Another amazing insight piece. Thank you. Teens are especially vulnerable to this kind of direction — always looking for an easy answer, always looking to fit in, always looking for confirmation of who they are. They trust outside sources for affirmation to counteract their internal destabilized existence. Surely the vast majority of pediatric psychologists understand this. Where are their voices?

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"The trans community inculcates fragility and laces social life with landmines—like elaborate pronoun protocols and unreasonable expectations—creating reentry problems when members venture out into the real world."

This is so important. How should we respond to a belief system that decreases our resiliency and our belief in our resilience? Do we pause to think about how we're being impacted? Are we encouraged to question deeply within ourselves? Is there room for us to disagree or change our minds? If not, what are we signing on to and why?

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