There seems to be something attractive about believing such an absurdity, doesn’t there?

Because it’s so counter-intuitive (most things that are wrong are — thankfully), it seems ‘deep’, ‘philosophical’ and clever. The belief protects itself, because anyone that disagrees doesn’t ‘get it’.

But it’s just boringly, blandly wrong. I know that because of the logical inconsistencies. If a trans-woman is a woman, what’s the definition of ‘woman’? How can you compare your own entirely subjective ‘gender identity’ to anyone else’s to make sure there’s an objective commonality between them?

It’s maddeningly mad, the whole thing. But the virus has infected so many. They let it in because it seemed vaguely kind, and there’s no way back for them unless they swallow an awful lot of pride.

I think we may be stuck with this.

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Good stuff.

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Of course! And thank you. I’ve just discovered your work and it’s so laser-sharp, and so essential.

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All gender ideology leads here. The professional feminists with their absolute contempt for ordinary women who hungered for a shot at a life of basic satisfactions--a reliable, appealing mate and the privilege of enjoying their children's earliest years without mockery and contempt--dragged us behind them as they thundered down this road shrieking about liberation.

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Feminism has always been about choices for women and centering their needs and rights. Feminists called out the trans nonsense decades ago (see Janice Raymond's book, The Transsexual Empire, published in 1979 warning of the dangers--she is a lesbian feminist formerly a professor at the U of MA). Had feminists' concerns been heeded perhaps we would not be where we are currently--but who listens to shrieking women.

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"Feminists" never gave a good goddamn about women who wanted an ordinary life, with a decent husband and a couple of kids, and the hope of buying one of those savagely-derided "ticky-tacky" houses so they'd have a little privacy and a bit of ground to plant with something pretty.

They were as totalitarian as any other movement always becomes, eventually. They didn't want "choice." They wanted their choices and in between stealing each other's guys, they mocked everyone who had other dreams for themselves.

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I don't know what feminist movement you were a part of but that was not my experience. The women I knew had husbands and children and some were lesbian but their concerns were to advance the rights and opportunities for women.

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I have never been part of any feminist movement but I worked for an organization that was pure feminism and staffed by some of the most wretched people on earth.

But anyone who's lived through the past sixty years or so can see this plainly, unless they choose not to.

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