Beaaaaauuuutiful! That's a thing I have noticed, this hell we're in stops me from creating. That's not on. Thanks for sharing.

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Really beautiful! Thanks!

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two cats!! Yay!

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Beautiful pictures. South Spain and their muslim heritage. I thought that the photos were taken in Alentejo, in Portugal.

Love the tiles. Completily agree with @jude kirk, "really good to see other dimensions people live in outside the T stuff."

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Purr-fect pictures . I spent some time in Andalusia and your photos bring it all back. I had a dream about a song in Spanish last night; one guitar, one voice, probably male. I heard the rhythm & tune first, then the words & realised “Oh - it’s in Spanish”. Think it was about ‘Love’; probably slightly on the yearning / heart ache / lament side of things.

I was also looking at a pattern I’d seen in a dream; the mosaic of 3s & 6s was more or less it. In fact, it probably was it.

Fantastic pics; really good to see other dimensions people live in outside the T stuff . Thanks for posting.

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Very striking and beautiful.

Good to see Eliza's trademark cats in there

Although I have to say I do prefer the photo of the lady with the red skirt in the original.

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Yes, skirt immeasurably better in red but shadow of the guitarist stands out more in b/w

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