I am deeply relieved to see this post is still up after several days and there is actually conversation about this.
Over the years on Reddit I have had ALL my thoughts on this matter deleted (thousands of comments), been blocked from commenting, been thrown out of women’s only subs I contributed to for years and had multiple accounts susp…
I am deeply relieved to see this post is still up after several days and there is actually conversation about this.
Over the years on Reddit I have had ALL my thoughts on this matter deleted (thousands of comments), been blocked from commenting, been thrown out of women’s only subs I contributed to for years and had multiple accounts suspended…been dogpiled downvoted, and received misogynistic threats to my inbox …all for trying to call attention to this medical malpractice and the harm it is doing.
I feel relieved to see that someone “got through” the silencing.
I am deeply relieved to see this post is still up after several days and there is actually conversation about this.
Over the years on Reddit I have had ALL my thoughts on this matter deleted (thousands of comments), been blocked from commenting, been thrown out of women’s only subs I contributed to for years and had multiple accounts suspended…been dogpiled downvoted, and received misogynistic threats to my inbox …all for trying to call attention to this medical malpractice and the harm it is doing.
I feel relieved to see that someone “got through” the silencing.