I can’t find it online (just reviews of it, slamming it as you-know-what), but it is in Crazy Salad, the collection of her writings. Let’s just say she agrees with RW.

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"Nora Ephron was appalled by Morris' notion of what it is to be a woman:

"I always wanted to be a girl, too. I, too, felt that I was born into the wrong body, a body that refused, in spite of every imprecation and exercise I could manage, to become anything but the boyish, lean thing it was... I wanted more than anything to be something I will never be – Feminine and feminine in the worst way. Submissive. Dependent. Soft-spoken. Coquettish. I was no good at all at any of it, no good at being a girl; on the other hand I am not half bad at being a woman. In contrast Jan Morris is perfectly awful at being a woman; what she has become instead is precisely what James Morris wanted to become all those years ago. A girl. And worse, a forty-seven-year-old girl. And worst of all, a forty-seven-year-old Cosmopolitan girl."

All I could find was this quote.

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Fuck, that's really good. I hope somebody's got the whole piece.

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If only there was a place where books were kept, where you could go to read, or even borrow them...crazy thought: what if we all pitched in a little bit per year, then this place could buy a ton of books and they'd be available for everybody. HA, it'll never happen...

But seriously, I checked out my library's copy (eBook, took two minutes to get it) and I'm reading it, it's hilarious. Won't let me cut and paste, sorry.

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Esquire took it off their website, but has other pieces by Ephron. https://classic.esquire.com/authors/nora-ephron

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Thanks for this. I have been a fan of Rebecca West for quite a few years now. What a treat to read this! Ms. West was very observant.

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I've loved her for years. It was a delight to find this.

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Have you also read Nora Ephron’s review of this book? If not, I highly recommend it.

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What, no?

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