I'm not at all sure that Mass Formation Psychosis is a real thing. But I have a heuristic I use for understanding information that is surprisingly reliable. The more the mainstream denies and shames a concept/idea/person, the more interested I am in the idea/person.
As for your understanding of what might broadly be called 'cultural marxi…
I'm not at all sure that Mass Formation Psychosis is a real thing. But I have a heuristic I use for understanding information that is surprisingly reliable. The more the mainstream denies and shames a concept/idea/person, the more interested I am in the idea/person.
As for your understanding of what might broadly be called 'cultural marxism', I do think you are missing something. It's not at all about liberating us from conservative values. Rather, as per Marcuse, it's part of the dialectic and how 'history' is stopped from creating us if you will. Queer Theory is apex social ideology as it is not about sex and any meaningful way. It's merely about transgressing ALL social norms. No matter from whom they arise. The way the dialectic works (all stemming from German historicism ultimately) is that if one is doing deconstruction properly, a Utopia will emerge that we can't even begin to imagine from our current position in our social order. The current order blinds us. Only when all of it is destroyed may a new one emerge.
Your last statement is quite mystifying, you dismiss 'engaging' with these ideas. I'm sorry, where has the Right been seriously engaging these ideas? We live in a world utterly shaped by ideas published by Herbert Marcuse 60 years. How many on the right even know this, no less do battle against them, or him? The real problem is we are deeply subverted already, that campaign began 100 year ago in earnest. FDR's hard core socialism (much of which was eventually found to be unconstitutional) was where we started sliding down the shitter. There was a real fight against the Marxists by the likes of Joe McCarthy (who was joined by JFK, Nixon and many others who were gravely concerned by the thousands of commies who'd penetrated local and federal govt) but now you are told that he was a monster (he was nothing of the sort). In fact, he was the first victim of 'cancel culture'. If you doubt me, read M. Stanton Evans brilliant book, Blacklisted by History. You'll see how badly we are lied to about him.
Nixon was impeached cuz he had the nerve to not give up on exposing Alger Hiss, who sat at FDR's side a Yalta and was a key organizer of the U.N., lol, a hard core agent of influence. Part of the 'third international' the Soviets started after WWII.
Our children are only taught that there was this thing called "the Red scare" and that mean conservatives used this technique called "Red Baiting" as Joe McCarthy did in his hearings. But what isn't known is that every single person on McCarthy's list had already been investigated by the State Dept and/or FBI and was guilty as hell. He was correct in almost everything he asserted. And he was not alone, the congress was investigating communist subversion for 30 years by that point.
Yet most folks on the Right proceed in their philosophizing about our politics as though the major institutions of our society haven't been intentionally subverted by Marxist lunatics to bring about a 'revolution' of sorts. We are living through that 'cultural revolution' right now. We are already being locked up, soon the re-education camps will become official. We will never win another POTUS election, I find it so amusing that people think Ronbo or Trump or who ever can save us - they will not win the election no matter what.
It makes me really sad that so few people actually understand how we got here. It's like their subversion worked so well that conservatives brains have become rewired. I often here my fellow conservatives use terms like "McCarthyism" - he did nothing wrong. All he did was call commies, commies. But even in the '50s, you couldn't get away with that...Think about how long ago that was. And think about how few people on the Right have a freaking clue about what we are up against.
I haven't read much on it but I thought the phenomenon of mass formation psychosis described more localised events of hysteria. I feel like its a high intensity version of crowd behavior, which is reasonably explained by Girard's mimetic ideas.
Also I'm a dan of revisionist takes, and my knowledge in that space is dim, but surely McCarthy was also captured by a group-think that acted upon him as the red scare, domino theory etc, and surely this period also impacted moderates or incidental people adjacent to the communist movement?
Read Blacklisted by History by M. Stanton Evans as recommended above. As you state, you aren't well informed on the subject. So this would get you there...You'll be shocked by how badly you've been lied to.
I'm not at all sure that Mass Formation Psychosis is a real thing. But I have a heuristic I use for understanding information that is surprisingly reliable. The more the mainstream denies and shames a concept/idea/person, the more interested I am in the idea/person.
As for your understanding of what might broadly be called 'cultural marxism', I do think you are missing something. It's not at all about liberating us from conservative values. Rather, as per Marcuse, it's part of the dialectic and how 'history' is stopped from creating us if you will. Queer Theory is apex social ideology as it is not about sex and any meaningful way. It's merely about transgressing ALL social norms. No matter from whom they arise. The way the dialectic works (all stemming from German historicism ultimately) is that if one is doing deconstruction properly, a Utopia will emerge that we can't even begin to imagine from our current position in our social order. The current order blinds us. Only when all of it is destroyed may a new one emerge.
Your last statement is quite mystifying, you dismiss 'engaging' with these ideas. I'm sorry, where has the Right been seriously engaging these ideas? We live in a world utterly shaped by ideas published by Herbert Marcuse 60 years. How many on the right even know this, no less do battle against them, or him? The real problem is we are deeply subverted already, that campaign began 100 year ago in earnest. FDR's hard core socialism (much of which was eventually found to be unconstitutional) was where we started sliding down the shitter. There was a real fight against the Marxists by the likes of Joe McCarthy (who was joined by JFK, Nixon and many others who were gravely concerned by the thousands of commies who'd penetrated local and federal govt) but now you are told that he was a monster (he was nothing of the sort). In fact, he was the first victim of 'cancel culture'. If you doubt me, read M. Stanton Evans brilliant book, Blacklisted by History. You'll see how badly we are lied to about him.
Nixon was impeached cuz he had the nerve to not give up on exposing Alger Hiss, who sat at FDR's side a Yalta and was a key organizer of the U.N., lol, a hard core agent of influence. Part of the 'third international' the Soviets started after WWII.
Our children are only taught that there was this thing called "the Red scare" and that mean conservatives used this technique called "Red Baiting" as Joe McCarthy did in his hearings. But what isn't known is that every single person on McCarthy's list had already been investigated by the State Dept and/or FBI and was guilty as hell. He was correct in almost everything he asserted. And he was not alone, the congress was investigating communist subversion for 30 years by that point.
Yet most folks on the Right proceed in their philosophizing about our politics as though the major institutions of our society haven't been intentionally subverted by Marxist lunatics to bring about a 'revolution' of sorts. We are living through that 'cultural revolution' right now. We are already being locked up, soon the re-education camps will become official. We will never win another POTUS election, I find it so amusing that people think Ronbo or Trump or who ever can save us - they will not win the election no matter what.
It makes me really sad that so few people actually understand how we got here. It's like their subversion worked so well that conservatives brains have become rewired. I often here my fellow conservatives use terms like "McCarthyism" - he did nothing wrong. All he did was call commies, commies. But even in the '50s, you couldn't get away with that...Think about how long ago that was. And think about how few people on the Right have a freaking clue about what we are up against.
I haven't read much on it but I thought the phenomenon of mass formation psychosis described more localised events of hysteria. I feel like its a high intensity version of crowd behavior, which is reasonably explained by Girard's mimetic ideas.
Also I'm a dan of revisionist takes, and my knowledge in that space is dim, but surely McCarthy was also captured by a group-think that acted upon him as the red scare, domino theory etc, and surely this period also impacted moderates or incidental people adjacent to the communist movement?
Read Blacklisted by History by M. Stanton Evans as recommended above. As you state, you aren't well informed on the subject. So this would get you there...You'll be shocked by how badly you've been lied to.