Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022Liked by Eliza Mondegreen

I read articles like yours and the one on Reduxx and I have to check in with myself to make sure I'm not caught up in some impossible conspiracy theory. I mean, this stuff is out in the open. Breslow is saying this stuff in public as are others, pushing the idea that children can consent to sex with an adult and that it is not only not harmful, but totally fine and healthy even. How in the world did we get here? If any of us tried to tell our liberal compatriots of the "some children are born in the wrong body" faction that what they're supporting is strongly tied to this, that dismantling objective reality and the ability to identify inherently "right" things and "wrong" things leads to horrific harm perpetrated on children, we'd be accused of being QAnon members. If ever there was a slippery slope, this is it, but we can't even have that discussion. And with the AAP pushing to hunt down those voicing opposition ("disinformation") to the medicalization of minors, they'd prefer that we not be allowed ANY public discussion. Evidence-free "affirmative care", the rights of women and girls, fairness in sports, misogyny and the appropriation of womanhood, homophobia, regressive stereotyping, the sexualization of children, limiting freedom of speech/censorship/threats to livelihood/safety, MSM disinformation and propaganda, denial of evolutionary biology, denial of medical reality ("assigned sex at birth" nonsense), indoctrination of children in schools… I'm just overwhelmed by the sheer number of fronts there are to battle with this trans ideology hydra.

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Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022Liked by Eliza Mondegreen

Jesus, Eliza, the work you do is so incredibly important. Every time I read something you've written on this nightmare, it cuts straight to the heart of the thing.

Part of the nightmare here is that we can all see so clearly what is happening and what the consequences are -- and still, politicians and other powerful people blink at us blankly and then call us bigots for even suggesting that the movement pushing this insanity is endangering children (and women).

"You're the same horrible people who said gay people are pedophiles!" chant the people who are actually, OPENLY advocating the normalization of sexual relationships with children.

"You're the same horrible people who said gay people are rapists!" accuse the people who are actually, OPENLY obliterating barriers to dangerous, predatory men in women's intimate spaces.

"You're the same horrible people who want trans people to stop existing and be excluded from sports," scream the people who are actually, OPENLY erasing women -- from the language that described them, and from the positions, awards, and opportunities that had been reserved for them -- and actually, OPENLY destroying women's and girl's access to a level playing field.

And actually, OPENLY, advocating for the medicalization and sterilization of children -- some with undiagnosed or untreated mental health issues; some who would grow up to be gay if left alone; and some who simply mistake the human desire to be admired or to belong as a rationale for joining a religion they do not yet have the maturity, the critical thinking skills, or the executive judgement to truly understand.

Candidly, I am afraid. I spent so much of my public school years reading about nightmarish movements that seemed to come out of nowhere, sweep through a land, and invoke destructive madness with chilling human costs. I wondered at the people who got swept up, and even more about the people who hadn't been true believers, but didn't stand against the horror. I couldn't imagine how such insanity could grip entire nations. Now, I feel as if I am seeing it happen right in front of me.

Often, I feel as if I am screaming into a void. Many days, I have no words. I am, continuously, grateful to you for finding, and sharing, yours. Thank you.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Eliza Mondegreen

I meant to add: the baroque / baffling language of Queer Theory could hypothetically provide good cover for a nasty character - if anyone called him on it, he could always reply "Oh, I didn't mean THAT. You must have misunderstood (because you're not smart enough and should now mistrust your own judgement etc)." And as I think you're getting at, the more young people are encouraged to divorce themselves from their own biology and see harm to their bodies as normal, the harder it is for them to recognise and leave a dangerous situation. We need our bodily instincts - things like nausea, chills, muscular tension, creepy feelings - for our survival. But to make the most of our instincts, we have to understand and trust our embodied selves.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Eliza Mondegreen

"Queer Theory dissolves meaning" -exactly. Even beyond the appalling assault on the rights of women, children, lesbians, gays and bisexuals, the trans-rights-juggernaut is fuelled by a desire to destroy actual truth and meaning. Communication is becoimng impossible, which means that 'the people'/ the majority, will have no chance to discuss any ideas, and ultimately unable to participate in any functioning democratic processes. Public debate itself is being undermined, and most people will be left powerless and as mere passive recipients of the censored media.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Eliza Mondegreen

Fabulous and concise, thank you! 'Queerness' exposed to be so clearly and easily understood. It's what we need to be able to share the message and help people see the extreme danger!👍🏻

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Now as for your article, brilliant. It seems to me that the left is pushing to normalise paedophilia. America is the starting point, the same with everything. The non-binary and identifying as doorbell rubbish. Trying to say, women should not be called women, then anyone can be a woman. Men can give birth, educating 4 years old children about sex!! What's going on in the world?

I think it's true about the sex trafficking among the rich and famous and especially Biden the hair sniffer. Why else would they push all this stuff?

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Eliza Mondegreen

I've spoken to dozens of children trying to cope with what has been done with them. I've met unstable adults who struggle coping with life after the sexual abuse they been subjected to.

If I've met a stable adult who is coping with historic abuse it's because they were treated at that time.

In all my encounters I've never met a child or adult who is happy about the sexual abuse they encountered. I've never met one who says they happily partaked in it from their own free will.

I've met people who feel they partaked in it, but that turns out to be from blackmail, gaslighting and other forms of control. Where the end result is that child really thinks they gave permission to what was done to them.

Schools and whatever else teach children about "pleasure" and then children consider that the norm and that they want to do it. Which was Thatchells angle.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Eliza Mondegreen

Thank you for writing so eloquently Eliza.

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Great theory for introducing coercive control into ignorant victim’s life. If he says it’s not rape, it’s not rape,

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And from what I saw on Genevieve Gluck, another man (professor or ex-prof, associated with University of British Columbia here in Vancouver) in WPATH ("standards of care"; incredible) has written the same type of fetish-pedophilia in subreddits.

If you come across him and do a brief post, Eliza, I would be SO happy to republish. Apologies for repeatedly republishing of your work, but it's impossible to do the research and writing AND run an independent campaign where the defenders and apologists of ALL this (knowing? unknowingly? I have no idea) throw major obstacles in our paths daily.

The virtue-signalling apologists preen to the woke crowd when they attack us as we campaign IRL, and in doing so they harm children. UNCONSCIONABLE.

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Excellent insights!

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This isn't related to the article, but I am posting it here because I need to tell someone. I do not have an account at the Washington Post, but getting around their fire wall is easy, so I keep reading it. (I was kicked off more than a year ago because of my anti-trans comments -- which were never abusive, I might add, just too much to the point for their comfort.)

Tonight for the first time I read an article that was not related to the trans issue in which they referred to women as "pregnant people". I find that discouraging because it was the first time (that I know of) that the Post has inserted Gender Speak into a regular article. So the creep of Gender Speak seems to keep happening, and the voices in the wilderness (mine, Eliza's, etc.) are still being ignored. I had thought we were making progress, but it seems we aren't.

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He should be hung by the neck in public! Sick twisted f**k.

I have 5 children, two are young boys and 3 grown-up girls.

A man once stood in his front window masturbating naked as my daughter and her “boy friend” walked past, she was 14 then. She phoned me and I drove up the top of the hill where there are about 5 bungalows. They were both physically shaking, so they got into the car and I made them point out the house. Reluctantly my daughter finally did.

I knocked on the door, but no answer, I pounded on that door and screamed through the letterbox what I wanted to do to him. I knew I couldn't kick his door in, or do any damage to him. So I did the next best thing. I told him I was going to drive past 3 times a day, every day until I catch him and then I will “REDACTED”

I didn't drive past at all, I just put total fear into him. I knew he would be having a bad day every day for a week or two.

Dirty scum.

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Any advice or can anyone help me with this guy constantly arguing with me on twitter? I'm new to standing up to defend what's being done to women & our children & he just won't stop with these circular arguments... here's our latest tweets (I'm @OkieSickChick btw):

Here is my latest tweet:

Jenny B Williams



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You need to open your eyes man... you're sick just like the pedo John Money who invented gender ideology. I don't care what grown adults do w/ their bodies but quit massacring children whose brains aren't even fully developed yet.

Tyson White




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and 2 others

So you're saying there was no trans people before 1960? Your source is a website called reduxx?

Tyson White




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and 3 others

Should we ignore everything the American Medical Association and American Pediatric Association says in favor of what the angry hateful woman who wrote the article says?

Jenny B Williams




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and 2 others

I ignore them b/c they are bought & paid for by Big Pharma. I don't care what grown adults do w/ their own bodies as long as it doesn't infringe on anyone's civil rights. It's evil to subject children to genital mutilation so they create a lifetime revenue stream for Big Pharma!

Tyson White



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and 2 others

So I supposed if your kid had cancer you wouldn't go to doctors who follow the AMA and APA guidelines, right?

If you don't want to infringe on people's rights, why would you make laws prohibiting treatment and counseling for children?

Do you oppose circumcision?

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"indoctrination into queer theory dissolves whatever solid ground a child might otherwise stand on".

Well stated.

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Thank you Eliza for another brilliant article! I found myself vigorously nodding my head in agreement, but this leaves be a bit concerned that I am being too quick to judge. For many years I studied the writings of a german philosopher who was latter accused of being a nazi sympathizer, if not outright supporter. His work is wide ranging, brilliant and complex. His language is idiosyncratic and richly layered. I ran a reading group of his texts for over ten years. I never saw a direct line from his thinking to nazi ideology, though I could see how his work could be misconstrued, misunderstood, and used as justification for nazi ideology. I have not studied queer theory, though I have friends and associates who make use of it in their academic work as a method of analysis. These are not bad people, these are not stupid or careless people. I am concerned that we (I) may be mistaking a vulgarized and over simplistic interpretation of queer theory as put forward by people like Breslow and TRAs for something that is actually more nuanced and insightful. So in the spirit of fairness and intellectual curiosity, I ask, have any of you studied queer theory and do you find it to be totally undermining of basic intellectual and moral values and without any merit? Are there any books that you would recommend that give a fair, accurate and critical account of its basic tenants and overall project?

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