Do these people have any respect for the functional aspect of a human body? “If you want breasts later in life you can go get them..” what the actual duck?? How’s a baby supposed to use “replaced breasts”? What are you going to feed them, silicone??

I can almost see the temptation to the lizard people conspiracy theory. When you have ‘medical professionals’ talking about human body simulacra like this you have to wonder if they’re actually a real life human being…

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I have a politically incorrect comment about cosmetic surgery. I've been watching over the years as it seems to become more ubiquitous with more billboards advertising the latest bubble lips, balloon boobs and wax faces. I also see what looks like wax faces and starched hair in most Hollywood films and tv. Then I watch foreign film and the actors usually look like normal people, with frizzed hair and little to no make-up. Why is making the actors look like wax models seen as desirable? I don't get it. Then there's the fact that many places have a doctor shortage and yet there's this demand for plastic surgeons. I find it terrible that some may have to wait to see a GP while there are doctors out there using all that training to do butt implants. The plastic surgery demand is an indication of decay in our society, imo, and has contributed to the derailment of young people.

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My father (who died 10 years ago) as a devoted cineaste (he took me to the UK's National Film Theatre when I was 15) used to comment that American films are made for children: European films are made for adults, by adults.

The billboard bubble lips and balloon boobs and wax faces essentially belong to Disney characters: using the cartoonist's craft of exaggeration of salient features (sex plus worship of youth) to create a fantasy world where everyone can buy sexiness via cosmetic surgery, and noone ever gets old (as that ends any woman's acting career).

The whole grotesque and cartoonish gender cult is like bad science fiction written by children, for consumption by other children of any age. J M Barrie wrote an archetypal version: with Neverland as home for the forever young Peter Pan (half boy, half bird) as "the boy that wouldn't grow up" and his gang of Lost Boys, with his sidekick Wendy and jealous fairy Tinker Bell.

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I like your father. May he rest in peace.

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"American films are made for children: European films are made for adults, by adults."

Once Europeans land in America and just see how people dress to travel here leads to one inescapable conclusion: Americans are adult babies.

And our Mama the Market, wouldnt have it any other way!

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This is what happens when the abnormal is treated as normal by society. #CONSEQUENCES

Medical degrees are often obtained by bright people with active and deep seated mental illness. These people are likely to be influential and dangerous. So what’s going to be done about it? Is it just going to be batted around in an echo chamber for profit?

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Your judgement that doctors have deep-seated mental illness is not something I agree with. I do think a lot of them are greedy, and perhaps gullible (when it comes to trans issues), but I have had a lot of excellent doctors in my life, and most of them seemed perfectly normal to me.

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There is a higher proportion of psychopaths among surgeons than among medical practitioners generally. I tend to think these are the ones who'll mainly be found doing "gender reassignment" surgery, for a nice profit and lots of followup to alleviate the original mistakes.

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"There is a higher proportion of psychopaths among surgeons than among medical practitioners generally." That's an opinion, since there is no way to measure such a thing. Besides, SSmith above was referring to all medical doctors, not just surgeons.

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It'a something I read somewhere in a study of psychopaths: which included their distribution in various occupations etc. I also remember they constituted around 4% of CEOs of large corporations, compared with 1% in the population generally.

I don't have an opinion on it.

I have also personally encountered a surprising number of doctors I would call callous.

The psychopathy among surgeons was correlated with the particularly "gung ho" attitutude of some, and willingness to slice into living flesh, which distinguished them from queasier colleagues.

Sorry I don't remember the source: I read too much too fast.

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Well, that's hardly scientific. I'm actually surprised that only 1% of the total population is psychopathic. The problem, of course, is that psychological categories are not exact. The worst experience I ever had with a doctor happened just a couple months ago when I went to an ophthalmologist for a second opinion on my cataract surgery. He was rude, condescending and dismissive. He apparently felt that cataract surgery wasn't important enough to get a second opinion, but it was the first surgery I ever had. I never had such a bad experience in my life.

Women, however, have it worse with doctors, simply because of the misogyny among men.

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I'm sorry to hear about your unsatisfactory experience with a rude and dismissive doctor. I've found that the worst offences as a patient are presuming to know anything about one's own condition, let alone having a different explanation or -- worst of all -- asking questions. These are all challenges to authority which cannot be tolerated. Then there the DIY enthusiasts eager to have a go with locked spine or frozen shoulder -- or maybe just to test if it's real, not malingering -- who have caused me agonising and unnecessary physical pain with their ruthless wrenches and jerks. There are also the ones who don't believe drug reactions because it conflicts with what's printed somewhere. And the ones who regard clinical depression as "just feeling sorry for yourself" -- and the ones who tell you off for not going to see them much sooner (I now avoid all doctors so far as I possibly can).

Yes women tend to get a harder time than men, for all kinds of reasons which might be summed up as misogyny. Women are not taken seriously, and assumed to be malingerers, so much more often sent away with a drug prescription than referred for investigation or surgery, as men are for the same complaints. Women are also absent from most clinical trials, with only men as research subjects: "because" women's menstrual cycle makes us unsatisfactory research subjects, with too many confounding variables. This data gap is also based on the presumption that for medical purposes women are just an inferior version of men. So when heart attacks etc show up differently in women from how the do in men, they are not recognised -- and women die: where men would get swift and effective treatment. Source: Caroline Criado Perez, "Invisible Women" about the data gap. The chapter on medicine is quite big.

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As a man, I haven't had that many bad experiences with doctors, although that ophthalmologist did many of the things you listed. If you haven't found a woman doctor to go to, I suggest you do. I can imagine that a woman doctor would treat a woman patient better. The best doctors I have had have been women. More women are becoming doctors these days. The day will come when most doctors are women.

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I usually see a woman doctor when I have to. But one of the most ruthless with DIY incompetence & absurdly taking offence at being asked questions, was a woman! When eventually I asked to change (in a group practice) who I was registered with, the receptionist's answer suggested that I hadn't been the first to ask.

I believe that -- in the UK at least -- there are now more women than men qualifying as doctors.

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I'm sorry you had that bad experience. I've learned to be very aggressive when someone tries to shut me down, but that may not be in your nature. I'm off to bed now.

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Correction: the relish with which surgeons corresponding to the "psychopath" psychological profile sliced into living flesh, compated with more cautious and reticent colleagues.

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I don't understand your last comment.

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On YouTube there are videos by a trans man. (Now, some people will feel that what I am about to say is cruel, since I "should" be glad for him that he has achieved such a convincing transition. I'll use male pronouns to be polite).

He is young, and has a very masculine swagger -- very well studied, I might add, and very convincing. He gives a good rendition of a young macho man, speaking in an accent that could be from the Bronx. With his shirt off, he looks realistically male EXCEPT that the surgeons put his nipples in the wrong place -- they are an inch or two too low, not ON the lower portion of his pectoral muscles, but right at their bottom edge. The nipples are also the wrong shape, as men usually have flat nipples, and his are prominent and shapely.

He is fairly honest with his viewers, and in the video I watched he talks about his fake penis. He chose a moderate size -- six inches. That, I realize, is necessary because these fake penises [apparently] never become soft. They have to be hard enough to be useful during sex, and if it is too large it will be an embarrassment in the trans man's pants. During the video I watched, he revealed that a small amount of liquid comes out of his penis during sex -- but what the hell is that liquid?

Now, if this is a person with real gender dysphoria, I should just shut up. But there is so much about him that seems wrong -- the over-compensating male behavior being the main thing. One gets the feeling that one is watching an actor play a part.

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She, not he.

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That's my decision.

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It is your decision to use incorrect grammar, but it's still incorrect grammar.

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Thanks for this, Kmick. Please see my response to Mr. James in this thread.

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kmick -- Do not correct me. I am an excellent writer. If I want to be polite to a trans person by using his preferred pronouns, then I will.

You know as well as I do that this is not a grammar issue.

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Think about this. Does my crossdressing, post-op ex-husband have the "right" to name himself "mother" of our 2 grown sons? Especially after he went down the "transition" rabbit hole when I was 6 months pregnant with our second son? He now claims that he went through my 2 natural labors. After all, he was there, though pretty much useless. He convincingly tells everyone how much faster and intense the second labor was, only 5 hours, while the first was the normal 12 hours. He works in a tech job serving world class museums, demonstrating "pronouns" and recommending museum staff to advise that we "don't know" if any of the old masters "were actually women."

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Ute, I know you've had a bad experience and you're angry about these particular matters, but that isn't good reason to require someone else's pronoun use (or any other reasonable speech) to conform to your preferences, any more than a trans-identifying person's pronoun preferences should compel your speech.

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You are kidding, right? Biology matters. Here's my short 1 minute message. Do you understand that detransitioners often say they wish they had not been affirmed and given the power to control everyone's speech such that they are deceitful? Do not tell me what "anger" is. I am now helping 53 trans widows express our histories, including 5 rapes, none prosecuted. So, Russell Brand gets cancelled and these dudes in dresses, who refuse to pay child support and 19 of them sexually assaulted their wives (5 were the rapes) are to be obeyed in your pronouns rules? Get real.

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Again, your anger is evident. I know you've had a rotten time. The horrors you describe are awful. I too am angry about these things, but none of that means you have the right to compel other people's speech. Try to understand that. It would be useful to learn how to discriminate between different ideas. For instance, I am not telling you "what anger is," I am pointing out that your anger appears to be getting in the way of your rationality, such that you're attacking people who are essentially on the same side of the debate, for choices that have absolutely nothing to do with you. You just join a bunch of dots between your abuse and someone making a decision to be polite about a trans-identified person, for reasons they don't have to explain to you, but did try to do.

I followed the work of Debbie Hayton for years, who is a male transsexual, and I used female pronouns. I did that because I felt s/he deserved that level of respect, because s/he is gender critical and campaigns against gender ideology tirelessly, but "lives as a woman" (having suffered gender identity disorder from early childhood, ignored it, had a family, then found life "as a man" intolerable). There are such people, who say that gender ideologues are harming transsexuals, because instead of just getting on with life, they demand everyone else affirms them (by such acts as using the "right" (wrong) pronouns). I recently found an old interview with Debbie, where he said he didn't care if people use male pronouns or female ones - what they say, how they identify him, is up to them - his kids use male pronouns because he's their dad, but might answer the phone and say, "I'll get her" because someone else thinks of Debbie as a woman. So I decided to switch to he/him/his now.

I have a lot of compassion and pity for "trans people" who have been victimized by gender ideology. Individual trans people aren't a target for me to bash or disrespect. I am against the teaching of gender ideology, to stop more people being put on the conveyor belt, but I don't see the need to insult those suffering the results. I try to have compassion even for those perpetrating the scandal, for reasons you'd never understand so I won't bother telling you. And I don't suppose any of this will have any effect other than to stimulate another wall of data about male transgressions that mean we must all fall in line with your linguistic absolutism.

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"linguistic absolutism", I like that. Thank you for defending me, LS.

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Trans widows are very, very familiar with this variety of sermon. So, you find it "fair" for a victim of rape to tell her experience using female name and pronouns for him. I represent not just myself, but 53 trans widows. One more has contacted me, but she is unable to leave, and locks herself into an upstairs room in the home to protect herself after he comes back from his "dress-ups." I am not compelling your speech. I do not know you. As all do in these comments, I express factual information, and give my conclusions. I am not going to read this megillah, my dear. Take a look at womenarehuman.com and reduxx.com for the very real reports of men in women's prisons and elsewhere, attacking women, then demanding to be called one.

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Do I "find it 'fair' for a victim of rape to tell her experience using female name and pronouns"? If she wants to, sure. You mean, do I find it fair if she is compelled to do so, and that's the crux of the matter. You are indeed trying to compel Perry and me to conform to your rules about gendered pronouns, which is the same problem as I have clarified regarding this hypothetical victim of rape. She might prefer to refer to her rapist with his new name. Who you gonna get pissed off with then, eh? Are you going to demand the victim does what you think she should do, and call him by his male name?

Instead of recognising your absolutism, you keep inviting people to see how awful the effects of gender ideology are (or the bit you're angry about, anyway), but I've been researching this for a year at least, and none of it is new to me.

I wonder how you would talk to, and about, these two ladies if you met them. Is it different when it's the other way around? Are women who transition and become gender critics due some respect, or would you demand to know the name they had before they transitioned, and keep saying "she" and "her" and "hers"? https://youtu.be/9_RpPVbOwxA

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Well, I see that Cancel Culture is coming after me now, except that this is not the pro-trans Cancel Culture, this is the anti-trans Cancel Culture. Either way, I don't like it.

Listen, *I* DECIDE what to say in my comments. From time to time, when a trans person puts on a particularly convincing show of being part of the opposite sex, I'll use the pronouns that person prefers. Since this was a trans man I was talking about, and since REAL MEN (unlike real women) are not threatened by transgenderism, I didn't see any harm in it. If you don't like it, too bad. You squawking chickens can find someone else to peck at now.

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Actually, "real men" are threatened by transgenderism, as they occasionally do not recognize a man in woman-face, trying to seduce him, the way my ex-husband, now COO of his tech company tried to do, unsuccessfully. The tells are shoulder/hip ratio, Adams apple, hand size and feet size, along with voice. These individuals have descended the rabbit hole of narcissism, and "transmen" often are harassing their parents to deplete the parents' retirement funds to pay for second wardrobes, THAT kind of Doc Martens, as well as "phalloplasties" which they then use to deceive unsuspecting young women, who are looking for a male marriage partner. Try to think outside of the box, man. Why are women threatened by crossdressing ex-husbands like my ex? Because they use lobbying organizations to take us back to court, knowing we don't have Jennifer Pritzger paying our legal fees. Out of 34 children in my data, of these fathers, 7 expressed suicidal ideation, 4 of which did indeed try seriously to kill themselves. The hospitals are not taking data on these children. As well, 4 trans widows I know of committed suicide. In no cases of the 4 children of men who say they are women, did those men participate in the therapy afterward. No one is cancelling you, by the way. You are exclaiming the same overblown rhetoric. In addition, "gender therapy degrees" are now available online, want to become "an expert?"


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Enough, Ute. I'm not changing my normal practice in this area.

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Enough Perry. You may one day live to see a grandchild ruin his or her life. Listen to the story of 2 male detransitioners who wish they had not been "affirmed."


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I don't need to acquaint myself with facts I already know. Stop scolding me. We are on the same side. You are being obnoxious. I will use the terminology I decide to use, and anyone who piles on me for my use of pronouns will not get a polite response.

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No, it's a human rights issue. It violates the human rights of a sex class (men, women) when a member of one class falsely claims to be a member of the other, usurping the fundamental human right to free association (in this case, with members of one's own sex only). You endorse this violation of human rights by using the pronouns of the falsely claimed sex class.

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Ridiculous. You endorse slavery by using a damned computer. The link between those things is much clearer than whether Perry's use of "he" instead of "she" or vice versa is going to violate anyone's human rights, now or in the future.

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Funny, I thought you were in a comments section with other readers of the column. But apparently you are actually in an alternate universe in a conversation with a cross-dressing dude.

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I'm looking for a way on Substack to block your comments from now on. You are just too much of an ass and a smart-aleck for me to bother with.

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Resistance can be a powerful tool. One way to resist gender identity ideology is to reject its language. Like all post-structuralist constructs, gender identity ideology enlists language to distort people's realities. What else explains the neologisms "top surgery" and "bottom surgery"? They make surgical mutilation sound like a trip to the Gap.

It might be faster and simpler to type Trans Inc.'s confounding terminology, but think of the impact that spelling it all out will have.

There's "hysterectomy, oophorectomy, orchiectomy, phalloplasty, vaginectomy, vaginoplasty, vulvoplasty, gender-affirming mastectomy, breast augmentation, laryngochrondoplasty, scrotectomy, penectomy," etc. (https://portlanddissent.substack.com/p/dr-peters-and-his-marvelous-vagina)

Put it to music and post it on YouTube!


Cheverton, Richard. "Dr. Peters and His Marvelous Vagina-Making Machine

An extraordinary video direct from the OHSU Transgender Chop-Shop." Portland Dissent. 21 August 2023. https://portlanddissent.substack.com/

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I’m looking for a support organization for classroom teachers (esp college)that helps teachers deal with the trans ideology brought into the classroom by students. Does any such organization exist? Thanks!

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I'd email Genspect... info@genspect.org

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As I always say, as gracefully as I can: out of 53 trans widows' data on our experiences, more half of us have been publicly defamed in court through sworn affidavits or on social media by the former husband who suddenly took on a female persona. As for sexual assaults by these men before we fled, 19 of us were sexually assaulted. There were 5 rapes. One was reported, but I was just notified by Aine-Liv (pen name) that the police have decided not to press charges. She has the same evidence as the women now accusing Russell Brand of rape. She had given birth to their daughter about 2 weeks before, and has evidence on her nursing clothing. Tracy Shannon and Rex Landy, brave women who are courageously putting their details out under their own names, were assaulted. Tracy was thrown down the stairs by her husband, who used trans lobbying groups to go to court for custody of their three children. The father of Rex Landy's child raised his hand to her (still considered assault) but she told him she'd fight back, then fled with the infant back to her native New Zealand. The truth will set you free. Data on the first 50 women who left crossdressing husbands:


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While this is a tragedy, not a comedy, JP Sears' way with creativity makes such good points. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCgzIWQA2bM&t=2s - affirming all kids no matter what. I would have been a dog.

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"bottomless", LOL!

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