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The capture of literally all of the professional organizations suggests this is a completely "top down" movement being imposed on the vast majority who do not agree with it in any way shape or form - and is being imposed as part of an agenda that is "above our pay grade" as they say. It is more than the typical oligarchic - "divide & conquer" - tactics we are used to - it is clearly something more deeply sinister and insidious. These organizations will NEVER regain their credibility after this fiasco.

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As a new spokeswoman for trans widows, the ex-wives of suddenly crossdressing, "identifying" men, I can tell you it's our middle class/wealthy exes, who claim to be us, the mothers of the children we bore, who are directing this charade from the start 30-40 years ago. They were working mightily towards "minority" status as "the most oppressed in history." These organizations' (AAP, AMA, APA) sanctioning of deceitful, sexually irresponsible behavior and coercion surrounding kink role play in bed, is the clue to how it all started rolling. A new documentary, Behind the Looking Glass, (Vaishnavi Sundar, "cancelled" filmmaker) profiling 18 of us will be released on her YouTube channel, Lime Soda Films, in a month or 2. She had to animate some of our narratives (I appear on screen, as do the rest of the older trans widows with less fear of losing jobs & family) because the younger women in this cohort are still afraid of their ex-husbands. Anyone wonder why Rachel (formerly Richard) Levine never references Martha, the mother of the children he fathered? These men are going to do a parallel version of this slow, deceitful retreat. And some of them might even detransition for the attention, and turn around to sue their doctors. It is all about getting attention, narcissistic fuel.


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Thank you for sharing that information Ute. I think the history you reference is very important to understanding the origins of this madness. I also can't help but think that without massive institutional support along with massive MSM censorship of our dissent that this agenda would have remained in the realm of personal pain, such as that of trans widows - rather than taking over all Western institutions. I think there are both micro & macro analysis that can bring value to our understanding. Given the World Economic Forum's influence and obsession with trans-humanism, I can't help but wonder if the normalization of bodily mutilation, of children no less, is simply the prelude to the normalization of even more sinister and inhuman types of "medical" interventions and activities. There is clearly a larger reason that those who wield power at the highest levels are implementing this agenda - beyond simply catering to the mental health dysfunctions of a small minority I think. You have my deepest sympathy for what you must be going through as a trans widow who's own feelings and needs are not only now routinely dismissed out of hand, but even labelled "transphobic." The level of collective madness in the West is now really quite breathtaking.

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Thanks so much, Gary. I now have data from almost 50 of us who got out of these damaging and disturbing relationships. The patterns I'm seeing involve very real danger to the younger generation women, whose husbands became obsessed with hypno-sissy porn and kink (there are 5 spousal rapes, only 1 reported to law enforcement, in the experiences of 49 of us.) In the older generation, the ex-husbands simply want all of the money. For example, they secretly put the house/real estate solely in their own name, secretly eat up the retirement savings for "facial feminization" surgery (at age 70!) and completely turn away from their marital and family history as the father of grown children. Then they reinvent their own childhoods, such that they "remember" wanting to have a female body from early childhood. To make this fantasy more real, they impose their reorganized memories such that "lots of children" are going to "kill themselves" if we don't affirm this ideation with painful, dangerous, irreversible treatments. I very much appreciate all you said, because individuals like Benjamin Boyce and Peter Boghossian dismiss trans widows' narratives "because we have to focus on saving the kids." An understanding of these psychiatrically ill men will actually reveal the magical thinking, the sanctioned coercion and deceit of the entire ("trans gender") cross-sex ideation movement. Here's just one profile of one of our younger generation trans widows, "Juliette":


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Are you writing a blog or sharing the information you are gathering at a web site Ute? You have so much valuable information to share. It is sad to hear that Boyce and Boghossian are missing in action on supporting trans widows. It is so important that we all pool resources and work together on this issues I think.

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"Focusing on the kids" is only going to further legitimatize this shit for adults, and will make protecting transwidows, detransitioners, etc etc that much more difficult.

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I think it will take many people working and speaking from all sides to cut down the hydra heads of gender ideology. Those of us with kids are likely going to focus our efforts there, and support the detransitioners and trans widows any way we can. I think protecting the kids might be the first domino to fall.

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The ultra right-wing millionaire TiM economist McCloskey writes of his fetishistic crossdressing in his memoir, and then dumped his wife in his 50's to live his fetish full-time. Unsurprisingly, he started earmarking a lot of money to "LGBT" organizations and threatened to sue people for calling him an obvious autogynephile.

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Interesting you bring up McCloskey. He makes claims that his ex-wife and grown children "gave up love" when they decided to end their contact with him. There's a "debate" between him and Kathleen Stock in which he again goes to historic examples of racism a century ago, to make a (fake) parallel between "trans oppression" and the long history of African Americans centuries ago. Unfortunately, Stock is so intent on having a "civil" dialogue that she doesn't call him out on his "whataboutism" or his inaccuracies. He denies the fact of cross-sex ideating men imprisoned with women continuing to assault women, in the same crimes they were imprisoned for, calling it "a myth.

They all write their book, don't they? And proudly narrate the abuse they inflicted on the wives. Here's my analysis of the McCloskey/Stock "debate:"


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His callousness wrt the permanence of young transition is something too, "in life we all do things we can't take back." Typical narcissist.

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Thank you for this important heads up. During the recent trans push under the Obama/Biden Administrations I have often wondered about the families who were deserted.

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Gary, do you remember the now-discredited method of dealing with retarded people called "facilitated communication"? Years after it was discredited, there were still people doing research in it. Bad ideas live on forever.

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I'm not as confident. Already the borg er community line is that all "gender affirming care" is "self-guided." Amazingly, they don't see how this is being done to wholesale protect the butchers.

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Everything they do, everything they say, is based on one big lie. The lie that women can become men, and that men can become women. I think the rest of society is sick and tired of being lied to, and being forced to accept that lie as the “truthiness” that they claim it is. It is time to stop these liars and cheaters and abuses of children.

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