The witch-burners and inquisitioners also thought they were advancing the cause of social justice and had no doubt that they were on the "right side of history." Arguably, so did the Nazis. Believing one's cause to be just is virtually a requirement for subscribing to it. As Eliza states so eloquently, claiming that one is doing good is no justification for inherently inhumane behavior.

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Exactly! The question remains: is this a real social justice movement?

The answer remains: no.

It’s a coordinated effort to have the delusions of a few men validated so that they can feel better about themselves.

These people are deliberately appropriating social justice aesthetics and language to legitimise their demands, but we see through it, and we see how their attempts endanger the hard won progress towards sexual equality. And we know that women are the truly marginalised group.

To many of us, this looks like the latest in a long line of attempts to keep women subjugated. And those of us who love fairness and equality will die trying to prevent that from happening.

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