"Lowering standards", "healthy environments". As I said above, Ned, the ideal situation isn't always the reality.
"Reverence towards sex" -- that certainty SOUNDS good! But how do you make it happen? How do you put reverence in the hearts of other people who are simply horny? Guess what -- you don't!
"Lowering standards", "healthy environments". As I said above, Ned, the ideal situation isn't always the reality.
"Reverence towards sex" -- that certainty SOUNDS good! But how do you make it happen? How do you put reverence in the hearts of other people who are simply horny? Guess what -- you don't!
You sound like a conservative to me, Ned, a conservative with ideas about how things "should" be, -- but I'm not hearing any solutions as to how we can get to a better place. To say we need more reverence towards sex suggests that we need better social standards that we teach to our children. But if today's adults don't have the wisdom to do that, how do we change that? The world is over-populated, and that is resulting in social chaos that is out of our control.
I agree that the ideal isn't always attainable. But we should try to strive towards it whenever and however possible. Especially when we see that our faith in tech and progress is producing even more complicated predicaments, and not less.
Reverence is acknowledging meaning and value. Meaning and value are created and defined by limits. Sure, we're horny. But we used to have socially imposed limits on sex because Nature showed us that licentious sexual behavior to appease that horniness had negative outcomes for the individual, their offspring, and the community at large. STDs. Inbreeding depression. Bastards. Nature also made it difficult for us to perpetuate the species, so every human life was precious and certain conventions that yielded the best results were adopted. Being the clever apes that we are, we have managed to assert our wills over Nature. But if we go so far as to destroy Her, we will destroy ourselves. We do not exist outside Her ecosystems. And she always bats last.
Right now the Devouring Mother alphas in our society are entertaining an egregore that insists that everything is oppressive and that everything will be grand and "equitable" if everyone gets the pony that they want. If we destroy "discrimination". Meanwhile, reality is very discriminatory. It's inequitable and stubborn. As is evolutionary biology. And the lessons of Pottenger's cats. Thankfully collective human consciousness can and does change. Even if this current phase continues beyond my lifetime, I am confident it won't last. We simply don't have the juice for it.
I'm not one for idpol labels. I don't think that idpol can be fought by using it. But if I were to describe myself I'd say that I'm a Spiritual Ecologist+Reactionary Feminist: a dirt worshiping pagan who doesn't think that the two human sexes are interchangeable Meat Legos. So I'm not exactly a capital C Conservative. But there is some overlap. And I'm perfectly comfortable with that. Thanks for playing. I appreciate your thoughts.
Your prescriptions are for the whole human race, but only some people are listening.
Please, please, please don't personify nature or anything else as a woman. It is sexist and sounds old-fashioned and generally obnoxious. What you are demonstrating is that femaleness was up for grabs by men long before the trans idiots came along.
Storms are not female, ships are not female, nature is not female. Only females are female.
Well, as I said, the limits will return. And some people are already applying them of their own will in defiance of tech and progress and are finding value and meaning in their lives in the process.
Nature is our Great Mother. She gave everything on our planet life and wrote the playbook to keep it going. I am not going to deconstruct and desex Her and disavow Her inherent feminine characteristics to satisfy hare brained postmodernists. (Now that's sexist when you think about it!) The word "she" applied to storms and ships used to be an compliment, an honorific, BTW. It was a reflection of the value and power of femininity on its own terms, not solely "oppressive male ownership" of it or some kind of misogynistic slur directed towards it.
I am 72. You won't get much hare-brained post-modernism from me.
Above you say you are a women. I agree that nature and God too have more in common with the reproductive function of women than men, but I still think that personifying storms and ships as women is sexist. Since men have been in control of our society since the beginning, they are undoubtedly the ones who decided that certain things would be seen as female.
We've been fed hare brained postmodernism for many decades. It's in our heads whether we think it's there or not. I admit, I blindly embraced and utilized it in my own perceptions of the world for a long time. Too long. But I see the damage it's doing now, to myself and to human society at large, so I am willfully trying to change my consciousness.
There are absolute truths. Like men and women are different. They have their own psychologies and cultures based on their sexed bodies and evolutionary paths. Desexing them, or worse, giving the impression that in order for women to be liberated they must emulate men, is causing many problems. And who put forth that idea? Who painted femininity as something undesirable? Akin to being a slave? It sure wasn't men. It was women. Women who thought the grass was greener on the other side of the fence. Women who couldn't handle their animal natures, their natural limits. (Sound familiar?) And this notion that all current social and political ills are entirely the fault of men is absurd and smacks of soft bigotry to me.
So women have had no say on anything ever? Zero agency? Zero effect on history and culture? Or the designs of human conventions and institutions? They've been unwilling participants in all this terrible, hateful patriarchy for all time? They never, ever benefited? They never said "Return from war with your shield or on it"? Or "I want to pay less for a pair of socks at Walmart."? Or "Trans women are women"? No one is innocent in this modern mess we've made. Least of all women.
But surely "as a woman" that must be my internalized misogyny speaking there. I can't possibly entertain (much less disclose) such blasphemous notions. Just as I can't possibly laugh at and be comfortable with the winking inference that women are "stormy". (We are, BTW.) Or see that vessels that carry precious cargo (and men!) over perilous seas have any metaphoric relation to female humans. (Hmmm!). We've really lost our sense of humor and appreciation for human creativity with this thin skinned "everything is patriarchal oppression designed to insult and control women and must be found offensive and eradicated!" stuff. I see things differently. So count me out. And thanks for your patience and consideration. And again for playing~
"Lowering standards", "healthy environments". As I said above, Ned, the ideal situation isn't always the reality.
"Reverence towards sex" -- that certainty SOUNDS good! But how do you make it happen? How do you put reverence in the hearts of other people who are simply horny? Guess what -- you don't!
You sound like a conservative to me, Ned, a conservative with ideas about how things "should" be, -- but I'm not hearing any solutions as to how we can get to a better place. To say we need more reverence towards sex suggests that we need better social standards that we teach to our children. But if today's adults don't have the wisdom to do that, how do we change that? The world is over-populated, and that is resulting in social chaos that is out of our control.
I agree that the ideal isn't always attainable. But we should try to strive towards it whenever and however possible. Especially when we see that our faith in tech and progress is producing even more complicated predicaments, and not less.
Reverence is acknowledging meaning and value. Meaning and value are created and defined by limits. Sure, we're horny. But we used to have socially imposed limits on sex because Nature showed us that licentious sexual behavior to appease that horniness had negative outcomes for the individual, their offspring, and the community at large. STDs. Inbreeding depression. Bastards. Nature also made it difficult for us to perpetuate the species, so every human life was precious and certain conventions that yielded the best results were adopted. Being the clever apes that we are, we have managed to assert our wills over Nature. But if we go so far as to destroy Her, we will destroy ourselves. We do not exist outside Her ecosystems. And she always bats last.
Right now the Devouring Mother alphas in our society are entertaining an egregore that insists that everything is oppressive and that everything will be grand and "equitable" if everyone gets the pony that they want. If we destroy "discrimination". Meanwhile, reality is very discriminatory. It's inequitable and stubborn. As is evolutionary biology. And the lessons of Pottenger's cats. Thankfully collective human consciousness can and does change. Even if this current phase continues beyond my lifetime, I am confident it won't last. We simply don't have the juice for it.
I'm not one for idpol labels. I don't think that idpol can be fought by using it. But if I were to describe myself I'd say that I'm a Spiritual Ecologist+Reactionary Feminist: a dirt worshiping pagan who doesn't think that the two human sexes are interchangeable Meat Legos. So I'm not exactly a capital C Conservative. But there is some overlap. And I'm perfectly comfortable with that. Thanks for playing. I appreciate your thoughts.
Your prescriptions are for the whole human race, but only some people are listening.
Please, please, please don't personify nature or anything else as a woman. It is sexist and sounds old-fashioned and generally obnoxious. What you are demonstrating is that femaleness was up for grabs by men long before the trans idiots came along.
Storms are not female, ships are not female, nature is not female. Only females are female.
Well, as I said, the limits will return. And some people are already applying them of their own will in defiance of tech and progress and are finding value and meaning in their lives in the process.
Nature is our Great Mother. She gave everything on our planet life and wrote the playbook to keep it going. I am not going to deconstruct and desex Her and disavow Her inherent feminine characteristics to satisfy hare brained postmodernists. (Now that's sexist when you think about it!) The word "she" applied to storms and ships used to be an compliment, an honorific, BTW. It was a reflection of the value and power of femininity on its own terms, not solely "oppressive male ownership" of it or some kind of misogynistic slur directed towards it.
I am 72. You won't get much hare-brained post-modernism from me.
Above you say you are a women. I agree that nature and God too have more in common with the reproductive function of women than men, but I still think that personifying storms and ships as women is sexist. Since men have been in control of our society since the beginning, they are undoubtedly the ones who decided that certain things would be seen as female.
We've been fed hare brained postmodernism for many decades. It's in our heads whether we think it's there or not. I admit, I blindly embraced and utilized it in my own perceptions of the world for a long time. Too long. But I see the damage it's doing now, to myself and to human society at large, so I am willfully trying to change my consciousness.
There are absolute truths. Like men and women are different. They have their own psychologies and cultures based on their sexed bodies and evolutionary paths. Desexing them, or worse, giving the impression that in order for women to be liberated they must emulate men, is causing many problems. And who put forth that idea? Who painted femininity as something undesirable? Akin to being a slave? It sure wasn't men. It was women. Women who thought the grass was greener on the other side of the fence. Women who couldn't handle their animal natures, their natural limits. (Sound familiar?) And this notion that all current social and political ills are entirely the fault of men is absurd and smacks of soft bigotry to me.
So women have had no say on anything ever? Zero agency? Zero effect on history and culture? Or the designs of human conventions and institutions? They've been unwilling participants in all this terrible, hateful patriarchy for all time? They never, ever benefited? They never said "Return from war with your shield or on it"? Or "I want to pay less for a pair of socks at Walmart."? Or "Trans women are women"? No one is innocent in this modern mess we've made. Least of all women.
But surely "as a woman" that must be my internalized misogyny speaking there. I can't possibly entertain (much less disclose) such blasphemous notions. Just as I can't possibly laugh at and be comfortable with the winking inference that women are "stormy". (We are, BTW.) Or see that vessels that carry precious cargo (and men!) over perilous seas have any metaphoric relation to female humans. (Hmmm!). We've really lost our sense of humor and appreciation for human creativity with this thin skinned "everything is patriarchal oppression designed to insult and control women and must be found offensive and eradicated!" stuff. I see things differently. So count me out. And thanks for your patience and consideration. And again for playing~
Sorry, Ned, I didn't read your whole comment, just the beginning. You have worn me out.
Yeah. I do that. Often! Thanks for playing and have a nice day~