The comment about not being a “threat to the global gender binary” is infuriating. Nobody cares about the “gender binary.” We care about people being irreversibly harmed. Doctors are supposed to care about that too. Instead they have blinded themselves to the needs of their individual patients in service of a political goal. Whenever that has happened in human history the outcome has been terrible.

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Hahaha, you and I might not care about the "global gender binary" but they do because it keeps some people from looking any closer. That type of word salad sounds progressive to some ears who hear "of course we need to resist the global pressure to conform to the binary, because binaries are bad, so WPATH must be good because they are helping people resist that terrible awful global gender binary!"

Classic redirection. Sigh.

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Entirely to the point!

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Likewise as to the "small percentage of the population" being maimed. The number of Blacks gunned down by police each year is tiny, too, in comparison to the size of the population, really just a rounding error. So why should people get so agitated in either case, right?

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"Gender, like genitalia, is represented by diversity." If one's genitalia are, supposedly, irrelevant in determining one's gender, why such emphasis on them? Or specifically, having cosmetic operations to change them?

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Another indication that "diversity" is a nonsensical word. It's just a hand wave at something supposed to be good so that the listener will stop thinking.

We don't have diverse genitalia--there are two kinds. The fact that they have slight variations is not a sign of their diversity at all.

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My thoughts exactly. There are only two types of genitalia, no more unless you have a chromosomal defect

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No, a "defect"/abnormality/disorder or any such category is such only in relation to the non-defective. There's still only two kinds of genitalia even if they come in normal and various abnormal forms.

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The people in charge of WPATH are so narcissistic they believe that every patient is just an opportunity for the doctors to relive their own lives through their patients. "Oh, if only someone had cut off my penis when I was 10, I would be able to pass as a woman now!" People who have unresolved psychiatric disorders of this kind should never be in charge of the psychiatric care of other people who have the same problems.

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Yes, exactly! They’re thinking ‘If we can normalise this in kids, then the world won’t think of us as freaks and sexual deviants because everyone will be like us, even a 2 year old.’

Unfortunately a lot of them intentionally train and go into medicine and psychiatry/psychology to live out their narcissistic fantasy of control over others.

Nothing to do with Trans directly but the connection is control over another’s body and life. In the UK, Dr Harold Shipman got a narcissistic high from having control over the bodies and lives of old age pensioners.

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Is this established fact? I ask because I have long thought all these ostensible experts must have grown up as unquestioning and entirely conventional heterosexual and "cisgendered". That's the only way anyone could possibly believe the slogan "The kids know what they are." In other words, they would clearly have utterly no idea of the turmoil, confusion, and self questioning that afflicts kids who realize about age 12 or so that they are not turning out like their friends or how everyone expected them to turn out. I'm convinced these supposed experts know about as much about their pediatric patients mental and emotional state as a white adult who grew up in an upper middle class suburban two parent household would know about the needs of a Black child growing up in an impoverished single parent home in a typical urban ghetto. environment.

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I don't have an exact count on the percentage of prominent gender doctors and psychologists who "identify as" trans/binary/etc., but yes, a high percentage of them do. Marci Bowers, the President of WPATH, has been medically transitioned to "trans fem," or whatever the current jargon is. It is also interesting that most of these people are males, but maybe that is changing now that so many girls think they want to be boys.

Women who want to live as men have a much easier time passing than do men who want to live as women. Testosterone has very dramatic effects on the female body, although it does not cause female bodies to grow penises, and phalloplasty does not create a functional penis either. The situation for males who want to live as women is very different. Men who medically transition in adulthood are generally unable to pass as women under close scrutiny, if at all.

Gender treatment professionals, especially surgeons, have therefore become increasingly focused on how to PREVENT the development of male secondary sex characteristics that goes on after puberty. The emphasis of the whole field of gender treatment has shifted towards children, because that is when the preventative intervention has to occur to enable an individual of either sex to look more like the other one, but it is crucial for males who want to look like women. That is also why puberty blockers are so precious to the gender treatment subculture. They were to be the magical potion that would hold off the irreversible physical changes that effectively "ruin any chance" for a male to look like an attractive woman. The hormone replacements that can be started after the puberty blockers are an even more magical solution, that not only stops physical development in the unwanted direction but starts it in the desired one.

There is a hyper-identification with the patients on the part of the treatment professionals who are enthralled by fantasies of being magically transformed into someone of the other sex. The professionals are trying to provide the children with the ability they themselves retroactively long for, (even if they actually had no such longings when they were ten or fifteen), to stop the sexual development of adolescence in the normal direction. I am sure that it feels to most of them like they are doing the most wonderful of all things for their patients, the thing that they themselves want or wanted the most.

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Note the circular nature of the authority granting: Major medical associations justify their gender-affirming care practices by deferring to WPATH standards of care; WPATH, in turn, defends itself by saying major medical associations adopted their standards of care.

"WPATH is and has always been a science- and evidence-based organization whose recommendations are widely endorsed by major medical organizations around the world."

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Well said!

The reason why the circularity is so effective in this case, however, is that the public and even the doctors have so much trust in medical professional associations that they accept their positions as valid premises.

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I pose, based on my experience divorcing a man like Mark/Marci Bowers, that the estrogen has affected his brain and cognition, critical thinking and capacity for reality bites. These dudes are constantly stroked and affirmed, which sends the logical brain on vacation. The glorification (remember, he's the "Jazz surgeon" all over television) and the worship of him within WPATH gave him years of smooth sailing, no need to reflect on dissent or wrestle superior studies like the Swedish study of death records showing a much higher rate of death by suicide or seriously consider the detransition of so many young women. Thanks, Eliza! The reactions to the stark truth of medical malpractice are extremely telling.

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But the trans community will insist that everyone else is obsessed with genitalia though.

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It still seems to me that changing the mind would be a better option. Unless the surgeons are tempted to do brain transplants, of course.

Since gender confusion is a delusion, why not try psychiatric drugs.

I read an article about children from states that have banned the treatment and have to move to states that don’t ban the treatment, the whole family picks up everything and it’s a huge, stressful change for everyone, new schools, new jobs, new home etc. Or they can drive 800 miles to a different state, or take a plane for free offered by volunteer pilots who are committed to the cause.

No wonder these tranny kids think the world revolves around them! It does! They are so trapped in that delusion they couldn’t get out of it if they tried.

How on earth can the AMA, APA back this unscientific protocol?

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Gender, like genitalia--this is the twaddle-riffs of Queer poetry.

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"For years, {WPATH's] conferences and events have promoted the narrative that gender clinicians are a misunderstood and persecuted vanguard within medicine who will be vindicated in the future but must suffer heinous accusations in the here and now."

This is not an abstract matter. In Oregon, at least, the progressive lawmakers who wield so much power seem to be aware of the "heinous accusations" that are being leveled against the gender-affirming care establishment, a contingent that would surely include WPATH. In 2023, the Oregon legislature approved, and the Oregon governor signed into law, a bill [1] that shielded a wide variety of Oregon-licensed medical and mental health care providers of gender-affirming care. The same bill also contained similar protections for providers of reproductive health care services. The latter were a response to the US Supreme Court's Dodd decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade.

The types of providers who are covered by the law are protected from having their Oregon licenses suspended or revoked under certain circumstances. They're shielded if they were convicted in another state for providing gender-affirming services that are unlawful in that state but legal in Oregon. Providers' Oregon licenses are protected also if another state suspends or revokes the provider's license in that state for having provided gender-affirming services that are unlawful in that state but legal in Oregon.

However, that protection is only available if the services provided were performed in accordance with the standard of care applicable to the services.

To put this in context, if a provider of health care or mental health care is licensed in multiple states, being convicted of professional misconduct or having his or her license suspended or revoked by one state can be grounds for the licensing board in the other state or states to open a disciplinary investigation that can result in in the same or similar penalties there.

Oregon law is now hostile to states that have regulated, restricted or banned gender-affirming medicine and gender-affirming mental health care. It prevents those states from harming providers' professional standing in Oregon just because they were punished professionally in that state for practicing illegal gender medicine there. All the the gender-affirming licensed care provider has to to is make sure he or she uses the standard of care applicable to the services they are providing. And what would that standard be? Well, would any gender-affirming mental health or heath care provider cite any standard of care besides WPATH's?

[1] https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwju8diUoeOEAxUTFjQIHctzBiAQFnoECA0QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Folis.oregonlegislature.gov%2Fliz%2F2023R1%2FMeasures%2FOverview%2FHB2002&usg=AOvVaw1HmFPEkOSeqav45gzlB_Q3&opi=89978449

Note: This is not legal advice and I am not your lawyer or anyone else's. Please consult a qualified attorney if you need legal advice. Certain details of the law have been simplified for clarity.

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Loving the disclaimer at the end! Just in case! Lol… 😂

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I think Bowers is referring to the Joan Rivers joke about looking down at your old-lady labia and wondering how that dirty gray sock got there...Or maybe that's about nullification surgery?

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I'm reading through the files and trying to work out how big this is, how much it will impact the practices and social phenomenon generally. So far, I'm thinking it's like turning an oil tanker. Those of us still connected to reality will have our view confirmed, while those captured by queer theory will also have theirs confirmed - yet another reactionary hater is trying to stop progress.

I've got to a discussion of an "interview study" of clients who are "trans" and (in the new lingo) "plural". The naive uber-progressive participant says, "(what may have been called DID or multiple in the past)." Despite acknowledging that there's a lack of knowledge on "this topic" and more training is needed, there's the obvious subtext that "dissociative identity disorder" was an awful slur, as are all mental diagnoses. Someone who believes they're several people is right, not suffering from some cognitive malfunction, so it's important to get all their various parts to agree on what gender they'll adopt, just as someone who believes they're a different sex from that of their body is right. And I began to wonder where these people's lines might be. Do any of their clients claim to be a different species, and do they accept that as factual? Do any of them claim to be extra-terrestrials, or ghosts? Do these people have any limits on their affirmation of untenable claims? If they would doubt the latter examples, do they ever ask themselves what the difference is? "I've got a penis and I'm beginning to grow a beard, but I'm a girl!" versus "I'm a rabbit from Mars!"

The problem seems to be that mental illness is denied, so goes untreated, because the clinicians are mentally ill.

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"The problem seems to be that mental illness is denied, so goes untreated, because the clinicians are mentally ill."

Mental illness certainly is getting denied in this example! Dissociative Identity Disorder is one of the most severe personality disorders, accompanied by high levels of psychic pain and low levels of functioning. I can understand why some people want to be seen as "neurodiverse" or whatever because they don't want to be stigmatized as ill, but that has not gone one with dissociative disorders. These illnesses are not cool, and people who have them do not benefit at all from having their illnesses portrayed as cool, especially when they themselves have a strong need to be seen as cool.

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Ooooh, I thought I was up on the lingo but hadn't heard plural before!

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Come on, the thread is from January 2022! (Me neither. Anyway, they've probably renamed it again by now.)

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WPATH alleges it is being persecuted by the haters, who urge medical caution.

Similarly, my daughter alleges I am hateful because, when she asked what I think of her friend’s mother who socially transitioned the friend at 8 - a chubby girl with some academic and social challenges - and then skipped puberty blockers but put her on testosterone simultaneously with a double mastectomy (she might have benefitted from a breast reduction as her breasts were quite large and unwieldy) around her 16th birthday, I said I believed she was “misguided.”

From discussion, it is clear the mother would say I am hateful and bigoted for wanting my daughter to try to live in her healthy female body - and dress and act any way she is comfortable with.

So, when anyone indicates that those who are medically altering healthy bodies of young vulnerable individuals due to distress over their sexed bodies might be making a major mistake or be misguided, that is hateful.

Yet anyone who thinks it might be a mistake to medically alter those same young vulnerable individuals with healthy bodies and distress over their sexed bodies can be called hateful bigoted monsters, and such accusations are not hateful at all.

What am I missing? This seems like a very distorted double standard to me - or a gross misunderstanding of what it is to be hateful and bigoted.

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Ah yes, I think this makes more sense when you realise that Trans is a cult, its adherents brainwashed and radicalized by activists, and the world looks entirely different from inside and outside a cult. For describing your friend's transitioned daughter (Edit: rather, your daughter's friend) using female pronouns, you fail to accept the basic premise of the religion and are therefore hateful. Accepting the natural trajectory of human bodies in maturing according to their biochemistry is, to them, forcing the "trans" person to suffer "the wrong puberty", a despicable thing to do. And never mind Trans, these days "being nice" is such a doublethink piece of mind-control that your "a chubby girl with some academic and social challenges" is, to them, fat-shaming, neuro-normative wage-slave mentality. It is, of course, just reasonable observation of facts.

The additional problem with young people is that they have little ability to discriminate between empirically discerning facts about something and projecting descriptions onto them, so if someone hints that so-and-so "is trans" that means they are this thing (and, as Eliza's work adequately demonstrates, if that's a tentative thought about themselves, it's easy for it to solidify into a fact about them).

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You hit the nail on the head with that comment!

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One of my petty joys in life is whenever the words "gender medicine" appear in something I quote, I "[sic]" them.


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This would be a great time for some quiet, behind the scenes discussions with Ms. Rowling to request her financial help in order to fund the initiation of a massive class action lawsuit against these amoral clowns posing as "professionals" - AND - against the many organizations using WPATH's baseless unscientific "protocols" to justify chemically castrating and mutilating young people.

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I am a non-practicing lawyer, and I keep thinking I need to find a way to move into the class-action space, 'cause this is gonna be a HUGE one.

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People who file lawsuits have to have "standing" to do so, do they not? And does that not rest on being the person who has been harmed? The prediction that large masses of Gen Z people will one day reverse their generational trajectory and sue their cosmetic surgeons seems very optimistic at this point.

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Some are suing now. Many who regret it just kill themselves though, and are unavailable as plaintiffs.

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The narcissism is disturbing. You can hear the grandiosity. How WPATH believe themselves to be special and uniquely gifted. World leaders in their field. Giving themselves a devine right to mutilate more vulnerable children. They will never believe they have done anything wrong. There is a long fight ahead (begun a long time ago by many courageous people) to stop this ideological cult. To cut of the Medusa's head with all the snakes of different NGOs and charities that have helped to create the power behind this vile monster.

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As always your summaries and analysis are helpful. They help me to be. Better critical thinker. Yes. They are a threat. Men in women’s sport, locker rooms, US laws taking children from their parents… what a circular, intentionally deceptive response. These people and their Think Tanks are really very clever. It’s scary.

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