The Washington Post article is amazing. Apparently if you don't think a person can change sex, and yet you don't want trans people to face discrimination, you are "confused'. Because, of course, if you don't think people can change sex you must be transphobic and want them dead etc etc, right?

The public are way ahead of the journalists here. Catch up guys!

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What article are we talking about? I read the Post, and I can't find which one people mean.

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It’s easy to stay blind if they smear every objection as bigotry.

Although trans rights has tried to claim the mantle of civil rights, it’s not a civil rights movement based on non discrimination of immutable characteristics (like skin color) but a movement based on claiming privileges derived from non immutable characteristics.

Southern segregationists used to smear civil rights activists with the accusation they were communists in order to deflect attention from the principles underlying civil rights.

TRAs likewise smear critics as bigots in order to deflect attention from the principles at stake.

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When you call them "rights" activists, you have already conceded to their main argument. They are not, in fact, advocating for "rights", but rather for special privileges for men to enter women's spaces, events, competitions, at will. This has nothing whatsoever to do with "rights" as traditionally understood, and so I suggest not using that word.

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Oh I agree—as I don’t believe this is civil rights movement at all.

Do you have suggestions as to how best to refer to TRAs? (I use that acronym because it’s usually understood who I am referring to.)

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I like the term “gender ideologues” to refer to supporters of gender ideology. “TRA” unintentionally implies that it’s trans people pushing this agenda. While it’s true that there are trans people pushing it, it’s also true that people who aren’t trans are pushing it, and the latter group arguably comprises the larger share. In addition, there are trans people who are staunchly opposed to gender ideology. The more we can convey that we’re objecting to a specific set of indefensible beliefs that buttress bad policies and laws, and not a group of people, the less credible the gender ideologues will be when hurling accusations that their critics as “anti trans.”

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Oliver's claim that “vanishingly few trans girls [are] competing in high schools anywhere” may be true, but it seems like trans people are everywhere. I am not close to any myself, but I have met a few. The last time I saw my doctor, the subject came up, and I commented that being trans has become a fad, and she gave me a knowing look and nodded. It depends on who you are whether you have much contact with them.

It has affected me personally in that the gay community that I used to be a part of has morphed into the trans community. All the organizations that were out there for gay people are now putting trans people first. As Bill Maher pointed out a couple years ago, the people at the front of the Gay Pride parade are now trans people.

Part of the reason that it seems like they are everywhere is because of the liberal news media. For bleeding-heart liberal types, trans people are apparently the saddest, most pitiful people on the planet. Newspapers like the Washington Post print an article about them EVERY WEEK, and sometimes several times a week. They write more about trans people than they do about any other group, including the poor.

Then you have the fact that trans people have an exhibitionistic quality. There is nothing that thrills them more than "passing", and going out in public and being seen. (Of course, none of them pass very well.) The trans community itself wants to be in the news, and liberal media platforms accommodate that desire.

The exhibitionistic quality trans people have is especially strong among drag queens, for whom being seen in drag is THE kick of their lives. And now they want to read children's books (with trans themes of course) to children. So people are seeing them at the library. Drag shows are now appearing on TV as part of normal entertainment.

Liberals like to think that drag queens are part of diversity, but they aren't. Given that most of them portray women as prostitutes in tight dresses with exaggerated hair, makeup and jewelry, it's pretty clear that diversity has nothing to do with it. Drag queens have a sexual fetish -- and the last thing little kids need is to watch adults putting their sexual fetishes on display. Drag queens are, in fact, misogynists.

Oliver talks about it being "weird" to be focussed* on the issue; but if he is saying such things to his audience, isn't HE the one who is focussed on the issue? There IS weirdness in the issue, but the weirdness is in the trans people. Six-foot women with men's faces walking around in high-heels is weird. People taking hormones and having surgeries to change themselves into things they are not is weird. And to have children doing that is more than weird, it is an atrocity. Men pretending to be REAL, ACTUAL women because of the way they feel is VERY weird.

The bottom line for me is that a healthy society must be based on normal and healthy facts and values, and trans ideas are taking us in the opposite direction.

* Yes, I know how to spell. I prefer the British spelling for some words.

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Drag is an adult form of "entertainment". I think that it is misogynistic and perverted. But I just don't go to drag shows.

These perverted men want to groom children by normalizing drag to children. That's not acceptable. I will stand up to that.

Also you don't mention the degraded and perverted PRIDE events which are now de rigeur in big cities, where leather-clad men perform fake (??) sex acts on parade floats with 6 YO girls in cheerleader outfits.

The normal people in the US are becoming more and more resistant to PRIDE and the whole Big Gay agenda. More and more pushback is coming. Certainly Trump will not be promoting trans or PRIDE or any of that shit.

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I guess I should clarify. I called it a "Gay Pride" parade because that is what most people call it. I have never felt proud of being gay. The people who use the term "pride" like it because they see it as the opposite of "ashamed". I'm not ashamed to be gay, which a lot of people who love the idea of "normal" would like me to feel. The truth is, "normal" is a vague term that changes with the times and the culture.

When I lived in Jackson Heights for about 7 years, I rarely attended the gay pride parade that was there. There was one time during a parade when I walked down one of the side streets, and came across a stage that had been erected by a pornography company. There were performers in speedos doing lewd dances, and, frankly, I was horrified. That's not the kind of image I think gays should be projecting. Since being homosexual is all about who you have sex with, it seems that some gay activists want to push sexual displays as a way of saying "don't be ashamed of sex". However, sex has always been a private matter, and I think it should remain so.

Let's clarify one thing: Supreme Court rulings have broadened what people can do in public. "Lewd dancing", as much as we might dislike it, has probably been protected by some Court ruling -- and let's not forget that the Court has been getting more conservative for 20-30 years now.

As for the "Big Gay" agenda, you make it sound like the mafia. I have never been part of any gay organization, and I doubt that gays have ever had much political power. What social organizations we formed have now pretty much been taken over by ultra-liberals who care more about trans people than about gay people. Gay activists have had their excesses, but they are vastly fewer than the excesses of trans activists. Mostly, we just want basic human rights, which I describe as these: The right to marry, and freedom from discrimination in housing, employment, public accommodations, and government benefits and/or services. Trans people, however, want much more than that.

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And the transactivist strategy of conflating “trans” demands with LGB rights creates a very real danger of a backlash. Most gays and lesbians just want to enjoy their hard-won freedom to live their lives in peace with whomever they want. This freedom has been put at risk.

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LGB has to separate from TQ. But Pride itself has to go away. I like sex. I even like slightly offbeat sex. But I don’t think sex of any variety is a matter of pride. I understand the first Pride Parades. Being gay was shameful. After Stonewall for people to step up and say ‘I am gay and I am not ashamed of who I am’ and hold a parade was reasonable. But now? Why now? “I am proud because I let men ejaculate in my butt”! Being gay is mainstream now. Ditch Pride Month.

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If only…

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I live in a small town (pop. <30k), and I have seen three definite TIMs here within the last six months, ranging from mid-20s to 70+. They do indeed seem to be everywhere.

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Here is a list of over 5000 sports prizes that have gone to males who were allowed to compete in the female category:


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If this is a real, well-researched list, then it seems the problem is bigger than anyone imagined. This is men trying to steal the territory of women.

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I have been getting "Likes" on comments I made here which I can't see any more. George Q Bigot and I had an argument, and his comments became so threatening that I blocked him. That also blocked me from seeing my replies to him. Apparently, you all can still see the whole conversation. Thank you for the Likes.

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Our Pride Parade was a Trans Parade. You would think most gay people are Trans.

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I think it's important to assert and re-assert which trans-population we are talking about. ROGD-girls are quite different than middle-aged AGP men. The media and activists use the emotional appeal of youth to promote rights that are being hi-jacked.

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Don’t forget the men who aren’t really trans but only say they are in order to game the panoply of incentives laid out for them. You can’t question someone’s feelings, right?

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Just curious, what "panoply of incentives" are you talking about?

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Winning women's trophies, avoiding being placed in men's prisons, being able to indulge their fetish at the cost of the dignity and privacy of women in restrooms and locker rooms.

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Plus just being made a fuss of. I am old. And wrinkled. And very average looking, at my best. Walking down the street a 6’ tall trans in a skin tight latex outfit and wearing high heels really ‘flirted’ with me as I walked past. About 50’ later I thought ‘what in the world is a 30 year old trans person doing smiling and wiggling at a straight guy in his mid 70s?’ Why? Craving attention from everyone.

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They're the ones running this hot mess.

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It's the hypocrisy that's so annoying isn't it? Trying to downplay the issue when you played a huge part in making said issue such a big deal is certainly a choice.

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I believe John Oliver also called it ‘weird’ that people would care about this issue. Calling something ‘weird’ isn’t persuasive; it comes off as juvenile and petty as well as doing nothing to change anyone’s minds.

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The 'weird' tagine was a big part of the Harris campaign's messaging for a while. No idea whether it had much cut-through beyond their base.

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I never liked the whole "weird" thing that they were doing. They were taking a page out of Trump's book, and it didn't fit them well. The whole time they were calling Trump "weird", it turns out that a lot of men across the country were saying to themselves, "Trump is my kind of guy!"

I may have said this elsewhere here, but I think several things happened: (1) A lot of voters didn't bother to find out what kind of person Trump really is. If they had, they would have been more disgusted by him. (2) Not having figured out who Trump was, it was easy for Trump to become normalized for them. "So he doesn't act presidential. That is just part of his masculine act." And (3) "I'll never trust a woman to run the country. That's a man's job."

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I reckon there was also a fair amount of "nobody who stands accused of all that crazy shit could possibly be nominated to run for President by a major party. Therefore it must all be smears."

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Which is what it was.

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Dems need to understand the reason they are so woefully under-informed about the corruption in trans world, especially on the psychology end, is an organization I see my ex-husband's fingerprints all over: "Trans Journalists Association Style Guide." This censorious webpage demands that only the positive of "transitioning" is ever reported. They've gone around like Human Rights Campaign and gotten signed commitments from news outlets. They mass report and shame after any articles about detransitioners or ex-wives (trans widows) are published. Four resources that sum it all up are the above webpage, SEGM.org (Society for Evidence-based Gender Medicine) and reduxx.org, which got mass reported by Pink News readers and now cannot be supported by Patreon. We who divorced those crossdressers know exactly how deceitful, conniving and coercive they are, as they grasp at any and all narcissistic fuel society provides. The fourth resource is actually an NIH webpage on Piaget's 4 stages of child development. "Born in wrong body" does not fit with the cognition and language development by this legacy child development researcher.


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Detached from reality is all I can say. And this party as a whole is constantly talking about Republicans as dividers ?! „Coming together, healing“ used to be their slogan….. just wow, how detached…

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The Republican party is still the crazier of the two. Better to care too much about a pitiful group like trans people, than to hate the poor, blacks, Jews and women.

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Wow, you really have no fucking clue. Jews, blacks, and women all INCREASED in Trump support. Hispanics are now almost majority Repubican. One of the huge huge huge issues for Hispanics (culturally conservative family oriented often religious) is the complete disgust about trannie perversion.

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The fact that people vote against their own interests is nothing new, and it shouldn't be seen as proof of anything. People vote their emotions. Trump is a proven racist, misogynist, and Jew-hater (despite his son-in-law). If his support in those groups increased, those voters voted against themselves.

You know, George, you are always teeter-tottering between specious self-righteous conservatism, and open bigotry. You don't seem to understand the human mind very well. I think I'm going to engage with you a little less.

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That is the height or arrogance to claim that the common people vote against their interests and that they should vote for whom their betters (like you) tell them to. But please, Democrats, keep pushing that line. Far be it for me to interrupt my enemy when she is in the middle of making a mistake. The big mistake you made was to think that Donald Trump’s manifest character flaws and trumped-up convictions mattered a whit to normal people.

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"The common people" . . . is that what I said? No, I didn't call anyone "common". However, it's true that people often vote against their own interests. If you don't know that, maybe you've been living on Mars all your life.

As a Democrat who is very critical of my own party, you should think twice before demonizing me as a spokesperson for the Dems. You've put thoughts and beliefs in my mouth that are not mine.

I will say this, however: The fact that Trump's "manifest flaws" didn't turn off more voters shows you how stupid people can be. I'm pretty sure I know how that came about: (1) They didn't bother to learn much about Trump in the first place, like the fact that he was a lousy businessman, or the fact that he routinely cheated his business associates. I, on the other hand, know all about him because I lived in NYC for 35 years and read about him constantly. (2) Trump became normalized for them. (3) They voted their emotions, and the likelihood is that their emotions told them to vote for an authority figure.

Whether or not I'm arrogant, I'm not sure, but I'm smarter than you are.

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You may be smarter, but you still lost.

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"I'm smarter than you are" - that says it all. Arrogant liberal bozos who voted for the loser don't know shit from shinola. You're just a loser, Perry. And your victimhood about your sexuality is less and less interesting. Me, I hate victims, and tend to pile on.

The next 4 years are going to be more and more difficult for ANYONE in the Big Alphabet cluster. Gays are going to lose ground, because a hell of a lot fewer US voters support them now. Trannies are going to be under direct assault.

It's gonna be good, my man. People like you will need to keep a lower profile, and that will be better for everyone. No more grooming.

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I voted for Kamala, but please don't tell me that Jew-hatred is exclusively on the right. Jews are officially sick to death of being gaslit.

I know no one cares about how we actually feel about anything, but I feel a need to call out this outrageous claim wherever it appears.

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Your comment seems to be a reply to me. I would be the last person ever to claim that Jew-hatred comes exclusively or, today, even substantially from the right. It hides in plain sight on the left. We on the right care very much what Jews think about everything. Canaries in the coal mines, etc.

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Yeah, arrogant stupid liberals think that they are the wise ones, and everyone else is just not risen to the point of understanding stuff that they have. They refuse, despite considerable evidence, to understand that different voters value different things. And that is why people vote in different ways.

"their best interest" is just a code for "vote for full socialism/communism". A majority of US voters do not back that notion.

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This is the height of stupidity, really. Liberal dumbasses have been saying this "people vote against their own best interest" for 20 years now - "What's the matter with Kansas?" etc.

All that this shows is that you are a clueless cluck. Conservatives have DIFFERENT VALUES than you do. They vote ACCORDING TO THEIR VALUES. But liberals are too stupid to realize that other people think differently from them.

Gun rights people value gun rights. That's what they do. It's the key issue for them. Economic conservatives value budget realism.

So when someone says "vote against their own best interest", I know that this is a person who does not understand politics, and will continue to be shocked at the Deplorables, which are, at this time, a majority.

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I think you are taking too many pointers from Trump. You have decided to let it all hang out: Be crude, be abusive, be dismissive, call people names. Let's see if it works for you like it worked for Trump.

I figured you out two articles ago when you twice mentioned "illegal immigrant scum". You call them "scum"; I call them people who have been driven out of their homes by poor economies and poor leadership and high crime rates. I don't demonize them. I see people trying to escape bad situations, and you see "scum".

Okay, I think it's time to block you along with Pedro. I don't need the grief of dealing with the Trump mindset.

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Trans ideology is hatred of women. Women are the only people who pay the price of the men's rights movement that is trans.

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Gay people do, too. It’s homophobic all the way down.

Children pay the price, too.

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Who gets transed as children? Little gay boys. Little butchy girls. It isn’t just women. And calling this a ‘men’s rights movement’ is ridiculous. Men, actual men, don’t support this in the slightest.

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It is anti human. But it hurts gays way more than women. IMO.

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The Dems hate us too, they just hide it behind the pink and blue flag.

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And "us" means who?

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The people being told to get counselling when confronted by a naked intact male in their changing rooms. The imprisoned humans with a uterus being told they are transphobic and get punished when they complain of being raped by their male cell mates. The young cervix-havers being sanctioned for complaining about the danger posed to them by being made to compete with individuals who have completed male puberty. That's who "us" refers to--women!

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Women have always been at the bottom of the social totem pole in every society in the world. I have written about that repeatedly. But if you think there is more love for women among Republicans than Democrats, you are out of touch with reality.

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I really, truly wish that people would STOP pretending that if I express a dislike for Tweedledum, this automatically means I'm cheerleading for Tweedledumber. I'm not. And the main reason why so many people think there are only two options is because they insist on playing the partisan pattycake game. US politics is a two-headed monster with each face buried in the corporate trough. Prove me wrong!

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Jews are hated by Dems. Women married to conservative men are significantly happier than women married to Liberal men. I have 3 half black grandchildren. They are adorable. All my conservative friends see their pics and ooh and aaah. About half my liberal friends are taken aback by the fact they’re obviously black. A number have said they would want their grandchildren to ‘look like me’.

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Perry, no offense pal, but you are an idiot and a hater.

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Based on what exactly? And yes, I take offense.

Never mind, Pedro. I've decided to block you. People who start off a conversation by insulting me, don't get my ear again.

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This. Every single word of this.

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If you are a trans woman there are a few things that you need to understand. First of all is that you are still a man because you can't change your biological sex. It's okay to dress any way you wish and to adopt any superficial, stereotypical attributes of women that you desire. Live your life. No one should care, I certainly don't. However, because women are entitled to be treated fairly and to enjoy privacy from men there are certain things that are prohibited to you and me because we are men. You can't compete against women in most sports because it would be unfair. You can't go into women's private places like restrooms and locker rooms because that would make them feel unsafe. Finally, if you are a criminal you certainly can't be imprisoned with women.

That's it, just like me.


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When the presidential election was called, I waited to see how Last Week Tonight would handle it. Was he going to mention trans issues at all? Was he at least going to tone it down? Or was he going to accurately point out that denying biology and gaslighting the public contributed to the Democratic Party's massive loss?

Then the episode was released, and John Oliver was having a meltdown over trans issues. Taking so much time parroting TRA talking points, not missing a single beat to show how out of touch he and his production team were. Bill Maher handled it a lot better with his critique of the aggressively anti-common sense agenda born of intellectual incest, but I'm afraid that at this point, the Democratic Party may be too inbred to listen to Bill Maher and save itself before the 2028 election. Democrats are going to sound exactly like John Oliver for at least a few more years.

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And if they do, they just might lose in 2026 and 2028 (depending how the Trump admin fares this time around). If they do, they will have deserved it.

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Also, John Oliver, just exactly how many young girls paralyzed by a volleyball slammed at them by a male competitor pretending to be a girl would be enough for this issue to matter? Why is even just one not enough? In reality, of course, we know it is far more, but even one person harmed by this should matter. And, John Oliver, if it were your daughter, it would suddenly matter to you. It would even matter to you if it were your boy who was pretending to be a girl.

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Another excellent post, Eliza, thank you! I know it must get boring how many times I say that, but if you will keep writing excellent articles...! I could quote lots of it to emphasize that point, but hey, they're all there at UnHerd already. I'll pick just one that summarizes it all for me, "the more sunlight trans issues attract, the less people are willing to believe the cause is noble and just."

I'm extremely anti-Trump (not that it's any of my direct business, being a Brit), but this was one of the issues that I thought might be beneficial to the country if he won, and since then I've started thinking he might also force a resolution to the proxy war in Ukraine instead of the current sleepwalking towards world war.

In reality, of course, he's as likely to make either situation worse as he is to make it better, but this is the problem, writ large, of parties like the Democrats or Labour here in the UK, supporting insane policies. People, en masse, aren't quite stupid enough to collude with insane demands, but they are stupid enough to believe self-styled saviours from that imposition.

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The FBI should check the contents of this thing's computer.

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Wait until public know about autogynophilia.

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The propaganda is just tiresome actually. But it’s not gone. Why do I still have to see stuff like ‘sex is assigned at birth’. No the fuck it’s not. And everyone knows it’s not. When it comes to abortion the Democratic Party sure knows what a woman is. And no they are not all biologists.

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Thank you, this is spot on.

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