This is so well said and such an interesting, insightful way of looking at this. It reminds me of the interview on the “Gender: A Wider Lens” podcast with the Dutch researchers who were discussing part of the Dutch Protocol used on kids. The hosts later talk about how shockingly dismissive the Dutch researchers were of all the mental hea…
This is so well said and such an interesting, insightful way of looking at this. It reminds me of the interview on the “Gender: A Wider Lens” podcast with the Dutch researchers who were discussing part of the Dutch Protocol used on kids. The hosts later talk about how shockingly dismissive the Dutch researchers were of all the mental health problems and life struggles their research participants continued to have after medical treatments. They had an attitude of, “Well, OF COURSE they’re still going to struggle and be unhappy” because the gender nonconformity and the gender confusion made these young people into something so different from everyone else that, well, what could you expect? So even the “gold standard” of this care seems predicated on a presupposition that these children are incapable of having normal lives with normal relationships
Yes, exactly! I listened to that episode as well, and to sasha and stella's comments afterwards. I think that many doctors do and recommend things to gender non-conforming individuals that they would never consider recommending to gender-conforming individuals, whom they think of as "normal". Nothing sounds more patronizing, dismissive and disrespectful than so-called "gender affirming care". Total mistransia!
This is so well said and such an interesting, insightful way of looking at this. It reminds me of the interview on the “Gender: A Wider Lens” podcast with the Dutch researchers who were discussing part of the Dutch Protocol used on kids. The hosts later talk about how shockingly dismissive the Dutch researchers were of all the mental health problems and life struggles their research participants continued to have after medical treatments. They had an attitude of, “Well, OF COURSE they’re still going to struggle and be unhappy” because the gender nonconformity and the gender confusion made these young people into something so different from everyone else that, well, what could you expect? So even the “gold standard” of this care seems predicated on a presupposition that these children are incapable of having normal lives with normal relationships
Yes, exactly! I listened to that episode as well, and to sasha and stella's comments afterwards. I think that many doctors do and recommend things to gender non-conforming individuals that they would never consider recommending to gender-conforming individuals, whom they think of as "normal". Nothing sounds more patronizing, dismissive and disrespectful than so-called "gender affirming care". Total mistransia!