It’s so interesting and INSANE to hear her describe how the movement has changed since 2017 -- such a short time. I too also didn’t know that trans kids was even in the vocabulary or that underage transition was even a thing until early 2021 when I began hearing about detransitioners and the rise in adolescent females being trans identifying. And when I did learn about this that was enough to break the spell of my support. It just totally fell apart for me after that and since then I’ve probably learned way too much by going down this rabbit hole.... I’m also struck by how she describes it impossible to leave the cult bc that’s often exactly how I feel as I look around me and most people or institutions I know and interact with are still in some kind of support to it. It’s incredibly frustrating.

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There was a trans kid on the cover of National Geographic in 2017. Katie Couric did a 2 hour documentary that included a trans kid in 2016. I Am Jazz premiered in 2015. Girl, you're late!

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I wasn’t living in North America during these years. The focus on kids wasn’t really in the mainstream discourse yet where I was at the time. People weren’t even doing pronouns bc I was outside the anglosphere. Though I was noticing from a distance of some people I knew in the US embracing this.

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Interesting that this started in the US but it's ending in other places sooner.

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I think it’s mostly due to how large the US is and bc the system is privatized and decentralized so it makes it more complicated to collect data and do a proper investigation. A lot of people also see it as just another toxic American import in other countries.

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I’m really glad she brought up what it’s like to have to constantly face the language, symbols, and slogans everywhere you go after leaving the belief system. It’s especially hard for teens still in school, especially teens trying to deal with trauma from things that happened during that time. They must do the work of making sense of everything that happened to them, often alone and in silence, while walking on eggshells to make sure they don’t upset the people still involved in the thing that hurt them.

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Eliza, is this very good interview on PITT? It is an insightful interview that I think needs greater dissemination. Thank you.

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Hey there, they're quite free to link to it and excerpt it but should link to the full post on Genspect, as I did the interview for Genspect.

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I stayed up late last night reading 'Combating Cult Mind Control' by Steven Hassan so this article was eerily synchronistic. This is a deep rich vein which must be mined by all gender-critical writers in order to expose the beast.

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I'm not even an ex-trans, but the below quote really encapsulates what it's like to live amongst this insanity. For me, it's a constant effort to even stay sane amongst the constantconstantconstant gaslighting. It's why, for the sake of my own mental health, I have backed away from real life advocacy. I practice a lot of avoidance. It's easy for others to call it cowardice, but it's really something much different. It's maybe a sort of denial, but not really, since it's impossible to deny - like, I honestly just can't cope with it. But at the same time it's the topic where I am most easily able to identify "my people," and I have always been an agonizer. So this is all just something I constantly come back to. I'll wake up in the morning and say ok, what a beautiful day. This day is gonna be really great. And then I run into a hulking TIM in the bathroom at work. It's just impossible to live a single day without running up against it. Couple that with a constant awareness that I understand how "bigoted" I sound to people neck-deep in this shit, but being completely helpless to combat their feelings about me and what I know to be true.

"My girlfriend and I go to Pride, and see a sign outside stating ‘No TERFS! Protect trans kids!’ I feel like playing The Sims 4, and open the game to find that top-surgery scars have been added for your characters to wear like an accessory. I go to my aunt’s bachelorette party and another guest asks me for my pronouns. Virtually everyone I know has a person in their life — usually a younger family member in their teens or 20s — who is transitioning now. The progress flag, which features the trans pride flag, is on the window of my local bank. I go to Lush and the employees wear pronoun pins. I go to Starbucks and they’re selling cookies in partnership with Mermaids. I try to research a female health condition and find an article where women are called ‘uterus owners.’ I open YouTube and am immediately shown someone’s transition-timeline video. I join a lesbian social group and some of the members are biological males."

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I would imagine the indigenous communities pressed, often violently, into Christianity by Romans and then European Catholics, felt similarly. People are already experiencing the violent enforcement and ostracism from society for expressing a more realistic assessment of life.

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Thank you for this article and interview. It makes me feel less alone in my thoughts. This ( trans ideology, specifically the practice of it using hormones and surgery) is very difficult to deal with/talk about when you have people in your community, people who you know and care about, who ascribe to this belief system. My silence feels like fraud. But I maintain it because I perceive that it would be heard as very unwelcome meddling.

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Apr 10, 2023
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I understand. There is all this talk about “kindness” and a lot of it is only “talk”. But it sounds like this might be an opportunity for you to practice the real deal. Unless someone else, closer to your nephew brings up the attempted sex change, it might be the time when “silence” is golden. Best of luck to you. In these situations, it helps me to know that I am not alone in my thoughts.

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Fabulous! Thank you for bringing this to our attention!

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The ex-wives of men who ideate female personae have been contacting me through my blog, uteheggengrasswidow.wordpress.com (contact form) and I get our stories out via my YouTube channel, Ute Heggen. The most recent, "Hilda, Pts 1 & 2, demonstrates how a young 19 year old training artist can be gaslit, coerced, pressured and silenced by 2 AGP men in her liberal, "feminist" Scandinavian country, and she's unable to report rape and torture, because "the community" does not approve of reporting crimes by men who "identify" as women. Those men have rights akin to a Roman emperor. It is crucial for these women to have our own trans widow community, to help leave the cult and heal. There are several more stories in the pipeline; Viola will appear, her story through my voice, today.


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Apr 10, 2023Edited
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I explain the difference b/w LGB--a sexual orientation based on the material reality of sex--and T, an 'identity' based on the invented, incoherent 'gender identity' and no material reality that reifies old stereotypes, to make it clear that they are two different things. LGB equality requires no fake names or insistence on fraudulent, deceptive pronouns or exogenous cross-sex hormones and cosmetic/plastic surgeries for LGB people to be their authentic selves. And LGB equality did not supplant the rights, opportunities, and safeguarding, privacy, and dignity of another class of people as men who pretend to be women do when they invade women's protected sex-class. And LGB's sex-based rights are also implicated. LGB equality was/is about integrating into society, 'trans 'gender identity' ideology is about deconstructing it.

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Soon we will have detention centres for re-education of gender dissidents.

Meanwhile, be very careful who you mention "adult human females" to on Twitter: or a rainbow-painted police car might turn up to cart you off for "hate speech".

And it will likely be driven by a police officer who likes raping and murdering women.

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Apr 10, 2023
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"Great article. Read my article. God is real."

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