Oh nice I love Meghan and Sarah

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Do you mind if I challenge you on Saudi Arabia (or the middle east in general) and the idea that women there are oppressed by men?

In the podcast you all framed it as 'women are not allowed to drive' which is how it is always framed (see also: women are not allowed to go out uncovered or do X, Y or Z etc etc). This way of framing middle eastern culture implies (a) women have no agency (women are inert objects) and (b) women play no role in setting, dictating or negotiating cultural norms, including gender norms.

This is a feminist framing and I would argue it is extremely shallow, low resolution, toxic and insulting to women. It is also disempowering in every way .... except one: it portrays women as helpless victims and men as all powerful villains. Thus it traps women in the role of damsel (and men in the role of oppressor or white knight), which is basically what feminism is all about. Empowerment through compulsive damselling to men is not true empowerment!

The feminist framing of every issue always leaves out half the equation. Feminists cannot see (or choose not to see) beyond female victimhood and male power (feminism is basically a male power fantasy). You left out the other half of the equation where men are obligated to be women's chauffeurs, protectors, chaperones etc.

If we reverse the sexes and have women obligated to drive men to the shops every day and generally act like their personal assistants I doubt anybody in the western world would declare those men to be oppressed. Even if the men said "Yeah but we're not allowed to drive you see!" Most people would say, "FFS why can't the men drive themselves about the lazy bastards!"

I forget the exact details, but I remember there have been studies showing that the majority of women still preferred to keep the status quo and be driven about and opposed calls for changes (just as many women support traditional dress codes). The prevailing gender norms in the middle east (and every where else in the world) are dictated BY women and not imposed by men.

Men might do the enforcing of laws and social conventions, but they do so at the behest of the most dominant women in that culture (again, the same is true in the west). Male politicians cannot get anywhere if they don't support all the women's issues (no matter how trivial). If they support men's rights (equal custody, equal sentencing, equal access to gendered healthcare or shelters/ refuges etc) their careers are toast. So who is really in charge?

The whole 'trans women in women's sports bathrooms thing' has perfectly demonstrated which sex actually has the most social power in society and it's women. Feminism fought for - and won - the right to define gender as a social construct. Biological essentialism was out and 'gender identity' was in. This is why 'trans women are women' grants trans women all the rights, privileges, access and legal/ media protections that women enjoy... even at the expense of women!

For decades post feminist (ie 'empowered') women have been acting exactly the same as those newsworthy trans women who currently provoke such outrage. They have been invading male spaces, acting very un-ladylike, getting aggressive and shouty, throwing tantrums, being incredibly self entitled and demanding all sorts of special treatments from society.

One example would be demanding the physical requirements be lowered so they could become firefighters, which is essentially male LARPing (and you could argue cross dressing too). The difference being that women LARPing at being heroic, macho firefighters actually costs lives as they do not have the strength to actually rescue people from burning buildings (as pointed out by firefighters themselves, as they rolled their eyes at the new rules).

When women invade male spaces, male identities and male occupations we call it 'empowerment' and cheer (even if it wrecks society). But when men act in similar way we call it creepy and offensive.

BTW as an aside, I wonder to what extent AGP's or other forms of feminine appropriation are motivated by the lack of feminine, demure, traditional women in western society today? We know it is causing men to marry Asian women. Perhaps it is also causing men to marry themselves (their feminine alter egos) too? But I digress...

The blind spot in all of this is that many post feminist women have been essentially living as 'trans' and making unreasonable demands on men and society, but society applauds this, because feminism applauds women adopting caricatured male identities (if only to belittle and emasculate men). Just look at Hollywood movies with 'kick ass' women beating up men twice their size and generally outcompeting the men at being men. Nobody says that is creepy or sexually motivated or kind of mentally unhinged... but it kinda is!

Just as female teachers have 'relationships' with underage male students, whereas male teachers 'rape' underage female students... we are hard wired to give women far more leeway than men when it comes to creepy, obnoxious, sexually deviant or even outright criminal behaviour.

The trans women who generate such outrage are basically acting with the same level of entitlement that post feminist women have been getting away with for the last 20 years. The reason why trans women get so much stick for making THEIR outrageous demands on society is that they don't possess the right anatomy to get a pussy pass.

They would not be allowed to get away with any of their transgressions (see what I did there!) were it not for this fact: feminism's social constructivism is the key to bringing in transhumanism (a genderless, sterile, cyborg population with artificial wombs and AI replacing natural parenting) trans women are untouchable, just as feminists were over the past century, because their job was also to socially engineer society for transhumanism.

Just as feminism was a stepping stone to get to transgenderism, transgenderism is a stepping stone to get to non binary and 100 pseudo genders, which is a stepping stone to eunuchs and cyborgs and a transhuman future of genderless sterile worker drones hooked up to the cloud and vaxxed up to the eyeballs.

The only way to save humanity from this fate is to dismantle ALL OF IT, including the last century of feminist ideology (social constructivism), including the absurd notion that women were ever oppressed by men, or had no social power or are oppressed in the middle east today by being driven about by their husbands.

The TERFs are not interested in getting to the truth, they just want to maintain the feminist status quo which is what laid down the foundation of this entire gender ideology in the first place (or rather, ERODED the existing foundation of natural gender roles and identities and functional relationships between men and women).

Feminist theory redefined men and women / masculine and feminine as PROBLEMATIC (rather than complimentary and wonderful) and that single act of sabotage has been gnawing away at society (and the psyche) for a century and unless this turd of an idea is removed from the reservoir it will keep poisoning the tap water and driving society mad, until we all 'solve' the problem of gender by eradicating it completely and merging with The Machine.

As long as male / female is defined as problematic and unfair the transhumanist train will keep hurtling down the tracks. That is why I feel it's important to resist the temptation to indulge in 'women worsting' and try to resist that sweet nectar that is female victimhood. It plays directly into the hands of the gender abolitionists - which is what this is really all about.

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