Great reporting for years allowing continued progress to end this medical scandal. Thank you for all your hard work and exposure.

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I've been following you for about a year and read most of your great articles. I've also read the reduxx article about high profile scientists engaging in horrific stuff and also advising wpath. again males are suddenly established as the whistle blowers, while women have done the digging (hello matt). Even findings of reduxx's are found in their aritcles without any citation. really disappointing.

significant amounts of work and time have been spent into doing this over a long period of time. I see you and am thankful for your work.

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Thanks, Eliza, for all of your research and excellent writing. One of the things I’ve learned is the early alarm bell ringers are often forgotten, and at some point the general population will say things like ‘we knew this all along…’ which annoys me to no end. I will be happy when we reach that point but I will keep sharing your work with everyone who will listen. You have endured so many of these conferences, someone needs to give you a survival medal! Keep up the fight!

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I won't tire of reading WPATHs downfall, it's been a long time coming! Child abuse is a crime, people should be arrested and the idea should be taken out of schools! Great piece - thanks, Eliza XX

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I'm re-reading some of the articles you linked and I'm seeing such an obvious theme now, one that is front and center in the latest wpath files. "We KNOW this works no matter how much we see it not working." I know I'm not saying anything new with this observation, and we talk all the time about the cognitive dissonance these people have, but I don't think I realized until now how intense, how central to their thinking, and how far they will go to continue believing "it works" until just now. This is a level of cognitive dissonance that we rarely see in people because it also involves repeated instances of doing harm and career-ending legal liability. How do we break through that dissonance?

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Yeah, I remember when I realized that's what they were doing and the sinking feeling I had. They have all the evidence right before their eyes but insist "obviously this care is essential..." They are incapable of regulating themselves because they are incapable of seeing what they do.

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Yes, they may be doing harm but it’s for a greater good.

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Eliza’s coverage has been outstanding. I don’t think it’s necessary to wrangle over who has worked harder or earlier to expose this horror. I see some people angry at new allies for not getting there faster. This seems absurd and counterproductive. The best we can hope for is that more people will see this for what it is. We need the biggest tent possible, not the most exclusive.

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Absolutely! It matters not a jot how, who or when anybody gets there, so long as we're there.

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The big picture is most certainly that this wretched ideology comes tumbling down.

But it would be nice if women like Eliza (and others like Genevieve Gluck) at least got some decent recognition for their outstanding work.

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Agreed, there are some amazing women involved in this movement, who have been fighting the good fight for some time, especially Eliza! GG too, we're lucky to have them.

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Has anyone seen Freddie DB’s comment on the WPATH Files? He says medicine evolves, naturally, and it’s none of his or our business.

Ugh, he’ll never see that this isn’t “medical” care, will he?

Ironic that such an activist insists no action need be taken here.

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What is wrong with him when it comes to this issue?? he engages in the same kind of oversimplified rhetoric and puts on display the same lack of curiosity that he rightfully criticizes others when it comes to his favorite issues. Can he genuinely not see how the way he talks about this one issue is almost a caricature of the criticisms he has other people on other issues? This especially bothers me with him because if he would take the time to listen, he would see how this intersects with what he's trying to communicate about improving the quality of mental health care. His blindness and stubbornness on this one issue just truly confounds me

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Even worse, he has just provided the script for everyone on the left to completely ignore and dismiss the theory serious and troubling questions raised by the WPATH files

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The theory I’ve seen is that he has a family member who is trans. I can imagine how invested he might be in not pushing past the delusion.

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Not a theory -- he confirmed it.

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I can't remember where I read this, but someone said that for most people, their beliefs about transitioning and "gender affirming medical care" are based on the experiences of the happiest trans person they know. Unfortunately, as we know, those people often feel there is only one way they are allowed to answer about their decision and level of happiness.

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oh god, where did he say this

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Is it called Notes? That stream on the home page but not the inbox and not chat. There’s pushback on his comment and so that’s gratifying to see.

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"Note Not Available", hmm...?

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The link worked for me just now 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Maybe he blocked me and I forgot 😂

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"OK--but we already knew this, didn't we?" I kept saying to myself reading through the WPATH files. Thanks to you and a few others working for years to expose this scandal. I appreciate you so much Eliza!

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What's the billing code for "Embodiment Goal"?

And at what point do the insurance companies' claims people start asking each other, as Jamie Reed's Clinic Nurse Supervisor put it in response to encountering 'clown/mushroom/honk' pronouns, "not to be that guy but is there a point at which we say we're not indulging this"?

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