I am an older former trans identified adult male who after hormones,surgery, and legal id was to discover it was all for nothing. I became guilt ridden because I was not living in truth. I returned to my born male sex approx. 12 yrs. ago. and thought I had left trans behind. Then I happened to watch some video of young teenage girls who had top surgery and regretting it. I was alarmed as these young girls were basically saying the same thing as I had once believed. Although I gender transitioned as an adult my inferiority complexes began as an awkward bullied child. I know there are some with genuine gender dysphoria however in most cases trans affirming care is a dangerous misdiagnosis that I fear will destroy many young lives as well as their families. Gender theory is pseudoscience; a strong delusion and a deception.

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Good luck to you Reggie.

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Thanks for speaking out so bravely here. There is no measure of "true trans" and the doctors have been selling The Brooklyn Bridge. To my ex-husband, father of our 2 sons, as well. The influence of the pharma companies, who then want women like me to stay married and take a whole lot of more pills, attests to the corruption. Your voice matters. Don't stop.

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Very well said, Reggie. I hope you didn't harm yourself too much in the process.

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What do you think could have helped you before you got to the point of transitioning??

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I just wish my adult son could read these things with an open mind instead of believing heart and soul everything Erin Reed writes..........He has discarded his family in favor of all this because we don't believe people can change sex

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I hope your son will learn that one cannot change sex and a loving and caring family are essential for a healthy life. A person cannot remanufacture their creation.

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Despite NYT's performative placing of this impeccably reported and fact-checked news piece in the Opinion section, they did indeed publish it, and they and everyone know it's news. I feel a slight de-chilling effect this past week, and I'm enjoying it, whether it ends up being temporary or moving us toward the light. Loving everything you write, E.M.!

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Who should we name as the entity with sufficient power to induce the NYT to modify its direction in its "gender" coverage? Seriously, does anyone think it is because the ruling class's media outlet is suddenly seeing the light? Who at the top of the newspaper and of the country has given the word to create a small, well placed leak in the moat around truth? And why at this time?

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So interesting. My ex-husband's Uncle Lou wrote for the New York Times for decades. After Neddy "identified" and I divorced him, I kept our sons in touch with Lou, now probably about 90. Neddy "uninvited" him from our older son's bar mitzvah. When my son got married later, he invited Lou and he came. Neddy sat like a lump on a log during the entire afternoon. Perhaps, when the have to cover the many malpractice lawsuits from (mostly) natal females, the Times will redeem its reputation. As all the main stream media must. I suggest to them, examine the webpage, "Trans Journalists Association Style Guide" with a point by point refutation of their totalitarian edicts.

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Formerly the paper's book editor, Paul now holds the title of "opinion columnist" and reports to Kathleen Kingsbury, who supervises the New York Times Opinion section and the editorial board. The Opinion section is Pamela Paul's natural home and, personally, I wouldn't read anything into the fact that this very excellent article appears there. Reporters Azeen Ghorayshi and Emily Bazelon have produced good journalism on related topics for the news section and the New York Times Magazine, respectively.

I would just add that I'm always happy to see "humanity, empathy, nuance and complexity" used in a positive way. They are valuable words.

Your 'Unherd' article is quite good. Thank you for sharing it with us here.

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Thank you. This is really helpful to know re why this piece was in the Opinion section. I didn't know this.

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You never pull your punches, Eliza, and I admire that.

I haven't read the Times article (and never will because I don't subscribe). However, I'm aware that they have gingerly, over the years, published trans-critical articles -- usually very mild -- always to be beaten down by trans activists. The day will come when the activists have lost the war, and the majority of the world will understand that (1) only a very small percentage of people who think they are trans are actually trans and should seek medicalization, and (2) medical transitioning is for mature adults only. Even the mature adults who transition sometimes come to regret it.

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It's hard to say what could have helped me when I initiated gender transition but I think it was what ended it was the realization of my soul, the absolute truth and learning to be thankful for it. Thanks for asking.

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Wow! Perhaps Paula Paul read the copy of my memoir. I sent it to her over a year ago, at the Times' address. Hm~

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