Internet & social media has sped up the rapid delivery of large amounts of information impairing the ability to process and separate truth from deception,reality from fantasy etc.The alarming rise of trans identified young people esp.girls is facilitating a dangerous self misdiagnosis with medical & societal cooperation.The young person believes they are trans and gender transition is the miracle solution. Puberty blockers interfering with natural development ,estrogen for boys, girls prescribed fast acting testosterone producing rapid permanent changes to the female body. The door is open to access to life altering body modifying surgeries. Many transitioners discover their emotional, psychological issues are not only unresolved but amplified. Manifestation of severe post transition depression and suicidal feelings.Feelings of intense guilt for altering their natural body,inability to have sex & relationships, grief for the inability to have children and alienation from family and friends . Written from someone who knows.
Internet & social media has sped up the rapid delivery of large amounts of information impairing the ability to process and separate truth from deception,reality from fantasy etc.The alarming rise of trans identified young people esp.girls is facilitating a dangerous self misdiagnosis with medical & societal cooperation.The young person believes they are trans and gender transition is the miracle solution. Puberty blockers interfering with natural development ,estrogen for boys, girls prescribed fast acting testosterone producing rapid permanent changes to the female body. The door is open to access to life altering body modifying surgeries. Many transitioners discover their emotional, psychological issues are not only unresolved but amplified. Manifestation of severe post transition depression and suicidal feelings.Feelings of intense guilt for altering their natural body,inability to have sex & relationships, grief for the inability to have children and alienation from family and friends . Written from someone who knows.