I admit I did not expect so many people to find the Emperor's New Penis so compelling
Trans activism in a nutshell: Nothing belongs to women.
No history, no heroines, no realm of human experience, no social movements, no language.
The demand is: My 'truth' requires your silence. You cannot respect my existence unless you defer to me—in your speech, your perceptions, your very self-conception. About women as a group, nothing can be said—
—with just one notable exception: Transwomen are women, the m̵o̵s̵t̵ ̵i̵m̵p̵o̵r̵t̵a̵n̵t̵ most oppressed of all women. But of those other women, not members of the trans-elect, nothing can be observed, argued, or concluded.
There's nothing, after all, that these women—this subset of women, really—do not share with ‘men,’ pregnancy, abortion, and menstruation included.
Except to point out their shortcomings as allies to transwomen, suspected of organizing politically in their own interests and placing invisible quotation marks around preferred pronouns, why speak of this group at all? Insisting on doing so only invites suspicion.
And as for those menstruating men, they ought to remember their male privilege and atone for it with their compliance and utter self-abnegation. Anything else is out of line.
So, remind me again: what's new here? Just the pronouns, right?