"Is the risk of osteo actually significantly higher or just higher as it tends to be for cis men?"
But men don't have a higher risk for osteoporosis. Women do. It's a much, much higher risk. And one of the reasons they are at higher risk is they naturally have smaller, less dense bones than men.
There's no informed consent or "trying to be informed as possible" (as she states in the later comment you quoted) when she's already starting from wrong information that she doesn't want challenged.
Thank you for pointing out the osteoporosis risk in women. I was wondering if I was wrong that women had a higher risk.
I think she is just assuming "having no estrogen increases the risk of osteoporosis = being male increases the risk of osteoporosis" because she believes hormone levels determine her sex.
This is just insane. I’m a 55 year old woman who has just gone through menopause (a totally natural event) and I can tell you that there are DEFINITELY a lot of consequences of your body not making estrogen any more. Declining bone density is just one of the many, many things that are affected by low estrogen levels. That is why HRT is frequently prescribed for menopausal women; osteoporosis is very common, in addition to a dramatically increased risk of heart disease, vaginal atrophy/pain, constant joint pain, brain fog…
In fact, surgical menopause induced by hysterectomy and removal of the ovaries is often more intense and much worst than the natural sort of menopause - to the point where most women who undergo surgical menopause are usually put on HRT immediately because the sudden, massive drop in hormones is physically and mentally debilitating.
This is just incredibly unethical for providers to do this to mentally unstable young women.
Menopause is a natural winding down of estrogen. Menopausal women still have sex hormones like testosterone from their functioning ovaries- just way less to eventually no estrogen- because women are so important to our societies’ survival that we evolved to no longer get pregnant rather than early death via a pregnancy in old age. Whereas women who get hysterectomies and ovariectomies experience sudden and total surgical castration- their gonads are removed so they have no sex hormones of any kind- not at all like menopause.
Well said. I had a bilateral oophorectomy 18 years ago and can confirm. I recall the oncologist telling me at the time that even a woman well past her menopause who then had her ovaries removed would feel the hormonal deficits. The ovaries don’t completely shut down.
I’m sorry you went through that and glad that it sounds like you’re healthy now! Yes- testosterone production remains till death! I know that for sure bc when I was a teenager and we cleared out my very elderly grandma’s apartment she had stacks and stacks of “romance” 😉 novels and I remember thinking “wow, grandma was still kicking!” 😳🫢
A woman removing her *healthy* ovaries- what a catastrophe!!
OMFG, what a nightmare future young people are facing. How self-absorbed and oblivious these traumatized young people are. There will hardly be a normal male or female left to bear and raise children. Of course, that's the end goal of the oligarchs so they can usher in fertility treatments and manufacture designer babies in fake wombs. Revolting!
For the love all things sacred, women's bodies are a true miracle. These young women have been brainwashed to think of their bodies as a collection of parts instead of the exquisitely orchestrated set of processes which ultimately allow for the creation of new life. I'm gobsmacked at the socioopathy of the medical system and the psychopathy of these doctors.
"Of course, that's the end goal of the oligarchs so they can usher in fertility treatments and manufacture designer babies in fake wombs. Revolting!"
It is hard enough debunking gender identity ideology and the outlandish ideas it has spawned without having to deal with nutty conspiracy theories on the sex realist side.
There is actual proof of this-perhaps you would enjoy James Lindsay’s work where he analyses documents from the “oligarchy” and more-and puts the current crazes into context. It’s not all orchestrated, and much is the result of individual idiocy for certain-but to call it conspiracy -you are not quite fully informed but the information is readily available in many places. It’s a rabbit hole that is terrible yet endlessly fascinating…for those who care more about knowing the truth than looking “sane” 😃😅
It wasn’t too long ago that doctors would refuse a hysterectomy or tube tying for a woman under 40, “ in case she changed her mind about having kids”. A childless friend who suffered for years with difficult periods finally got the hysterectomy she wanted after her 40th birthday. OMFG indeed.
Leslie here (male). I regret having a vasectomy after one child and after my second wife and I decided in our early 30s we didn’t want to have children together. She had none of her own and now never will. Thing is, it took me 35 years to regret it, not till my son and his wife started “giving” us grandchildren. I kind of wish there *was* (still) a medical practice standard not to do vasectomies and tubals on healthy people who had not had at least two children. I don’t regret this long-ago decision in at all an angry way — I’d have only myself to blame and it seemed like a good idea at the time —, just wistfully.
Doctors who are trying to protect their patients from regret, however paternalistically, are coming from a good place.
My Ob-Gyn resisted my requests to have my tubes tied after my first was born. I thought that I was one and done. I ended up getting long-term contraception instead (copper IUD). After much thought and some unexpected life changes, my husband and I decided to have the IUD removed after 6 years and we're now expecting our second.
It’s a complicated situation. In the case of young people making irreversible choices about their bodies, yes doctors should be asking those questions. Paternalistic or not, I understand why they do. Even with 50 years of the birth control pill, I still don’t think women are informed about all the possible side effects. An IUD seems to be a reasonable option for the woman who don’t want hormonal bc, but there are risks even with that. The best solution might be men using condoms all the time, but I suspect most men aren’t willing to do that especially with their wives. My husband refused a vasectomy even though he was absolutely certain that two kids were enough. I was ok with that but the burden has been on me since then to make sure I didn’t get pregnant. No real solutions, only trade offs?
In context, this is an entirely different conversation for women, as it was not done for us, but for our husbands. My 75 year old friend-had to get a signature from her husband to even begin birth control. Her mother was forced to have 9 children even though she should have been able to choose birth control or to be sterilized-as she was mentally unwell and had to be institutionalized street every single pregnancy
During the time period you are referring to, there were millions of men who had fought in a war, some conscripted, some voluntarily, who had seen many of their comrades die or be horribly maimed. Like all wars, that war was fought, at its most primal, to protect otherwise defenceless women from being raped by the enemy. Expendable men have been required since antiquity to fight and die to protect wombs, every one of them precious and indispensable, so that women don’t have to. With that asymmetry, you can see why men might feel that their sacrifice gave them some authority over what women could do with those wombs and might not endorse absolute autonomy.
Now that you have autonomy, I suppose you no longer need or want our paternalistic protection.
I‘m at a loss of words.. They sound like transhumanistly manipulated addicted children😱 Deluded, mentally unwell, with a huge lack of knowledge about human body functions and anatomy or just ignoring what they once learned bc it wouldn‘t fit their image of their bodies as some kind of device where one randomly can add or take away parts. Unbelievable…I understand that it is convenient to look at the body like this in their emotionally conflicting situation but it‘s extremely damaging on every level. Physically, psychologically, socially it‘s adding problematic aspects to their possible personal growth/maturing process. They are clearly young and not through puberty, at least not mentally!
"This has to be about medical responsibility" . Yes, this!! It drives me crazy when people who oppose childhood transition say "but the adults can do anything they want". Do I have a right to cut off my own ear to get in touch with my inner Van Gogh? I suppose I do.... Does my doc have a right to cut off my healthy ear?
I agree with you overall that guard rails have to be in place--after all, they were put in place for good reason before society chucked them--but I don't think the responsibility here lies solely on the medical doctors or other healthcare professionals. There's serious pressure from all directions--medical societies, other practitioners, patients, activist allies, etc.--to go along OR ELSE.
And quite a lot of these patients and their allies aren't shy about reporting disagreeable clinicians (and this ranges from mean Yelp reviews to actually serious letters of complaint to licensing organizations), so it's really not like this block has no responsibility here either.
As it turns out, if you insist on shooting yourself in the foot, but also shoot to death any concerned bystander trying to stop you from shooting yourself in the foot, the other bystanders who witnessed the shootings are going to quietly leave you to your plight. No one wants to get shot, and particularly not for someone who will turn around and blame them for shooting themselves in the foot anyways.
(But I do agree this whole thing is an obvious medical scandal--how can it be anything else?--and agree that medical responsibility is lacking when it comes to adults who are not fit to make medical decisions. But again, this issue is much more complicated than the simple "corrupt doctors just want money" type dialogue I keep seeing around here and there...very frustrating.)
Couldn't agree with you more, Florence. There is enough guilt to go around. From dishonest journalists to equally dishonest politicians, from allies with no skin in the game to school teachers. Many have blood on their hands. (And yeah, even with doctors, especially surgeons, it' more than greed - and I suspect often darker and worse than greed).
See, most of these motivations I can understand, even when I think they are vile. There's some logical sense to the motivations, you know what I mean?
But the demographic I truly have a hard time understanding are the hardcore "handmaidens." Not the ones who say, "Wait, this isn't what I thought it was" when presented with evidence, but the truly hardcore ones who just endlessly double down despite not identifying as anything other than an ally themselves. Why are *they* such deep believers? Could it really just be all about status to them?
But they seem to get emotionally, viscerally upset by push back! They seem highly emotionally attached to this movement, and some of them are even religious, so the substitution hypothesis doesn't seem to suit there...
It's one slice of the population pushing this that I have a hard time wrapping my head around. They seem to mean well, but...are incredibly unkind to people who disagree? And seem to really believe it against all evidence? But are also religious?
They are the ones taking up the most space in my head, too. Team Kindness. They're like Stepford Wives, except they think they have a 'politics' of 'compassion' which gives them gravitas.
They do it because to not be an “ally” is to be just another boring straight oppressor (in their cultural context). They are trying to escape being blamed for all societal ills
Some of them are part of the BIPOC classification, though. No doubt some of them are trying to be "allies" and "ally" their way out of oppressor class status, but that only works if you're in a conventional "oppressor class" (i.e. white liberal feminists).
Honestly I think some people are just psychologically religious/tribal and apply it to everything 1000% of the time or something.
I would normally agree but at this point anyone who isn’t a trans woman and darkest skin possible is in some way an oppressor 😆 the “white oppressor” thing is just applicable to the light skinned people-in sure there’s other elements for those with darker skin. At the end of the day, the it is the “speaking bitterness “ (see the episode on the new discourses podcast). The individual peoples reasons matter less than the purpose of turning everyone against everyone else
This all sounds like a corrupt pharma company's wet dream. Patients demanding or even lying for a diagnosis, begging for lifelong dependency, begging for the most invasive procedures whose side effects will require more procedures and medications.
That government's are mandating these treatments horrifies me. These people are setting themselves up to be abandoned if the costs of their healthcare becomes to onerous, which it probably will at some point. That is unless the shortened lifespan somehow makes them cheaper than living into their 70s, 80s, or 90s...
It's pretty obvious to me that here in Canada, such individuals will be given Medical Assistance in Dying, which will, in the long run, save the government gobs and gobs of money.
Canada is already trying to MAiD veterans and other disabled people, so these patients being offered MAiD to free them from their crippling agony doesn't seem all that far fetched to me.
As much as I supported the individuals right to die I never thought we'd get to a point where doctors were offering it as a valid treatment option for anything. I assumed it would be something people would have to request.
I also think MAiD, in its initial presentation, was fine, since it was presented as strictly for those who were terminally ill and in such pain that hospice care wasn't cutting it. Such people ought to be given a more dignified option to end their suffering rather than be forced to forever decline until they *finally* die.
What it has become is quite the monster, but with the way our healthcare system is, I suppose in hindsight it was something of an expected outcome. (But this doesn't happen in other places with similar programs, so there is something particularly wrong with the Canadian system--not that any amount of hollering about it changes anything.)
Totally off topic but it's such a cute handle "purple toothbrush". Does it mean something specific? Is it some reference that everyone (besides me) recognizes?
I have a delusional son who believes he is a woman so any article describing the very bad effects of estrogen on male bodies is completely discounted. To him it is HRT. I constantly pray he does not cut off healthy body parts. While growing up he was mature for his age. Now he has reverted to an immature,self centered, anxious individual.
In the 80s, there was a MTF/FTM couple in a small town in my state, they'd had several children before their dual transition. Every so often a news feature would come out about them. They seemed such an oddity. Weird that it's now so widespread.
One thing that strikes me in today's entry is that it's so hard, when you're young, to imagine that you'll ever regret doing something, an action or a choice. Wisdom really does come with age.
They are acting like toddlers saying, “give it to me because I want it.” How can we assume someone who thinks and acts like a two-year -old can give informed consent.
It seems that there is a "trans genocide" happening, but it is people who claim to be trans and their enablers in the medical profession who are perpetrating it.
Jeremy, I just finished a years research into trans gender killers in the EU and US. In the book I am about to publish on this, I blame the medical industry for offering hope in their procedures where there is none. And once the gender person is on the other side, they have no hope, and have began to lash out at their parents and the rest of society.
This made me want to vomit. These are delusional people who think they aren't women because they don't "feel like a woman" as if there is a way to feel like a woman and someone could possibly know that. More scarily, they want to put their hands over their ears and not hear any warnings about the health issues caused by removal of healthy body parts with a significant function because it doesn't suit their fantasy, and they are angry with anyone who might point out the risks. This has got to end. Those in the medical community who see what's wrong here have to push back against the delusional, faith-based doctors who are encouraging this. First, do no harm!
Hi Eliza, et al. I don't think your problem is with the concept of patient autonomy, which is one of the four basic principles of (secular, western) medical ethics (the others being beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice/fairness), because check almost any textbook on clinical ethics and you'll see that autonomy refers to the right of the patient to choose among or refuse <medically indicated> treatments offered by a physician. The concept of patient autonomy has <never> meant the patient gets to choose whatever they want. I'm the ethics coordinator of a mid-sized hospital and I remind physicians of this on regular basis: if, in their professional judgment, a treatment is not indicated (that is, it can have no possible benefit) then they shouldn't do it, because any treatment or procedure carries risk, and if there's no benefit, there's only downside, which violates the principle of non-maleficence (ie, do no harm.)
The problem here is not the concept of patient autonomy, it's the physicians who believe that removing healthy body parts (er, except my foreskin, I'm Jewish, OK?) is beneficial and those benefits outweigh the risks. Now, do physicians, like anybody else, have a tendency to favor evidence that just so happens to benefit themselves financially, socially or professionally? Well, duh. I've seen cardiologists put pacemakers in 95 year olds whose lives were assuredly shortened by the procedure- but they died somewhere else, not on that docs watch. It is very hard to get a person to believe something that their reimbursements depend on them not believing. . . .
That's true, of course. Medical professionals are supposed to limit the menu from which patients can order. A lot of slippage had to take place for patients to set the menu.
100 percent agree. FYI, have you read the book The Wounded Storyteller, by Arthur Frank? It might align with some of your interests. It's about typologies of illness narratives and how they function in our society. Great work you are doing!
I started menopause 8 years ago and had severe symptoms. Worst time of my life. I was vegetarian, but when HRT was prescribed for me, I did some research on Premarin and learned that in the US, there are 100's of horse stables housing 1000's of pregnant mares that they give very little water to, so their hormone-rich urine is more concentrated. That where they got the name PREMARIN... PREgnant MAres urINe... the biggest selling hormone replacement drug.
Well that made me sick, and was the catalyst to my going fully plant based which rid me of all my symptoms. But that's another story.
I have read there is newer and safer HRT on the market, but have zero doubt that there are males out there popping pills made from the urine of beautiful horses that are kept pregnant constantly. I shudder to think what happens to the male foals, let alone the female ones.
I suffered for many more months than I needed to because I just couldn't justify causing cruelty to these gorgeous animals, which luckily ended very well for me so I am not complaining.
But what I am complaining about is these narcissistic ignoramuses causing harm without so much as a thought for others.
It's not the mentally traumatised kids I'm talking about, it's fully grown cos playing men. I have no sympathy for those helmet heads.
> "I shudder to think what happens to the male foals, let alone the female ones."
Rather "disconcerting" that some 10 billion animals are slaughtered every year -- just in North America -- for our "eating pleasure". As I chow-down on my eggs and bacon ... 😉🙂
Though I make some efforts to minimize my contributions to that state of affairs.
> "it's fully grown cos playing men. I have no sympathy for those helmet heads."
LoL. Mostly crazier than shithouse rats. Rather depressing that the phenomenon has corrupted so many of our educational, legal, and scientific institutions. ICYMI, see my:
No problemo. 🙂 Quite understandable. What ISN'T understandable is that so many are NOT up-in-arms in the face of a medical scandal to top the Tuskegee Syphilis Study compounded with "Dr." Mengele.
Why stop at organ removal? Every cell in her body is female. Get rid of all those copies of female chromosomes that go against her transformation fantasy too, right? Follow the premise to its logical conclusion.
This is where you end up if you start with counter factual premises. Which is why we should stop braying that transmen are men.
"Is the risk of osteo actually significantly higher or just higher as it tends to be for cis men?"
But men don't have a higher risk for osteoporosis. Women do. It's a much, much higher risk. And one of the reasons they are at higher risk is they naturally have smaller, less dense bones than men.
There's no informed consent or "trying to be informed as possible" (as she states in the later comment you quoted) when she's already starting from wrong information that she doesn't want challenged.
Thank you for pointing out the osteoporosis risk in women. I was wondering if I was wrong that women had a higher risk.
I think she is just assuming "having no estrogen increases the risk of osteoporosis = being male increases the risk of osteoporosis" because she believes hormone levels determine her sex.
LOL, as a male at risk of osteoporosis, I just sailed right past that one!
This is just insane. I’m a 55 year old woman who has just gone through menopause (a totally natural event) and I can tell you that there are DEFINITELY a lot of consequences of your body not making estrogen any more. Declining bone density is just one of the many, many things that are affected by low estrogen levels. That is why HRT is frequently prescribed for menopausal women; osteoporosis is very common, in addition to a dramatically increased risk of heart disease, vaginal atrophy/pain, constant joint pain, brain fog…
In fact, surgical menopause induced by hysterectomy and removal of the ovaries is often more intense and much worst than the natural sort of menopause - to the point where most women who undergo surgical menopause are usually put on HRT immediately because the sudden, massive drop in hormones is physically and mentally debilitating.
This is just incredibly unethical for providers to do this to mentally unstable young women.
Menopause is a natural winding down of estrogen. Menopausal women still have sex hormones like testosterone from their functioning ovaries- just way less to eventually no estrogen- because women are so important to our societies’ survival that we evolved to no longer get pregnant rather than early death via a pregnancy in old age. Whereas women who get hysterectomies and ovariectomies experience sudden and total surgical castration- their gonads are removed so they have no sex hormones of any kind- not at all like menopause.
Well said. I had a bilateral oophorectomy 18 years ago and can confirm. I recall the oncologist telling me at the time that even a woman well past her menopause who then had her ovaries removed would feel the hormonal deficits. The ovaries don’t completely shut down.
I’m sorry you went through that and glad that it sounds like you’re healthy now! Yes- testosterone production remains till death! I know that for sure bc when I was a teenager and we cleared out my very elderly grandma’s apartment she had stacks and stacks of “romance” 😉 novels and I remember thinking “wow, grandma was still kicking!” 😳🫢
A woman removing her *healthy* ovaries- what a catastrophe!!
OMFG, what a nightmare future young people are facing. How self-absorbed and oblivious these traumatized young people are. There will hardly be a normal male or female left to bear and raise children. Of course, that's the end goal of the oligarchs so they can usher in fertility treatments and manufacture designer babies in fake wombs. Revolting!
For the love all things sacred, women's bodies are a true miracle. These young women have been brainwashed to think of their bodies as a collection of parts instead of the exquisitely orchestrated set of processes which ultimately allow for the creation of new life. I'm gobsmacked at the socioopathy of the medical system and the psychopathy of these doctors.
"Of course, that's the end goal of the oligarchs so they can usher in fertility treatments and manufacture designer babies in fake wombs. Revolting!"
It is hard enough debunking gender identity ideology and the outlandish ideas it has spawned without having to deal with nutty conspiracy theories on the sex realist side.
There is actual proof of this-perhaps you would enjoy James Lindsay’s work where he analyses documents from the “oligarchy” and more-and puts the current crazes into context. It’s not all orchestrated, and much is the result of individual idiocy for certain-but to call it conspiracy -you are not quite fully informed but the information is readily available in many places. It’s a rabbit hole that is terrible yet endlessly fascinating…for those who care more about knowing the truth than looking “sane” 😃😅
Welcome to the Ultraverse
It wasn’t too long ago that doctors would refuse a hysterectomy or tube tying for a woman under 40, “ in case she changed her mind about having kids”. A childless friend who suffered for years with difficult periods finally got the hysterectomy she wanted after her 40th birthday. OMFG indeed.
Leslie here (male). I regret having a vasectomy after one child and after my second wife and I decided in our early 30s we didn’t want to have children together. She had none of her own and now never will. Thing is, it took me 35 years to regret it, not till my son and his wife started “giving” us grandchildren. I kind of wish there *was* (still) a medical practice standard not to do vasectomies and tubals on healthy people who had not had at least two children. I don’t regret this long-ago decision in at all an angry way — I’d have only myself to blame and it seemed like a good idea at the time —, just wistfully.
Doctors who are trying to protect their patients from regret, however paternalistically, are coming from a good place.
My Ob-Gyn resisted my requests to have my tubes tied after my first was born. I thought that I was one and done. I ended up getting long-term contraception instead (copper IUD). After much thought and some unexpected life changes, my husband and I decided to have the IUD removed after 6 years and we're now expecting our second.
I am thrilled for you and your husband (and your first child)! Delighted and wishing you every good happiness with your family.
So happy to hear this!
It’s a complicated situation. In the case of young people making irreversible choices about their bodies, yes doctors should be asking those questions. Paternalistic or not, I understand why they do. Even with 50 years of the birth control pill, I still don’t think women are informed about all the possible side effects. An IUD seems to be a reasonable option for the woman who don’t want hormonal bc, but there are risks even with that. The best solution might be men using condoms all the time, but I suspect most men aren’t willing to do that especially with their wives. My husband refused a vasectomy even though he was absolutely certain that two kids were enough. I was ok with that but the burden has been on me since then to make sure I didn’t get pregnant. No real solutions, only trade offs?
In context, this is an entirely different conversation for women, as it was not done for us, but for our husbands. My 75 year old friend-had to get a signature from her husband to even begin birth control. Her mother was forced to have 9 children even though she should have been able to choose birth control or to be sterilized-as she was mentally unwell and had to be institutionalized street every single pregnancy
During the time period you are referring to, there were millions of men who had fought in a war, some conscripted, some voluntarily, who had seen many of their comrades die or be horribly maimed. Like all wars, that war was fought, at its most primal, to protect otherwise defenceless women from being raped by the enemy. Expendable men have been required since antiquity to fight and die to protect wombs, every one of them precious and indispensable, so that women don’t have to. With that asymmetry, you can see why men might feel that their sacrifice gave them some authority over what women could do with those wombs and might not endorse absolute autonomy.
Now that you have autonomy, I suppose you no longer need or want our paternalistic protection.
I couldn't even get an mud 40 years ago in case it adversely affected my fertility. A birth control method!
I‘m at a loss of words.. They sound like transhumanistly manipulated addicted children😱 Deluded, mentally unwell, with a huge lack of knowledge about human body functions and anatomy or just ignoring what they once learned bc it wouldn‘t fit their image of their bodies as some kind of device where one randomly can add or take away parts. Unbelievable…I understand that it is convenient to look at the body like this in their emotionally conflicting situation but it‘s extremely damaging on every level. Physically, psychologically, socially it‘s adding problematic aspects to their possible personal growth/maturing process. They are clearly young and not through puberty, at least not mentally!
"This has to be about medical responsibility" . Yes, this!! It drives me crazy when people who oppose childhood transition say "but the adults can do anything they want". Do I have a right to cut off my own ear to get in touch with my inner Van Gogh? I suppose I do.... Does my doc have a right to cut off my healthy ear?
I agree with you overall that guard rails have to be in place--after all, they were put in place for good reason before society chucked them--but I don't think the responsibility here lies solely on the medical doctors or other healthcare professionals. There's serious pressure from all directions--medical societies, other practitioners, patients, activist allies, etc.--to go along OR ELSE.
And quite a lot of these patients and their allies aren't shy about reporting disagreeable clinicians (and this ranges from mean Yelp reviews to actually serious letters of complaint to licensing organizations), so it's really not like this block has no responsibility here either.
As it turns out, if you insist on shooting yourself in the foot, but also shoot to death any concerned bystander trying to stop you from shooting yourself in the foot, the other bystanders who witnessed the shootings are going to quietly leave you to your plight. No one wants to get shot, and particularly not for someone who will turn around and blame them for shooting themselves in the foot anyways.
(But I do agree this whole thing is an obvious medical scandal--how can it be anything else?--and agree that medical responsibility is lacking when it comes to adults who are not fit to make medical decisions. But again, this issue is much more complicated than the simple "corrupt doctors just want money" type dialogue I keep seeing around here and there...very frustrating.)
Couldn't agree with you more, Florence. There is enough guilt to go around. From dishonest journalists to equally dishonest politicians, from allies with no skin in the game to school teachers. Many have blood on their hands. (And yeah, even with doctors, especially surgeons, it' more than greed - and I suspect often darker and worse than greed).
See, most of these motivations I can understand, even when I think they are vile. There's some logical sense to the motivations, you know what I mean?
But the demographic I truly have a hard time understanding are the hardcore "handmaidens." Not the ones who say, "Wait, this isn't what I thought it was" when presented with evidence, but the truly hardcore ones who just endlessly double down despite not identifying as anything other than an ally themselves. Why are *they* such deep believers? Could it really just be all about status to them?
But they seem to get emotionally, viscerally upset by push back! They seem highly emotionally attached to this movement, and some of them are even religious, so the substitution hypothesis doesn't seem to suit there...
It's one slice of the population pushing this that I have a hard time wrapping my head around. They seem to mean well, but...are incredibly unkind to people who disagree? And seem to really believe it against all evidence? But are also religious?
*Brain implodes*
They are the ones taking up the most space in my head, too. Team Kindness. They're like Stepford Wives, except they think they have a 'politics' of 'compassion' which gives them gravitas.
There are many people who base their beliefs not on what is true, but on what they apprehend is acceptable for them to think is true.
They do it because to not be an “ally” is to be just another boring straight oppressor (in their cultural context). They are trying to escape being blamed for all societal ills
Some of them are part of the BIPOC classification, though. No doubt some of them are trying to be "allies" and "ally" their way out of oppressor class status, but that only works if you're in a conventional "oppressor class" (i.e. white liberal feminists).
Honestly I think some people are just psychologically religious/tribal and apply it to everything 1000% of the time or something.
I would normally agree but at this point anyone who isn’t a trans woman and darkest skin possible is in some way an oppressor 😆 the “white oppressor” thing is just applicable to the light skinned people-in sure there’s other elements for those with darker skin. At the end of the day, the it is the “speaking bitterness “ (see the episode on the new discourses podcast). The individual peoples reasons matter less than the purpose of turning everyone against everyone else
I’ve encountered those women on Twitter. Bizarre.
"inner Van Gogh" -- LoL, but indeed.
This all sounds like a corrupt pharma company's wet dream. Patients demanding or even lying for a diagnosis, begging for lifelong dependency, begging for the most invasive procedures whose side effects will require more procedures and medications.
That government's are mandating these treatments horrifies me. These people are setting themselves up to be abandoned if the costs of their healthcare becomes to onerous, which it probably will at some point. That is unless the shortened lifespan somehow makes them cheaper than living into their 70s, 80s, or 90s...
It's pretty obvious to me that here in Canada, such individuals will be given Medical Assistance in Dying, which will, in the long run, save the government gobs and gobs of money.
Canada is already trying to MAiD veterans and other disabled people, so these patients being offered MAiD to free them from their crippling agony doesn't seem all that far fetched to me.
As much as I supported the individuals right to die I never thought we'd get to a point where doctors were offering it as a valid treatment option for anything. I assumed it would be something people would have to request.
I also think MAiD, in its initial presentation, was fine, since it was presented as strictly for those who were terminally ill and in such pain that hospice care wasn't cutting it. Such people ought to be given a more dignified option to end their suffering rather than be forced to forever decline until they *finally* die.
What it has become is quite the monster, but with the way our healthcare system is, I suppose in hindsight it was something of an expected outcome. (But this doesn't happen in other places with similar programs, so there is something particularly wrong with the Canadian system--not that any amount of hollering about it changes anything.)
Totally off topic but it's such a cute handle "purple toothbrush". Does it mean something specific? Is it some reference that everyone (besides me) recognizes?
I have a delusional son who believes he is a woman so any article describing the very bad effects of estrogen on male bodies is completely discounted. To him it is HRT. I constantly pray he does not cut off healthy body parts. While growing up he was mature for his age. Now he has reverted to an immature,self centered, anxious individual.
Sorry to hear about your son! I call it cultivated narcissism and sanctified self-delusion.
Where have we arrived at when young people are allowed to play Mr. Potato Head with their bodies (and be applauded for it).
In the 80s, there was a MTF/FTM couple in a small town in my state, they'd had several children before their dual transition. Every so often a news feature would come out about them. They seemed such an oddity. Weird that it's now so widespread.
One thing that strikes me in today's entry is that it's so hard, when you're young, to imagine that you'll ever regret doing something, an action or a choice. Wisdom really does come with age.
Yes, I’m struck by the insistence that regret is not possible.
It’s as if these young people have never talked to older people.
They are acting like toddlers saying, “give it to me because I want it.” How can we assume someone who thinks and acts like a two-year -old can give informed consent.
It seems that there is a "trans genocide" happening, but it is people who claim to be trans and their enablers in the medical profession who are perpetrating it.
Jeremy, I just finished a years research into trans gender killers in the EU and US. In the book I am about to publish on this, I blame the medical industry for offering hope in their procedures where there is none. And once the gender person is on the other side, they have no hope, and have began to lash out at their parents and the rest of society.
This made me want to vomit. These are delusional people who think they aren't women because they don't "feel like a woman" as if there is a way to feel like a woman and someone could possibly know that. More scarily, they want to put their hands over their ears and not hear any warnings about the health issues caused by removal of healthy body parts with a significant function because it doesn't suit their fantasy, and they are angry with anyone who might point out the risks. This has got to end. Those in the medical community who see what's wrong here have to push back against the delusional, faith-based doctors who are encouraging this. First, do no harm!
Hi Eliza, et al. I don't think your problem is with the concept of patient autonomy, which is one of the four basic principles of (secular, western) medical ethics (the others being beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice/fairness), because check almost any textbook on clinical ethics and you'll see that autonomy refers to the right of the patient to choose among or refuse <medically indicated> treatments offered by a physician. The concept of patient autonomy has <never> meant the patient gets to choose whatever they want. I'm the ethics coordinator of a mid-sized hospital and I remind physicians of this on regular basis: if, in their professional judgment, a treatment is not indicated (that is, it can have no possible benefit) then they shouldn't do it, because any treatment or procedure carries risk, and if there's no benefit, there's only downside, which violates the principle of non-maleficence (ie, do no harm.)
The problem here is not the concept of patient autonomy, it's the physicians who believe that removing healthy body parts (er, except my foreskin, I'm Jewish, OK?) is beneficial and those benefits outweigh the risks. Now, do physicians, like anybody else, have a tendency to favor evidence that just so happens to benefit themselves financially, socially or professionally? Well, duh. I've seen cardiologists put pacemakers in 95 year olds whose lives were assuredly shortened by the procedure- but they died somewhere else, not on that docs watch. It is very hard to get a person to believe something that their reimbursements depend on them not believing. . . .
That's true, of course. Medical professionals are supposed to limit the menu from which patients can order. A lot of slippage had to take place for patients to set the menu.
100 percent agree. FYI, have you read the book The Wounded Storyteller, by Arthur Frank? It might align with some of your interests. It's about typologies of illness narratives and how they function in our society. Great work you are doing!
Is there any reason to keep anything that displeases me? If it doesn’t spark joy, out it goes!
The Marie Kondo approach to the body.
Except the body is not a house that can be remodeled. It’s the one and only body you’ll ever have.
I started menopause 8 years ago and had severe symptoms. Worst time of my life. I was vegetarian, but when HRT was prescribed for me, I did some research on Premarin and learned that in the US, there are 100's of horse stables housing 1000's of pregnant mares that they give very little water to, so their hormone-rich urine is more concentrated. That where they got the name PREMARIN... PREgnant MAres urINe... the biggest selling hormone replacement drug.
Well that made me sick, and was the catalyst to my going fully plant based which rid me of all my symptoms. But that's another story.
I have read there is newer and safer HRT on the market, but have zero doubt that there are males out there popping pills made from the urine of beautiful horses that are kept pregnant constantly. I shudder to think what happens to the male foals, let alone the female ones.
I suffered for many more months than I needed to because I just couldn't justify causing cruelty to these gorgeous animals, which luckily ended very well for me so I am not complaining.
But what I am complaining about is these narcissistic ignoramuses causing harm without so much as a thought for others.
It's not the mentally traumatised kids I'm talking about, it's fully grown cos playing men. I have no sympathy for those helmet heads.
Ranting again sorry.
> "I shudder to think what happens to the male foals, let alone the female ones."
Rather "disconcerting" that some 10 billion animals are slaughtered every year -- just in North America -- for our "eating pleasure". As I chow-down on my eggs and bacon ... 😉🙂
Though I make some efforts to minimize my contributions to that state of affairs.
> "it's fully grown cos playing men. I have no sympathy for those helmet heads."
LoL. Mostly crazier than shithouse rats. Rather depressing that the phenomenon has corrupted so many of our educational, legal, and scientific institutions. ICYMI, see my:
"Statistics Departments Corrupted by Gender Ideology: Lysenkoism and The Gangs Who Couldn't Shoot Straight": https://humanuseofhumanbeings.substack.com/p/statistics-departments-corrupted
> "Ranting again sorry."
No problemo. 🙂 Quite understandable. What ISN'T understandable is that so many are NOT up-in-arms in the face of a medical scandal to top the Tuskegee Syphilis Study compounded with "Dr." Mengele.
Thankyou for your kind reply, and link to what looks like a great article on a good paper which I'll read soonish. 👍
Being female must be cut out despite the consequences.
Why stop at organ removal? Every cell in her body is female. Get rid of all those copies of female chromosomes that go against her transformation fantasy too, right? Follow the premise to its logical conclusion.
This is where you end up if you start with counter factual premises. Which is why we should stop braying that transmen are men.