I’m stunned reading this because of how perfectly the “weird girl” describes me. Yes, many people will tell you that these types of trans identifying females are basic and there’s not much to us, but just take a look around; for better or worse we moved mountains. The trans steam-roller wouldn’t be here if not for us. So many of us felt absolutely marginalized and powerless before this magical thinking and manifestation. I was one of those tumblr weird girls who made the mistake of believing the haters when they dismissed me for being female. I know better now, and I am still mourning my own loss of my maladaptive coping strategies, too, but I wouldn’t go back for anything.
I will always be a female and I join my voice with every other female who sees our material reality and our needs for rights and liberation from the painful expectations of gender stereotypes.
Thank you for posting this!! This is my daughter! These are the exact topics of conversation I brought up with her so called therapist who just continued to play in to her existential thoughts and maladaptive coping.
1) Now I’m sure I would have been trans if that was a thing in the 80s. My best friends were Nick Rhodes, Boy George and Dave Gahan. Fantasy was my coping mechanism for my entire childhood and adolescence.
2) My daughter may get out alive and intact after all. She is so much happier and more grounded than I ever was, period. Quirky but not weird. The real world has been kind to her.
The archetypal FtM, this is so close to truth it hurts. My daughter fits the quirky profile, the school friend whom I blame for encouraging a trans identity falls on the weird end.
"She’s highly cerebral, highly creative, progressive, open to new experiences, very sensitive, overthinking, strong sense of justice, possibly neurodivergent or autistic. These girls can be so sensitive—emotionally and sensorially—that the outside world is an intimidating, overwhelming and confusing place they’d rather not participate in and that can influence retreat too heavily into her inner worlds or online worlds and make her vulnerable to magical thinking. Being highly cerebral, it can be hard for these girls to be in their bodies. It can be hard to exist in a physical space."
Think about it: Trans activists and their allies believe that having this form of mental illness entitles the sufferer to the same range of enforceable civil rights and civil liberties as are accorded to individuals because of characteristics such as sex, age, sexual orientation, religion, race, ethnicity, familial status and national origin.
This interview was fantastic. I can’t express more strongly how helpful it has been to me to hear from gals like Laura who have such similar experiences and traits to me. It’s crazy to go from a lifetime of thinking I was the only person in the world thinking and feeling and experiencing and struggling with things in the way I do/did to finding this community of women online who are almost my twins! Thank you to detransitioners like Laura for helping me from going down a dangerous and self-destructive path and for holding space for the weird girls and our existential angst. ❤️🩹
On a quick skim Laura certainly seems remarkably articulate with some cogent insights. Not apparently bitter which is maybe surprising given what she's been through.
Somewhat en passant & ICYMI, she was apparently interviewed on Fox News recently by another Laura, Laura Ingraham, in the opening segment here:
Nice that Ingraham asks some pointed questions in her interview of Becker, and argues that "gender affirming care" boils down into "mutilating children". But what is rather "exasperating" is the headline under that story which asks, "Why is the left normalizing sex changes for kids?" No one, no human changes sex; even suggesting it is just retailing the little lies that grease the skids for the bigger ones.
Too many people seem to "think" that the Kindergarten Cop definitions for the sexes -- boys have penises and girls have vaginas -- are all there is to it: "Change your genitalia, change your sex! Act now! Offer ends soon!" 🙄 There I think is the root of the problem: pervasive scientific illiteracy, an emotional attachment to "male" and "female" as "immutable identities". Kind of makes us all culpable to some extent.
I’m stunned reading this because of how perfectly the “weird girl” describes me. Yes, many people will tell you that these types of trans identifying females are basic and there’s not much to us, but just take a look around; for better or worse we moved mountains. The trans steam-roller wouldn’t be here if not for us. So many of us felt absolutely marginalized and powerless before this magical thinking and manifestation. I was one of those tumblr weird girls who made the mistake of believing the haters when they dismissed me for being female. I know better now, and I am still mourning my own loss of my maladaptive coping strategies, too, but I wouldn’t go back for anything.
I will always be a female and I join my voice with every other female who sees our material reality and our needs for rights and liberation from the painful expectations of gender stereotypes.
Thank you for posting this!! This is my daughter! These are the exact topics of conversation I brought up with her so called therapist who just continued to play in to her existential thoughts and maladaptive coping.
This article hit me hard in two ways--
1) Now I’m sure I would have been trans if that was a thing in the 80s. My best friends were Nick Rhodes, Boy George and Dave Gahan. Fantasy was my coping mechanism for my entire childhood and adolescence.
2) My daughter may get out alive and intact after all. She is so much happier and more grounded than I ever was, period. Quirky but not weird. The real world has been kind to her.
Thank you Eliza, you are such an important voice in this time of this unique social phenomenon.
The archetypal FtM, this is so close to truth it hurts. My daughter fits the quirky profile, the school friend whom I blame for encouraging a trans identity falls on the weird end.
"She’s highly cerebral, highly creative, progressive, open to new experiences, very sensitive, overthinking, strong sense of justice, possibly neurodivergent or autistic. These girls can be so sensitive—emotionally and sensorially—that the outside world is an intimidating, overwhelming and confusing place they’d rather not participate in and that can influence retreat too heavily into her inner worlds or online worlds and make her vulnerable to magical thinking. Being highly cerebral, it can be hard for these girls to be in their bodies. It can be hard to exist in a physical space."
Think about it: Trans activists and their allies believe that having this form of mental illness entitles the sufferer to the same range of enforceable civil rights and civil liberties as are accorded to individuals because of characteristics such as sex, age, sexual orientation, religion, race, ethnicity, familial status and national origin.
This interview was fantastic. I can’t express more strongly how helpful it has been to me to hear from gals like Laura who have such similar experiences and traits to me. It’s crazy to go from a lifetime of thinking I was the only person in the world thinking and feeling and experiencing and struggling with things in the way I do/did to finding this community of women online who are almost my twins! Thank you to detransitioners like Laura for helping me from going down a dangerous and self-destructive path and for holding space for the weird girls and our existential angst. ❤️🩹
On a quick skim Laura certainly seems remarkably articulate with some cogent insights. Not apparently bitter which is maybe surprising given what she's been through.
Somewhat en passant & ICYMI, she was apparently interviewed on Fox News recently by another Laura, Laura Ingraham, in the opening segment here:
Nice that Ingraham asks some pointed questions in her interview of Becker, and argues that "gender affirming care" boils down into "mutilating children". But what is rather "exasperating" is the headline under that story which asks, "Why is the left normalizing sex changes for kids?" No one, no human changes sex; even suggesting it is just retailing the little lies that grease the skids for the bigger ones.
Too many people seem to "think" that the Kindergarten Cop definitions for the sexes -- boys have penises and girls have vaginas -- are all there is to it: "Change your genitalia, change your sex! Act now! Offer ends soon!" 🙄 There I think is the root of the problem: pervasive scientific illiteracy, an emotional attachment to "male" and "female" as "immutable identities". Kind of makes us all culpable to some extent.