I note that the secrecy has been a detail of "trans" activity for decades, also among adult men. I usually call it cross-sex ideation, rather than kowtow to the captured language of their indoctrination. When I found my former husband's 3 cross-dressing diaries, there was a breathlessness in his writing. He conjectured whether I noticed he was wearing his hair longer, how was he going to keep his longer fingernails without my commenting, how was he going to sneak into his workplace at night to do "the change-over." It was like he imagined himself to be a fighter in the French Resistance, and he was the right age to have seen those post WW2 movies. We trans widows had parallel experiences to these parents. I sense the self-righteousness of the misguided teachers fits into the "imaginary Resistance fighter" mode. I've been criticized by some in various venues for bringing up the parallel trans widow experiences; I think the information we can add is quite relevant.

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It makes sense that these kids (let’s be honest, mostly girls) would be eager to reject their parents. An embrace of a cross-sex identity is a rejection both of the self and of the realities imposed by biology. Parents are the ones who brought us into being. If we reject our own existence and reality, then our parents are the first thing we must cut loose in order to try to be something other than what we are.

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Teens' thinking goes like this: "Not accepting trans identities is wrong, so if my parents don't accept my trans identity, they're the ones who are wrong." But it would behoove them to question why the adults most invested in helping them live as trans are those who've just met them, don't know anything about them, and won't be in touch with them years down the road, while the adults who are skeptical are those who love them more than anyone else in the world does and are most invested in the best future for them.

Eating disorder e-communities help teens hide their behaviors at home, but *never* would they say that the mother who makes her daughter eat is an enemy to her. Even gay elders who condemn unsupportive parents will still encourage youth to wait until they're away from home to come out of the closet.

A trustworthy adult's answer to "my parents won't let me" should be "then wait until you're an adult," not "let me help you live a double life."

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1) it’s a cult and/or 2) it smacks of dysfunctional family dynamics, even alluding to pedophilia (the pedophile suggesting that it’s a secret to be kept between them and their victim).

My son has accused me of being transphobic because I had questions and I was the one who bought dresses for him! So this assessment that anything other than sheer unadulterated joy and acceptance as being an indication of lack of love and acceptance is spot on.

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I wonder if a lot of the secrecy with young people is being fed by adults' savior complexes that developed out of their own unresolved childhood pain. It's not uncommon for people like teachers and therapists to come from families in which they had to assume undue responsibility or were ignored or even abused. The pain they experienced often feeds into a savior complex they may project onto their students/clients, sometimes very intensely. The flier with the "I'm your mom now" message seems to epitomize this. This teacher might be very wounded and imagines herself to be the mother she never had to these kids. This causes a blindness and passion that's hard to reason with.

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The only problem I have with this is that it could be read to imply that parents who don't go along with names and pronouns and question the medical "treatments" really may actually be mean, while those who go along with names and pronouns and question the medical "treatments" aren't. I would suggest that neither are mean. Parents who not only question the mutilation of young bodies as a result of a sudden realization of an undefined/undefinable "Gender Identity," but also question the use of opposite sex pronouns and the concept of the "dead name," are concerned about this whole bizarre ideation and what is doing to their teens' minds and bodies, which is not mean at all.

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government policy works by trial. no trial or test was done prior to these policies enactment so the negative outcomes of this diaster is experienced on wide scale. but this all the more reason why these negative outcomes should be documented and collected.

also, for ppl who tell parents that just turning off the internet wont help - it will help for some. kids may have IRL social contacts providing peer support for misguided ideas - but real life influences have flaws that internet groomers and fiction never will be encumbered by.

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FMI on schools' aggressive promotion of Gender Identity Ideology and their demonization of anyone, including parents, who don't immediately agree with it, see the Anti-Science Disaster of Gender Ideology in the Schools.


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