Mar 28, 2023Liked by Eliza Mondegreen

So Elon Musk is covering up violent threats by the transifiers. Good look Elon!

We must keep pressure on the Nashville police and the MSM to release the murderer's "manifesto".

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Elon isn't. The people who actually run Twitter are.

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Elon actually runs Twitter. He's the CEO and sole member of the Board of Directors.

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I assure you, he isn't interested in covering anything up.


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Well, Musk runs the company, and the company is definitely covering things up.

If we get a mea culpa from him, and a restoration of Eliza's and others tweets that were taken down, I'll change my mind. But not before.

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Yes. I feel that he should show less interest in attempting to appease the destructive cult with it's hooks into his son and far more in restoring the accounts and "free speech rights" of the men and women who have remained same despite having it pushed down their throats for the past several years.

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Its not Elon. Its the leftover activists there.

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Then Elon isn't doing a very good job of running his company, is he?

I'm still waiting for him to apologize to Eliza and all the others who shared the Vengeance poster as a warning.

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This whole movement has made me think David Icke, outlandish as he may be, is on to something when he suggests there is some force in the world that really feeds on human despair and distress. the ginning up of murderous behavior in trans activism is in the service of some really dark appetites.

I started to think about this more when I briefly was running a Twitter account for an organization and experienced how the "inside side" of the Twitter account, aptly named "the feed", was a solid wall of Jeffrey Marsh and Dylan Mulvaney videos -- two men who seemed built in a lab to frighten, disgust, and infuriate. And it occurred to me: these are the Tutsis they are showing Hutus like me, and I need to stop looking at them.

That doesn't mean stop thinking about the issues, stop writing, stop protesting, stop mobilizing. But really dark forces want IN to all of our souls. The folk wisdom about vampires -- they can't get into your house unless you INVITE them in -- applies here.

trans activism is the abyss. It's sad so many trans-identified people and their "allies" have fallen into it and all you have to do is look at the NZ footage to see what it does to people, what it turns them into.

But those of us opposed to it have to remember what Nietzche said: when you look into the abyss, the abyss also looks into you.

(this is not scolding your post Eliza, which is great and important. Just was an opportunity to air some thoughts I've been having!)

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This is such an important point, Kathleen! I’ll bet dollars to donuts that the vast majority of trans people are, or would be, mortified to see these activists (many of whom I’m convinced are not even trans) engaging in this violence in the name of trans activism.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

Well then they should say something, no? Intellectually I know you're probably right, but I am gaining a visceral disgust for all things trans, not just the violence. If that's not what "normal" trans people want, they must speak up.

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Kathleen - Trans activism is violating women’s boundaries all over the place and egregiously, but I want to push back on the idea that advocacy by and for trans people necessarily entails a violation of women’s boundaries. In order for trans activists to respect women’s boundaries, though, they have to swallow a big pill: acknowledge that trans women are not women. If they won’t acknowledge that women and trans women are in fact two different groups of people, then they can’t admit that these two groups have different interests and needs. And if they can’t admit the different interests and needs, then they can’t admit when the interests and needs conflict. Refusing to admit the conflicts means that they won’t even come to the table to engage in the difficult process of debating and hashing out the conflicts. Until this happens, it won’t be good for women.

I can’t get the image out of my head of that 70 year old woman being repeatedly punched in the face by that young guy at LetWomenSpeak. That, along with the image of Jill Biden giving the “woman of courage” award to a trans woman. It’s not just an award. It’s the US government, with all its power, backing and amplifying the trans activists’ message to women: No Debate.

I am 61, a feminist, and a lesbian, and I’m so angry about this, angrier than I’ve been in decades. I’m starting to feel the destructiveness of my anger, which is why I found your quote from Nietszsche

so apt and poignant.

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@Laura - agreed. Many might not be aware of what’s happening because none of the vile stuff happening at LetWomenSpeak is showing up in the major media newspapers I follow. But, you’re right, those who are aware should speak out. They’ll need to decide that they’re willing to be cast out and viciously attacked themselves, because they will be, but their speaking out is necessary for the trans movement to have any credibility in the eyes of people who’ve seen the violence.

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They can be viciously attacked now, by their own, or attacked later by the inevitable backlash.

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It's like the 'bros before hos' mentality men have. They will NEVER back a woman when a man attacks, even if they hate what the man is doing. They also know if they DARE challenge the thugs, they'll be anathematized and attacked for being an apostate. We're dealing with a cult here. Picture David Koresh in drag.

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Laura - here’s a trans man, Buck Angel, condemning trans violence.


Look particularly at minute 12 onward.

I like to watch Buck when I find myself starting to look into the abyss.

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Barb -- without wanting to be argumentative about it, I think this is a bit of a "real Communism has never been tried" angle on what happened in NZ. Trans necessarily violates women's boundaries. But I think you are absolutely right that what attracts many male allies is exactly this, and has nothing to do with the very varied lives of people who are now identifying as trans.

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Thank you for this Kathleen. The events of the past couple of days have led me to indulge certain thoughts I can only describe as...Un-Christlike. I think you're right, there are unseen forces seeking to corrupt anything good left in our society. It's not lizard people, or reptilians, or whatever. It's Satan and his demons.

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My own interpretation is secular --- I saw a post (cannot remember source, so cannot credit it unfortunately) pointing out that Jeffrey Marsh's camera equipment is quite expensive. He's not just a lone weirdo, he has funding. And I don't think his target audience actually is children and young people, who would find him gross. It's adults who will find him creepy and threatening. That distress *is* the end game. If you've read _The Shock Doctrine_, you'll recognize this as a political strategy.

On the other hand, I will admit that the older I get the more likely it does seem to me that inexplicable evil exists and secular society is uniquely ill-prepared to cope with it.

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You might have heard of "subtle energy": an energy state intermediate between the quantum "vacuum" (more like plenum) / "Zero Point Field" that permeates the cosmos, and measurable energy that registers on eg oscilloscopes.

("Healing energy" interactions have actually been measured on specially sensitive oscilloscopes in the 1970s: producing complex data only interpretable using Chaos theory maths. Analysis showed oscillation frequencies whose ratios correspond with higher "harmonics" of the visible light spectrum, when tallied with the special colour vision of "sensitives".)

It's usually referred to as a "biofield" in relation to living, organic things including humans. Biofields can apparently be collective, as well as individual: as information fields which might help to explain the coordinated physical movement, apparently as a single organism, of eg shoals of fish, or murmurations of starlings in flight.

Biofields around humans typically display (to those who can see "auras") the fluctuating emotional (and other) states of individuals. A collective biofield could also explain collective emotional behaviour: and possibly some of Jung's psychological theories -- eg of a "collective unconscious".

It was the only explanation I could find when, in 1997, I found myself inexplicably weeping at the news of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. Why? I was anti-monarchy and always had been. I had zero interest in the doings of the monarchy including this woman herself. Her death meant nothing to me: so why the hell was I weeping? Which kept happening.

I had learnt during a brief re-engagement (after 20+ years) with a local Transcendental Meditation group, that a collective "cloud of emotion" could hang over eg cities or neighbourhoods. So my otherwise inexplicable weeping seemed like evidence of such a cloud over the whole of the UK, to account for an extraordinary national display of grief which even included me.

An explanation offered by TM for collective change in consciousness concerned critical mass, and resonance. They proposed that when at least one in ten people was meditating regularly, this set up a coherent vibration in the collective mind field: and apparently locally, the recorded crime level had suddenly dropped when the TM group reached a certain size.

Oscillation rates of the brain's electrical rhythms, and heart rate variability, do show remarkable consistency characteristic of different states of wakefulness, dreaming and meditation: but the most coherent are calm meditative states.

This theory seems harder to apply to emotional atmospheres of threat and violence, which are innately chaotic: as shown in remarkable microscope photos by Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto of slides of water exposed to a range of different influences. Heavy metal rock music produced some of the ugliest, most chaotic and muddy results: compared with beautiful sparkling crystalline snowflake-like structures in response to the music of Mozart.

And the atmosphere carries water vapour. As humans 99% of our molecules are water.

So it might be rather likely that the negativity and repeatedly expressed violent threats of the trans movement has now reached a "critical mass" or emergent level in the collective unconscious / biofield, that renders its latent violence ever more liable to explode into physical reality at incidents of perceived provocation. Egged on by "the madness of crowds".

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It’s amazing how pointing to people calling for violence is violence but the original call for violence is just fine.

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That screenshot comment is really amazing. I would be curious who the writer of it is. A shame they were censored.

These violent events are really shocking and awful. When we heard about it yesterday my husband and I were saying how strange it is that it was a woman, that that’s a very rare thing. We even joked maybe she might be trans. Then before going to bed I opened the news that confirmed this to be the case and we were creeped out that our previous dark joke turned out to be accurate. So strange.

As insane as it all is, I think on a positive note with more events like these happening it inevitably is marking the end of the trans movements golden age, and people are realizing that this healthcare and ideology is detrimental to young peoples mental health. And it confirms that a trans identified person, is in fact a mentally ill person- not just another identity to be respected like being Italian or whatever it may be. It’s just so clearly an unsustainable ideology that has no legs to stand on anymore and I think most people that are paying attention are probably also realizing this.

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Someone on Twitter familiar with the account says the person is a detransitioner.

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Hm that would make much more sense then!

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This is one of the many ways the purposeful blurring the meaning of words to describe material reality fucks everything up: Was the shooter male (and identified as a transwoman) or female (and identified as a transman)? Even I'M confused.

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UGH. Just, ugh.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

I've been in Twitter jail for over 6 months. I can't bring myself to agree that what I wrote was either wrong or inaccurate in order to retrieve my account. Love the response to your posting.

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try anyway, it will likely work

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Tried, but no deal.

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that sucks. Hats off to you, though, and i thought *i* was a badass. You'll just have to open a new account with a different name, email address and validating phone number.

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wait, are you the Ella I have been following for the last 4 years?

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Really appreciate the honesty in the last screencap's comment. Disappointing that they censored it.

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Maaate, what a crock!! So sorry this has happened! Brilliant examples in this post of their insanity, that need serious exposure.

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Things are going to get much worse, and weirder, before they get better.

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Elon Musk is a coward and a hypocrite. Electric cars are a waste of carbon, as is recycling their dangerous batteries, as is mining every last scrap of lithium from underneath indigenous cultures for his environmental racism.

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Lots of aggrieved entitlement.

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Sorry to hear of your "travails" with Twitter. Bit surprising given that "After Musk (AM)", Twitter 2.0 seemed much less willing to toe the transgender party line -- the hashtag #TransWomenAreConMen being surprisingly popular, Catherine Deves having tweeted it herself.

But good on you -- and others -- for drawing attention to the psychotic & thuggish behaviour of too many transactivists. I had been tweeting recently a link to the "Terf is a slur" website that provides chapter and verse in the way of confirmation of that "thesis" -- more like a very brute and quite ugly fact:


Quite possibly why I have now been "permanently suspended" -- all I got was something in the way of a bare assertion of having engaged in some sort of spamming. Appeal in the works but who knows how that will play out.

In any case, good point with your "raised the risk that a trans-identified person or ally would take up that suggestion". Not sure if you've ever heard of the concept of "stochastic terrorism", but the term seems entirely applicable. I'd first run across the term in a Daily Kos article from some 12 years ago, and had written a Medium post in response to a much later incident that utilized the concept:


But somewhat more broadly, you may want to consider rattling Musk's cage about the "Star Chamber" there at the rotten heart of Twitter. I've been suspended several times -- both permanently and temporarily -- and one of my responses to the first of which was an "Open Letter" to Twitter & Jack Dorsey which may be of some use to you:


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Ugh--polarization, intensification, horror, and terror. It takes only a few to destabilize it all for the rest of us.

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Well, welcome to the club, dear! We trans widows are in permanent "twitter purgatory."


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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

Well ... thinking like an algorithm, I'd be hard-pressed to tell the difference between *promoting* the event and *warning about* the event, if what I had to work with was a graphic. It *looks* like Twitter's action is intended to keep the event off the platform, period. (And n.b. displaying the graphic, while establishing a record of its existence, does *also* put it in the face of people who might be hate-reading your tweets who might not already have known about it and been inspired to go to it.)

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Great post, Eliza. Seems more like a Deportation Center than jail to me :) La-la land requires full loyalty of its citizens and deports the suspects. The Algorithm is the wall to keep the unwanted elements out.

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