt!