I couldn't post on Unheard, so I'm posting this comment here:

The "true self" -- I could puke when I hear that term. People are so changeable that a person's "true self" can change every few months. By "true self" they really mean "what I want for myself today". But what a child wants for itself at eight years old might be very different from what the adult-yet-to-come wants for itself. This is the bottom line: No minor child has the wisdom or insight to make life-changing decisions about itself and its future. Changing genders (to the extent possible) is for the adult to choose.

What Olson-Kennedy says about diabetics is the most fundamental misinformation and gaslighting imaginable. Diabetes is a physical disease, while gender dysphoria is a psychological state. There is absolutely no similarity between the two. The treatment for most psychological illnesses is THERAPY, NOT "AFFIRMATIVE CARE". Accepting a child's self-diagnosis is MEDICAL MALPRACTICE.

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YES to both your points. I searched high and low for my “true self” in my twenties. What a drama. My true self was neurotic and desperate then. Once I had kids it was, true self? Haha! In retrospect I suppose the hunt for the true self is a developmental phase transcended by raising a family and being too busy to notice.

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It is having a disastrous effect on_all_children:

Primary pupils are being bullied and called transphobic for using wrong pronouns

Mark Macaskill

Sunday July 03 2022, 12.00pm BST, The Sunday Times

Children as young as 11 — including those with learning disabilities — are being bullied in Scottish schools for questioning transgender ideology and failing to use appropriate pronouns, it has been claimed.

Safeguarding Our Schools Scotland (SOSS), a campaign body, said dozens of parents had raised concerns in recent months over pupils being ostracised by their peers and branded “transphobic”.

It said the cases it was aware of did not include malicious behaviour towards trans children but involved young people who struggled to understand and accept the decision of their peers to switch gender.

They include a primary six pupil in Inverclyde who was abused verbally and on social media for refusing to acknowledge that a girl she had known for five years had self-identified as a boy. The stress caused her to self-harm. In another case, a pupil with dyslexia was bullied for continuing to refer to a boy as “he” after the individual identified as a girl.

Lucie Phillips, from SOSS, said the reports highlighted a worrying trend that the national anti-bullying service, Respect Me, appeared unwilling to confront. [...]

- LINK to full article (archived/non-paywalled): https://archive.ph/XTsDW#selection-853.0-877.157

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The "trans" propaganda drive began at least a decade ago, but remember that every single child's life has been severely disrupted for the last two-and-a-half years. They've been force-masked, terrorised, immobilised, "distanced", alienated from their peers, abandoned by adults, lied to incessantly by pseudoscientists & politicians & media hounds, taught to fear breathing, commanded to avoid other people, told they might kill Granny by visiting her, trained to submit unquestioningly to any Authority (even and especially the most ignorant, incompetent and dishonest Authorities), and deliberately addicted to screens.

It's an all-out War on Reality, a war of attrition. Is it any wonder that children don't know who they are or what they might yet become? Is it surprising that they don't feel comfortable in their own skin? That they are "dysphoric"? (How I detest these pseudoscientific euphemisms.)

Where will they seek help? On Facespook?

The Authorities are building Hikikomori Planet.

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Great article. Thanks for writing it. I think the number of mental health clinicians who are blindly providing "gender affirming care" is quite high. The training clinicians are required to have in order to provide it is little to none, maybe a class or workshop in grad school. The trainings I've been to are a really mixed bag when it comes to the information they provide, with some of it being completely wrong. Well-meaning mental health providers who feel over-confident to provide this type of care may not feel they need to do their own research or even give a cursory glance to websites like mayoclinic.org to learn that puberty blockers are not "completely reversible" as stated in some trainings. And NOBODY asks why the vast majority of trans kids are female much less what might be happening to young girls that's making them flee girlhood and womanhood in record numbers.

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The arc of history bends towards lifelong medical addiction. What will happen when we go bankrupt and can no longer afford to dole out luxury goods to an increasing population?

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I'd urgently suggest rephrasing the question: What will happen when The Authorities (not "we") decide that most of us are useless eaters, surplus to their lordly requirements? Since late 2019 they've been showing us what happens. Not for no reason have billions of trusting humans been pricked repeatedly with experimental gene-fiddling concoctions for an allegedly deadly "pandemic" with a 99.85% survival rate. Not for no reason is an entire generation of defenceless children being taught helplessness and conditioned to fear others like the plague. That will surely go a long way towards deterring procreation.

Then there's good old-fashioned hyperinflation, starvation, war, and other traditional methods of population control. For many people in 2022, "luxury goods" already denotes not just puberty blockers, hormones and other hi-tech "medication", but housing, heating and food. The masks are coming off, along with the gloves. We ain't seen nuthin' yet.

In fact our trusted Leaders have been making plans for years, indeed decades, as reported repeatedly and at length in such nutty fringe publications as the Wall Street Journal and the Sunday Times (2009):


Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation

America’s richest people meet to discuss ways of tackling a ‘disastrous’ environmental, social and industrial threat

John Harlow, Los Angeles

Sunday May 24 2009, 1.00am BST, The Sunday Times


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"The Authorities (not "we")"

Fair point.

More than once I've suspected that the choice to release helpless old folks to nursing homes, infected with the Covid virus, was a coldblooded chance to clear out the Medicaid inventories.

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Yes. "Useless eaters". They were neglected, isolated, "ventilated" and midazelopam'd to death, thereby handily inflating the "COVID" mortality statistics. Therefore: those abandoned old people were not_entirely_useless in their lonely last days. They served TheScience™ (which is big business, the opposite of science.)

Remember those transparent plastic "safe hugging" contraptions?

I am so glad neither my mother nor my father lived to experience this cruelty, this triumph of pseudoscience, anti-medicine, 24/7 fearporn and deliberate monstrous lies. At least we were able to show them their grandchildren. At least we were allowed to visit our parents, comfort them, laugh with them, listen to them in their old age. At least we were permitted to attend their funerals.

- Apologies if this comes across as ranting. I am frankly enraged at what these manipulative liars and clueless or craven careerists have been doing to all of us -- especially to those of us who are too old or too young to put up any defence -- since COUPVID was launched in 2019. I respect and admire Eliza Mondegreen, Magdalen Berns (R.I.P), Graham Linehan, and anyone else who's sane and brave enough to speak out against the trans cult, but until we see it in a much broader context we are fighting a losing battle.

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Such a great piece! Thanks Eliza (and Wesley)!

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If this was in the UK, I can assure you that the first person to approach a 3-year-old in this manner would not be able to speak again for some time.

In my opinion, it's a grooming of sorts. If they are saying that a child under 12 is capable of understanding the human body and sexual orientation and preferences, then they should be driving trucks, buses, working and paying mortgages then. It's wrong on so many levels.

Please subscribe to my stack.

I have so much information that they don't want you to know.

Pfizers documents etc

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https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/all-hail-the-robot the perils of disembodiment allowing children to freely roam the digital world


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I love this. Particularly the part about people, formerly known as children, being allowed to freely roam around the global digital village, that we all live in, as a disembodied entity. Unlike those of us who grew up without the internet, children now develop psyches that are formed without the vital interaction which our bodies give us; smell, pheromones, body language, physical signals and contact which enable us to develop trust and relationships. No wonder they are confused and suicidal.

This is a great video about the robot. It is based on the virus, its sequence, the test, the code for the vaccine and the fear existing only insilco, which they do, but please stick with it if you don't agree with this.

I believe that this 'virus' of transgender also exists only in the digital world and not in reality.


The effects of the technology is the real problem


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An outstanding piece!

It made me see how these clinicians are totally unaware of their own countertransference. Gender-affirming care isn’t so much about affirming the gender of their clients as it is about affirming their own "gender identity" so that they can avoid confronting their ambivalence about their own identifications.

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