The zeal with which women have reviled Rowling’s character, since she began speaking out, has been shocking to me. They only read the slander of transactivists, but don’t read what she has actually said, to decide for themselves what she means. It’s depressingly ‘on brand’ for liberals and progressives, now, to be full of hate, yet ignorant of those they hate.

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Oh, how fun to know this about you! You are a good writer. Seems you always had the gift.

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I hope one day you get to meet her.

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The podcast about her and the issues is really good so far.

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Oh the old websites...Geocities, AOL, Bizland...good times!

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Noo, not the Comic Sans!

In all seriousness, this is why I like to keep things from my childhood. No matter how trash the drawing, or how cringeworthy the fanfic, it's a little reminder of how far I've come.

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You have reminded me of my son's final high school year, studying like a trooper until late every night. To transform from study mode to ready for sleep mode he asked me to re-read Harry Potter. I did this with pleasure, and of course it worked a treat. J.K. is not only a fine writer, she is a fine woman who is setting a fine example in not being cowed by reactionary thugs

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What a wonderful post. If you were on fanfiction.net around 2003 I'm sure I read some of your work lol.

I wrote a song about Snape when I was around eight or nine (which I'm sure was very beautiful) and I felt very vindicated by the end of the series!

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Where did that first image with that story of Hermione come from? I've never seen it and googling only brings up poorly written fanfictions!

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Awe! How cool! It seems like her books have comforted and inspired children and adults for years. I wish that were enough to make some think twice about her being a "hateful bigot" but apparently not. It's to their detriment though, that type of black and white thinking doesn't serve anyone well.

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