Thank you both for taking my question seriously, and not taking offence. Of course what you describe is humiliating - it is wrong. My wife has complained of men that address her chest, not her face, and gets angry about it. I don't understand why anyone would do it - breasts add very little to most communication, unlike eyes, lips, and h…
Thank you both for taking my question seriously, and not taking offence. Of course what you describe is humiliating - it is wrong. My wife has complained of men that address her chest, not her face, and gets angry about it. I don't understand why anyone would do it - breasts add very little to most communication, unlike eyes, lips, and hands - so I'm starting to gain some insight. I'm not sure I could be embarrassed about a part of my body because of the way some other people regard it, but I now have an inkling of how others could.
It's because they weren't part of your body, and then they suddenly ARE, and according to many, they're suddenly one of the most important parts. And people are judging you on them. What happened to the rest of you? It's a disconcerting thing even when kept in perspective by wise parents.
Thank you - that is something I never could have thought of, but it makes so much sense! Alien growths that have a power of their own and change what can be done with/by the body - all of a sudden it starts to sound like a horror story...
Thank you both for taking my question seriously, and not taking offence. Of course what you describe is humiliating - it is wrong. My wife has complained of men that address her chest, not her face, and gets angry about it. I don't understand why anyone would do it - breasts add very little to most communication, unlike eyes, lips, and hands - so I'm starting to gain some insight. I'm not sure I could be embarrassed about a part of my body because of the way some other people regard it, but I now have an inkling of how others could.
It's because they weren't part of your body, and then they suddenly ARE, and according to many, they're suddenly one of the most important parts. And people are judging you on them. What happened to the rest of you? It's a disconcerting thing even when kept in perspective by wise parents.
Thank you - that is something I never could have thought of, but it makes so much sense! Alien growths that have a power of their own and change what can be done with/by the body - all of a sudden it starts to sound like a horror story...