Ned -- and yes, Mildred is right, you shouldn't call yourself that if you are a woman -- you keep making it clear that you prefer the traditional nuclear family, but you don't understand that it is MEANINGLESS TO SAY THAT because families are what they are. Reality is what it is; and if only a percentage of families are nuclear, then the…
Ned -- and yes, Mildred is right, you shouldn't call yourself that if you are a woman -- you keep making it clear that you prefer the traditional nuclear family, but you don't understand that it is MEANINGLESS TO SAY THAT because families are what they are. Reality is what it is; and if only a percentage of families are nuclear, then there's nothing more to say about it. Now, if you are going to say that gay people shouldn't adopt, then all I can do is remind you that there are orphans out there that need a home, and a non-standard home is better than nothing.
Truly, you sound like a man to me. It is mostly men who yammer on about the nuclear family. Women are more nuanced on this subject.
I hope you see the irony in your telling me that I must have a conventional, gender conforming user name on the Internoodle (an unnatural environment if there ever was one!) and then lecture me on our current "reality" (another unnatural environment that's literally making us sick & nuts) and the need to adopt unconventional family arrangements because our self made (post)modern "reality" demands it. (!) I'll take as a compliment that I "sound like a man". We need more Healthy Masculinity these days, not more Toxic Femininity.
Ned, who are you actually even arguing with? Because at this point I'm convinced you're a fraud of some kind or other. Nothing you could say would convince me otherwise. Who cares what a few strangers on substack think of you? You seem to be arguing just to annoy people, so Perry James is probably right. Who else but a man would be likely to use a phrase like Toxic Femininity, about mostly a bunch of feminists or feminist-leaning people? How "feminine" are any of us? Those are your values, not those of Eliza's subscribers. Either way, you are stubbornly stuck with your own opinion, no matter what reality throws at it. Be happy with yourself then, and stop wasting other people's time.
I was replying to Mr. Perry's comment. You received an email notification and a context free quote in your Inbox because that's just how Substack is designed. It's a bit awkward and misleading sometimes.
Ned -- and yes, Mildred is right, you shouldn't call yourself that if you are a woman -- you keep making it clear that you prefer the traditional nuclear family, but you don't understand that it is MEANINGLESS TO SAY THAT because families are what they are. Reality is what it is; and if only a percentage of families are nuclear, then there's nothing more to say about it. Now, if you are going to say that gay people shouldn't adopt, then all I can do is remind you that there are orphans out there that need a home, and a non-standard home is better than nothing.
Truly, you sound like a man to me. It is mostly men who yammer on about the nuclear family. Women are more nuanced on this subject.
I hope you see the irony in your telling me that I must have a conventional, gender conforming user name on the Internoodle (an unnatural environment if there ever was one!) and then lecture me on our current "reality" (another unnatural environment that's literally making us sick & nuts) and the need to adopt unconventional family arrangements because our self made (post)modern "reality" demands it. (!) I'll take as a compliment that I "sound like a man". We need more Healthy Masculinity these days, not more Toxic Femininity.
Ned, who are you actually even arguing with? Because at this point I'm convinced you're a fraud of some kind or other. Nothing you could say would convince me otherwise. Who cares what a few strangers on substack think of you? You seem to be arguing just to annoy people, so Perry James is probably right. Who else but a man would be likely to use a phrase like Toxic Femininity, about mostly a bunch of feminists or feminist-leaning people? How "feminine" are any of us? Those are your values, not those of Eliza's subscribers. Either way, you are stubbornly stuck with your own opinion, no matter what reality throws at it. Be happy with yourself then, and stop wasting other people's time.
I was replying to Mr. Perry's comment. You received an email notification and a context free quote in your Inbox because that's just how Substack is designed. It's a bit awkward and misleading sometimes.