I am sorry but Republicans do not make sense. for them opposing this trans shit is part of a belief system which includes rigid gender roles, denying reproductive rights to women and often to the the men who are the fathers of the babies the women are forced to have. They are (were? - it varies I think) anti-porn for religious reasons bu…
I am sorry but Republicans do not make sense. for them opposing this trans shit is part of a belief system which includes rigid gender roles, denying reproductive rights to women and often to the the men who are the fathers of the babies the women are forced to have. They are (were? - it varies I think) anti-porn for religious reasons but support the porn industry and resist prevention of violence against women, especially stalking, domestic violence and gun control provisions. I could go on. The Republicans are not my friends just because they have come down on the right side by accident.
In no way do I think the Republicans are my friends; all I was saying was that they make more sense than Democrats on this one point. That's literally my only point on this. I am horrified to find myself agreeing with Republicans whose every other stance I revile, and yes it's true that their reasons for their stance are highly questionable. That's my point: it's horrifying that Republicans make more sense than Democrats on this.
I understand this point but I am concerned about what is happening. There have been people, maybe a lot of them, across the range of gender critical substacks and other webs groups who announce they are no longer on the left.
There is also a 1980s history of feminists allying with right-wing evangelical Xtian groups on anti-porn issues. The result of that was an anti-sexuality discourse in which porn was written about as if it were evidence of all male sexuality and all positive approaches to sexuality were a pathway to violent abusive sex.
The outcomes of republicans very different starting point are very obvious further down the track and so I am objecting to you saying you agree on this one point. There is no just one point and the Republicans only make more sense if you refuse to connect up the dots that they themselves are connecting up with their other policies.
Observing this outcome means I am opposed to fighting transgender ideology by allying with the republicans, evangelical xtians etc. It also just enrages me to be told that TRA policy and practices are the left and we have to leave the left to oppose TRA. I hope this makes sense to you?
By saying that I agree on this one point I mean precisely that I agree on this one point. I have never voted for a Republican and cannot imagine doing so, but I agree with them on this one point: that kids under 18 should not be allowed to choose hormonal or surgical gender-reassignment treatment or whatever it's called at the moment. That's it. I have no illusions about the political posturing on their part (nor on the other side for that matter), and I think the bathroom debates are absurd.
Ergo: object all you want to my saying I agree on this one point, but that's the reality: I agree on this one point. You are welcome to disagree with me, on this one point or on any other.
I am sorry but Republicans do not make sense. for them opposing this trans shit is part of a belief system which includes rigid gender roles, denying reproductive rights to women and often to the the men who are the fathers of the babies the women are forced to have. They are (were? - it varies I think) anti-porn for religious reasons but support the porn industry and resist prevention of violence against women, especially stalking, domestic violence and gun control provisions. I could go on. The Republicans are not my friends just because they have come down on the right side by accident.
why I am one of the politically “homeless”...
In no way do I think the Republicans are my friends; all I was saying was that they make more sense than Democrats on this one point. That's literally my only point on this. I am horrified to find myself agreeing with Republicans whose every other stance I revile, and yes it's true that their reasons for their stance are highly questionable. That's my point: it's horrifying that Republicans make more sense than Democrats on this.
I understand this point but I am concerned about what is happening. There have been people, maybe a lot of them, across the range of gender critical substacks and other webs groups who announce they are no longer on the left.
There is also a 1980s history of feminists allying with right-wing evangelical Xtian groups on anti-porn issues. The result of that was an anti-sexuality discourse in which porn was written about as if it were evidence of all male sexuality and all positive approaches to sexuality were a pathway to violent abusive sex.
The outcomes of republicans very different starting point are very obvious further down the track and so I am objecting to you saying you agree on this one point. There is no just one point and the Republicans only make more sense if you refuse to connect up the dots that they themselves are connecting up with their other policies.
Observing this outcome means I am opposed to fighting transgender ideology by allying with the republicans, evangelical xtians etc. It also just enrages me to be told that TRA policy and practices are the left and we have to leave the left to oppose TRA. I hope this makes sense to you?
By saying that I agree on this one point I mean precisely that I agree on this one point. I have never voted for a Republican and cannot imagine doing so, but I agree with them on this one point: that kids under 18 should not be allowed to choose hormonal or surgical gender-reassignment treatment or whatever it's called at the moment. That's it. I have no illusions about the political posturing on their part (nor on the other side for that matter), and I think the bathroom debates are absurd.
Ergo: object all you want to my saying I agree on this one point, but that's the reality: I agree on this one point. You are welcome to disagree with me, on this one point or on any other.