I really try not to idealize celebrities but it gets harder not to every time JK does something admirable. She highlights the incredible power of women helping women. THIS is why our detractors sow seeds of division between us -- they don't want women getting too strong. And that's why trans activism is ultimately a mentitlement movement. It's never been about "trans rights", it's always been about silencing women, reminding us of our status, and keeping us apart from each other. That's why supporting one another is so powerful -- it's in direct opposition to their whole project.

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I've never read a Harry Potter book, but Rowling is still one of my heroes.

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All opposition to what JK Rowling is doing is absurd. All she is doing is setting up a safe space for biological women. It is not "trans-exclusionary," as any "transman" is welcome. That is, any biological female is welcome. The only people excluded are biological men and I don't think most men have a problem with that. Is the idea that there can no longer be any designation of a space or resource based on biological sex? If so, why? Even if there could be some basis for spaces for "people who think of themselves as women" (although I'm not sure what this means, since, other than biology, I'm not sure what characteristic all women share), I don't see why this would mean there can't also be spaces set up just for biological women. And, while I'm thinking about it, if we are going to divide bathrooms up and not just have all bathrooms for all people (unisex), why would we make that division based on people's inner thoughts about who they think they are? What does a mental sense of who one would like to be have to do with using a bathroom? Same for sports. JK Rowling is wonderful, but it's sad that it has become a heroic act to simply exercise common sense and basic compassion.

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They need women to exist so they can have something to dominate, to colonize, to claim, and in the process become the Better, Superior Version. Once you see it, you can't unsee it. And yet, they know they are not, and cannot become women, hence the rage.

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I don't see how any of this can possibly be a surprise to you. For years Vancouver Rape Relief has had their building spray-painted with rape and death threats and dead bloody rats nailed to the door, been picketed by balaclava-clad men who tell the rape survivors who go there for counseling that they are hateful bigots who deserve to be raped again, and has been defunded of all grant money by angry transactivists who are furious that VRR only serves women and girls (they will offer referrals to men and "transwomen") and will not permit men dressed as women to act as counselors for women who have been sexually assaulted (in almost every case, by a man.)

Domestic violence shelters and rape crisis centers in the US who haven't bent the knee to trans ideology have suffered in similar ways. It is socially-approved abuse of women and girls by men who get off on controlling us, compelling our obedience, and violating our boundaries, and it has been a key part of trans ideology for a long time now. This is nothing new.

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I can't find a single word to disagree with, Eliza. Thank you for all you do.

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Dec 15, 2022·edited Jan 31, 2023

Trans activists don't want to set up trans abuse centres because they'd be embarrassed as to how few trans identifying women would use it. And there goes one of their loudest mantras.

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Thank you JK Rowling. Thank you, to all you other brave brave women for sticking up for your rights despite what others may want.

My 18 month old daughter doesn’t realise what battles you’re all fighting for HER rights but I will tell her one day when she can understand.

Shes going to be a Ravenclaw I think.

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I remember the fury of some men when women set up women-only protest camps at Greenham Common US air base. Early 80s.

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Trans identified men insist on inserting themselves into women's spaces because they have fantasies of being victimized and mistake an ideation of female sexual rapture with victory over the abuse and trauma they experienced in childhood--they fear becoming the abuser, but inevitably do, because of their anger at the mother who didn't protect them, in their child-mind. These men falsely imagine "becoming female" will release them from their trauma. They think the only way to succeed in escape from their past trauma is to surround themselves with natal women. The fact that they cannot grasp that natal women/girls need female spaces after sexual trauma proves they just are not female, do not have a "female brain and soul." Brava to JK and all of the brave women of Biera!

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Beautifully said.

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